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Hi all :D


I am bursting with joy as my son has just been informed that he has been awarded the Local Hero honor for our county!! He started in 7th grade at public school for the first time on Jan6th, just before we moved to our new home(he has always been in small private church school before)


We were all nervous but he quickly settled in and things have been great!

They had to write a lifeSkills essay and he chose to write about living with TS.

well, the teacher submitted his essay to the county for this Local Hero Award and today she informed him he had won!!!! He will be honored at the school and in local media at the end of this week.


WOW!! I am just so delighted and filled with thanksgiving at this recognition.

He has had one very uphill road since his diagnosis when he was 10 and has gone from the depths of despair and depression, when his TS and OCD were severe enough to hospitalize him, plus seriously adverse reactions to prescription meds and now, at age 14, is a wonderfully compassionate and sociable person, with a great sense of humor and a remarkable reduction in symptoms thanks to a healthy lifestyle, supplements etc........and here, as the newbie in this school of 2000 kids, in one of the largest counties in central Florida......he gets this kind of recognition.


I just had to share this with y'all.....can you tell i am one happy mom :)




What an awesome story!!! You must be so proud of your son. He sounds like a neat kid who hasn't allowed his health issues to drag him down...what an inspiration!!!


Take care,




Please give him my congratulations too! That is outstanding. I feel I know him a little from his posts, and can tell his courage and character.


That is soooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!




Chemar--that's really wonderful! (And we all know the worry and work that goes into the types of efforts you've made that helped allow this to happen.) He must be very exceptional. We're all happy for you--and your son! Sheila




Congratulations to you and your son for all of your hard work!!! Your story brought tears to my eyes. You must feel so happy with your move. Keep us updated.




Hi Chemar, :)

Congratulations on such an honor for your son and you get a big applause for being such a great MOM ! A move to a new school is a major stress level for anyone, the fact that your son over came these stresses and also made a major contribution in writing is indeed a sign of maturity, inner strength and determination. He has the qualities that make you so special, too.


Hip Hip Hip Hurray for you both.


Thanks for all your postings to help the rest of us out here in cyberland trying to help our selves and our loved ones.


Happy Trails,

Mustang Carole

Guest Robin O

Chemar I am so happy for you and your son. I would love to read his paper someday. You are so blessed to have such a great son. God Bless you Both,





Thanks for the sharing again! I'm very much moved while reading the post.

It must be a big reward for you after what you've been experienced. Congratulations!!!


Thanks so much for all the wonderful responses.....my son read them today too and was deeply touched!

I have asked him to post his essay to share with you and your children. He is at Youth Group tonight, but will post it sometime soon. He has a deep sense of caring for other kids who are living with differences or disabilities etc and longs to help them accept and be accepted.



Guest Guest_efgh



Excellent article! CONGRATS TO YOU AND YOUR SON! I am so happy for him and am proud of the fact that he is so upfront about the whole thing. good!


Best wishes

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