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Hi Chemar,


I think I was having a AAARGH...kind of moment...sort of like...why my Kurt and what did I do when I was pregnant that could have exposed him to some sort of toxin. I am past this most of the time but every once in awhile it creeps up. The possibilities are just endless but then I remember that the summer all of this started Kurt was exposed to a pesticide at a cabin we were staying at and I think it just was the final straw so to speak.


I also wonder about the fact that I grew up in a mining town and was probably exposed to a ton of toxins...kind of blechy if you think of it. Because it was a REALLY old town the mine was situated right in town and therefore we were all exposed to alot of stuff. I also worked in the mine during the summer when I was home from University.


One thing I read recently is that mothers transfer their mercury level to their children. Therefore babies are born with a level of mercury in their body which we then add to by giving vaccines etc. Interesting if you think about the fact that we as mothers are one of the first generations who received vaccinations as a child and now we are having children. Sometimes I wonder if it is not just the vaccinations we have given our children which have caused such an increase in ADHD/autism etc but maybe it is related to the vaccinations we ourselves received.


Has there ever been studies looking at how vaccinations have affected us as adults...for example, the increase in chronic fatigue etc. I know as a toddler for some reason...I think because we moved from one province to another I had double the vaccinations that my brother had.


Anyways, now I am rambling...


Sometimes wondering about all the "why's" can drive me crazy...I guess I just wish I had answers so that my children understand things for their children.



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I agree with you 100%. Our doctor told us that 80% of the toxicity comes from the mother the other 20% from the father. I have read in many articles that toxicity is passed down to generation after generation. So our children are bearing whatever we were exposed to plus what they get exposed to. I really fear for the next generation that comes along if things in our environment and vaccine procedure don't change at a quicker pace. There is much more awareness now with ASD reaching epidemic proportions, but I don't think changes are being made quickly enough.


Managing our children' health takes so much time, but if we can raise awareness among friends and our individual communities maybe we can make a difference. Just in my church alone(whcih is a small church) there are 3 families(us included) dealing with these problems. One family just got the diagnoses of ASD for both of their children ages 2 and 4 within the last month. If we start at grass root levels maybe we can turn things around.




Hi Claire


poor thing! I sure remember that feeling of one step forward..two steps back....but, as you know I am sure...you are actually making tremendous progress...just having to do the old trial and error that we have all had to experience.



For the record....my son's detox was done by FIRST eliminating parasites eg the candida and THEN building the antioxidant levels and LASTLY doing the heavy metal detox....all complimented as I (repetitively I Know :) ) mention...Biofeedback, accupuncture and reflexology. These really do lessen the unpleasantness of the die-off and detox reactions.


Our physician believes that this is the only truly effective way to proceed and stressed the importance of lots of water through the whole process. (She has read Children with Starving brains, plus The Yeast Syndrome and many of the other excellent books mentioned here, and so basis most of her recommendations on these proven protocols.



Hang in there Claire....you are such a blessing to your son by striving to bring him the best quality of life possible.


even tho things sometimes get jumbled and overwhelming....you know you can see that light at the end of the tunnel.... :)


my prayers continue for you...for clear guidance and direction....and deep insight and wisdom.


Hi ya Claire,


Hang in there! You are doing a super job. DOUBLE UGH to strep! YUCK, YUCK, YUCK. Today I saw a commercial on TV about the overuse of antibiotics and I understand this very serious issue but jeepers how I wish 3 years ago when I took my son to the doctor she had done a throat swab or just had given us some antibiotics! As Chemar has said it is an one step forward, two steps back kind of thing. I truly believe we will all get there.


One thing I have wanted to mention is the TV. Kurt is doing very well and seems to be coming towards a balance. Interestingly he is tolerating TV again. I thikn it is like a threshold thing. For example when his body is out of whack then he has a lower threshold for many triggers. As he heals his threshold for tics related to triggers such as TV, stress, fatigue etc is higher. With time maybe your son will be able to tolerate some TV.


I also am reading the book right now by Dr. M (Starving Brains). I have not got to the ALA part. It is a good book. I mentioned the DAN protocol to my nautopath doc and she had not even heard about it...BUT for the most part we are doing the things suggested in Dr. M's book. We are dealing first with yeast etc and then dealing with nutritional def., and diet. As well we are going to work on building Kurt's immunity (antioxidants etc). I have not discussed chelation or metals with our naturopath doc. I am also reading the book, "The Yeast Connection"...so much to read and so little time!


I hope you continue to see improvement with your son.


Take Care,


Guest Guest_efgh



That is INDEED an interesting/informative post by you! Thanks for sharing the info from the book. Your post is so very useful.

What were your son's fears ? hope he is back to normal ... Its really amazing that my son too is SUPER sensitive to TV. he was doing really well and we had been to our friend's place two days back - they switched on the TV and my son started ticcing the very moment.. I hope what Ronnas says comes true in our case (that our kids will slowly start doing better with the TV too - or is it my wishful thinking?????)

Keep us posted on what your doctor says..






Hi all,




Congratulations on having a plan! Your son's situation seems to be very promising. I have a few questions for you. Has he shown signs of a yeast problem other than the allergies and metal buildup? Are you giving melatonin instead of glutathione or along with it?


We just had the phone consultation with our DAN doctor and were given an almost identical plan as you described. We were also told that the metals (lead, arsenic and aluminum, in our case) are not off the charts and were not that alarming. He didn't want to chelate as the antioxidants should help clear them out. We were told to suppliment with vitamins C and E, as well as selenium, and two other suppliments he suggested that I don't have yet. I know they contain glutathione, zinc, ALA and some B vitamins. I'll be more specific when I receive them in the mail. I asked about the ALA and was told that because the metal levels aren't extremely high, it is ok. He didn't address the yeast issue because Luke has never shown any signs of a problem here, but I wonder if maybe he's just asymptomatic since he has all the other problems. He (the Dr.) also didn't talk about the fatty acids other than to ask about the fish oil. I am planning to switch from fish oil to the blend Chemar uses to see if it works better. My son seems more anxious and emotional on the fish oil. We've started it and stopped it twice in the past trying to figure out what he is reacting to.


Like you, our major obstacle is the diet. Luke cannot have wheat, casein, eggs or peanuts. Even though he didn't show up as having a milk allergy, the casein takes all dairy off our list. I found some great natural cashew butter at the health food store along with some bread made with millet flour. All three of my boys devoured it. It's very expensive, but hopefully will be worth it in the long run. If you find any good books on a gluten free/casein free diet, (or websites that you can order the foods) please let me know. Our town is not the most forward thinking community. We are very limited with only one very small health food store. The regular grocers don't carry any of the soy products or others that we need. I found a good chocolate chip cookie recipe online. Will print it here when I find wherever I put it!


Good luck with your treatment. And thanks for sharing it with us.

Guest egkent4@earthlink.net

Dear Friends:


We are producing an educational documentary on children with Tourette's Syndrome and are very interested in finding families who have children between 7 and 12 years old who are not taking the usual concoction of medications for tics, ADHD, OCD, etc. I can tell you more about this project via email or phone and verify my credentials - I hope you'll be interested enough to get in touch.


You can email me at egkent4@earthlink.net or at work at ellen.goosenberg@hbo.com


Many thanks,





That is awesome news!!!! I am so happy for your entire family. We too are starting a very restricted diet because of allergies. How long after you eliminated the offending foods did you notice a difference?


Thanks in advance for your reply.




Gl&L Mom,


Here is a good website I found on gluten-free ideas. We just found out that our son is allergic to gluten(among other things) so I'm in the midst of restocking my kitchen. HEre is the web-site:







Didn't see your earlier post about carbon, sorry. What I meant to say was charcoal. I don't have a specific link, I read it in the Krkman Labs catalog. They specialize in supplements for ASD kids. The number is 1-800-245-8282.




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