abbe Posted July 29, 2009 Report Posted July 29, 2009 Hi, Just wanted to update in the event that this information proves helpful. I took Nick to his Dr. yesterday. He tested him for all the food group allergies. The most significant thing was he IS allergic to SOY and BEEF. He has been getting soy yogurt twice per day (suppleemnts in there) and he loves meat. The other thing the doctor told me was he had a mycoplasma infection. He said that when you have this infection it can cross the blood brain barrier and cause neuro. symptoms. He said you can get the infection in your lungs but also you can get it through immunizations. He said there was a conference he went to as to why the victims of the gulf war got so sick. Well before they left for the war they were given like 10 immunizations. When the shots were tested they were found to have this mycoplasma virus. so he put Nicholas on a homeopathic series of vials that he has to take 10 of them every third day. I gave him the first last night and I was so nervous I would see a reaction. So far so good. The box says between the 2nd and fourth doses symptoms can worsen which is a part of the healing process. I am nervous but feel like I need to trust the doctor at this point. abbe
colleenrn Posted July 29, 2009 Report Posted July 29, 2009 Abbee, Did they do a blood test for the mycoplasma titer? Or didi they do an upper respiratory culture? Tahnks, Colleen
abbe Posted July 29, 2009 Author Report Posted July 29, 2009 [quote Colleen, This doctor (who is a medical doctor) does all testing through muscle testing. Hard to believe but his results have been dead on to date. abbe
Chemar Posted July 29, 2009 Report Posted July 29, 2009 Abbe there are some physicians who also feel mycoplasma is in some way involved in Crohn's disease and/or other GIT problems as well as neurological issues, so if you are seeing GIT could be due to the mycoplasma along with the food allergy
abbe Posted July 29, 2009 Author Report Posted July 29, 2009 [quote name='Chemar' Cheri, thanks for that thought. He has had the GI distress since this all broke out so there could be a coorelation. The probiotics were a god send to him. The doc. didn't want me to start him on enzymes at this point. abbe
lss Posted July 29, 2009 Report Posted July 29, 2009 Abbe, What type of medical doctor was this? Was it a Allergy and Immunology dr? Linda
abbe Posted July 30, 2009 Author Report Posted July 30, 2009 Linda, I live in NJ and he is a chinese medical doctor who has a family practice and treats everything. His name is Dr. Chung and it is the Chung Institute in Moorestown , NJ. He was affiliated with Cooper Hospital and won best doctor in Nj. I had used Dr. Magaziner who is one of the best DAN doctors in Nj, PA and I found him to be cold and uninterested with a bad attitude. Dr. Chung is confident, smart open to my ideas yet very, very confident in himself which I like.
Autic-GoodRiddance Posted July 30, 2009 Report Posted July 30, 2009 Hi, Abbe, First of all I want to say that I would absolutely trust your doctors decision on the homeopathic remedies. They are non-invasive. My son is on Heilkunst which is like sequential homeopathy with an extra "twist." Paul has had many healing reactions in the last couple of years and yes they can be frustrating, but the benefits outweigh the frustration 10:1. Paul is 18, severely Autistic and now in the last 2 years has developed severe Tourettes as well. Your post caught my attention bc I have suspected food allergies in him for many years, but afraid he will be allergic to EVERYTHING and I can't afford to buy his GF-CF foods as it is. BUT...I think it is time, since I saw in Sheila's book that food allergies can also be at the root of his Tourettes, which is more debilitating than his Autism at times. He used to be able to focus for several seconds if he's lucky. I am so glad you posted abt the mycoplasma infection as well...something to look into! Lindy Just wanted to update in the event that this information proves helpful. I took Nick to his Dr. yesterday. He tested him for all the food group allergies. The most significant thing was he IS allergic to SOY and BEEF. He has been getting soy yogurt twice per day (suppleemnts in there) and he loves meat. The other thing the doctor told me was he had a mycoplasma infection. He said that when you have this infection it can cross the blood brain barrier and cause neuro. symptoms. He said you can get the infection in your lungs but also you can get it through immunizations. He said there was a conference he went to as to why the victims of the gulf war got so sick. Well before they left for the war they were given like 10 immunizations. When the shots were tested they were found to have this mycoplasma virus. so he put Nicholas on a homeopathic series of vials that he has to take 10 of them every third day. I gave him the first last night and I was so nervous I would see a reaction. So far so good. The box says between the 2nd and fourth doses symptoms can worsen which is a part of the healing process. I am nervous but feel like I need to trust the doctor at this point. abbe
Char Posted July 30, 2009 Report Posted July 30, 2009 PaulsMom, Hi, and welcome!! This forum is great for finding information and support from others. I have found alot of answers to my questions and lots of support from others on this forum. So you are in the right place to help you find some answers to your questions. Sorry to hear you have had such a rough time. I know how hard it can be. My son has tics and it is very hard for me and sometimes very frustrating for me and him. But I keep trying to find the right treatments for him. Do you have him on a special diet? I know you said you have not done any food testing yet. Before I decided to get the IGG test done for my son, I tried to take certain foods from his diet. But it was just to hard. So I decided to get the IGG done. The biggest food that came up in the high range was eggs. I would of never of guessed that one. So my point is maybe it worth getting done, so if one food is really a big culprit then you'll know and can start to get it out of his diet. Is he on any supplements? I know supplements, help my son and without them he seems to get worse. Keep asking lots of questions and I'm sure others on here, have great advice for you to consider. Char...
mommyof2 Posted July 30, 2009 Report Posted July 30, 2009 Char we are doing food allergy testing...will that tell us the same as a IGG to see if a food is not tolerated by our son...or are the two different things...thanks Mary Char said: PaulsMom, Hi, and welcome!! This forum is great for finding information and support from others. I have found alot of answers to my questions and lots of support from others on this forum. So you are in the right place to help you find some answers to your questions. Sorry to hear you have had such a rough time. I know how hard it can be. My son has tics and it is very hard for me and sometimes very frustrating for me and him. But I keep trying to find the right treatments for him. Do you have him on a special diet? I know you said you have not done any food testing yet. Before I decided to get the IGG test done for my son, I tried to take certain foods from his diet. But it was just to hard. So I decided to get the IGG done. The biggest food that came up in the high range was eggs. I would of never of guessed that one. So my point is maybe it worth getting done, so if one food is really a big culprit then you'll know and can start to get it out of his diet. Is he on any supplements? I know supplements, help my son and without them he seems to get worse. Keep asking lots of questions and I'm sure others on here, have great advice for you to consider. Char...
Char Posted July 30, 2009 Report Posted July 30, 2009 mommyof2, Hi, there are 2 different tests you can get. An Ige(sp)? is a blood test and it tells you if you have have an reaction right away to the food. The IGG test tells if you have a food intolerance to certain foods. It shows an intolerance usually hours to days later. I had an Ige test done on my son and nothing showed up. Then I had an IGG test done on my son and it showed he had food intolerances. The funny thing is the 2 foods(dairy and eggs) where tested on the Ige and did not show up, but the IGG test showed he was intolerant too dairy and eggs. So I think doing the IGG test is a better to find out what food your body is intolerant too. Do you know if your son is having a Ige test or IGG test done? Char...
abbe Posted July 30, 2009 Author Report Posted July 30, 2009 [quote name='PaulsMom' date='Jul 30 2009, I just realized my post said I need to give Nick 10 homeopathic vials every third day when in fact it is one vial every third day for a total of 10 vials. Sorry for the confusion I will advise everyone as to any changes that I see. He is still 100% tic free right now since dropping the soy yogurt. abbe
abbe Posted July 30, 2009 Author Report Posted July 30, 2009 In regards to allergy reactions I am so sure there is a HUGE coorelation. I read this in an herbal book of mine published by Louise Tenney and I quote "When the stomach is kept in constant turmoil with foods beyond the bodies needs, allergies develop. This overstimulates the stomach and creates a toxic state in the blood and may then cause the nervous system to be over sensitive." In addition and I quote " undigested protein or partially digested foods can enter the blood as foreign proteins and cause allergic reaction that directly affect the brain." This is from the book Today's Herbal Health under the section Allergies abbe
mommyof2 Posted July 30, 2009 Report Posted July 30, 2009 I am not sure, I know it is not a blood test. They are doing a scratch test, as they call it, on his arm. Wonder if that will tell anything ??? Mary Char said: mommyof2,Hi, there are 2 different tests you can get. An Ige(sp)? is a blood test and it tells you if you have have an reaction right away to the food. The IGG test tells if you have a food intolerance to certain foods. It shows an intolerance usually hours to days later. I had an Ige test done on my son and nothing showed up. Then I had an IGG test done on my son and it showed he had food intolerances. The funny thing is the 2 foods(dairy and eggs) where tested on the Ige and did not show up, but the IGG test showed he was intolerant too dairy and eggs. So I think doing the IGG test is a better to find out what food your body is intolerant too. Do you know if your son is having a Ige test or IGG test done? Char...
abbe Posted July 31, 2009 Author Report Posted July 31, 2009 [quote name='mommyof2' date='Jul Mary, the first time I took Nick for allergy testing with a Dan doctor they tested each thing one at a time on his arm with a little needle. It took so long the process was painful. We were there all day just to test milk, wheat, soy, corn that was it. This doctor that Nick goes to now uses muscle testing through another person not just directly on Nicholas. He never knew the results of Nicks first testing yet every thing he tested him for was correct and then some. The whole process took maybe 20 minutes and he tested him for everything. He "blocked" to milk, soy, beef, apricots, oysters, string beans, navy beans and ginger. Now I know why sushi was an issue soy sauce and ginger.!!! Hope this helps abbe
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