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We recently got back my sons IgG food antibody results he showed low 1+ for:


Cheddar Cheese

Cottage cheese




Everything else that showed a reaction was very low but included:



Cow's milk

Goat's milk






red snapper


egg white

egg yolk










Now if we eliminate all that I think I would go INSANE! How important is it to eliminate things that only show up very low?


Also about two years ago or so my son was scratch tested for corn and found allergic. According to this blood test he is not. Do you think he grew out of it? I know when he had the blood testing done he had trace amounts of corn in his diet.


Pamela Kay

man, you are lucky if that is all you had on the high list. Could I know what Igg testing this was, what lab or name of the test? When you say very low, how did they label that -- with a number or it said "very low"?

Obviously the high ones are the first things you should take out. Did they give you a rotation diet on how to handle the low ones?




He actually did not have anything other than low and very low. For very low it just showed VL and for low it showed 1+. The lab was Genova Diagnostics and the test was called the IgG food antibody assessment.


We did get information regarding a rotational diet plan but was just wondering how closely I should follow it since most things were very low. He tested positive for everything in the dairy category and a lot in the grains so I am trying to aviod those but not completely.



Could I ask why you had the igg testing done now? Did you ever have that before? i recall you were trying the A/sert? how has that gone and has it helped in the way of tics? Or not so much, is that why you are exploring this food sensitivities?




We had the testing done now because he still had puffy eyes every morning when he woke up. He was also still having issues with bed wetting and I was hoping that this test would shed a light on things. I have not been on any schedule and I just try to make sure I limit his allergens. Things have been going really well. This was the first time he has had the IgG testing. His tics have been 95% better since we cut back on all the allergens. His eyes are also not puffy in the morning. As for bed wetting that is about 80% better now. I think that is pretty good for not going 100% on a strick allergen free diet.


We quit the A/sert because my husband could not get past the quackiness of it. '


Hi Pamela,


I just had to post in this thread as I have also found wonderful results after cutting back on my daughter's allergy causing foods. I am so glad to read that your son's tics are better as well after doing the dietary changes.


I tried the Natural calm on her for a while and had minimal improvements; these minor improvements were only visible to me - others still noticed how much she ticced. I was really unhappy with the Magnesium supplementation; finally the dietary modifications helped .




Pam and Nan,

did you eliminate all the allergens all at once? (you do mean Igg sensitivities, right?) How long after did you note improvements? have either of you tried the reintroduction of food challenge?


Nan, what were the foods you had to eliminate?






and also Pam and Nan,

Could you please tell me the company you used to do the test? Oh sorry Pamela, I see that you already posted that as I looked back through. Nan?


He has had dairy and wheat since. We just kind of rotate it in and he is usually fine. We did go camping a couple weeks ago and he had lasagna so that had wheat, dairy and tomatoes in it. He was not such a good boy after that but I really don't recall seeing an increase in his tics. He did get sick that night but he ate way to much way to fast so I don't know if I can blame it all on the food and allergens.


Nan & PK,


I am so glad to hear that your kids is doing well, and that you see a connection between tics and foods.


How much improvement do you see after you elminiates the offending foods? Also, is the improvement constant - no wax & wane cycles?


We did the elimination diet and it wasn't easy, since my son had many offending foods. I find NAET, allergy desensitization very helpful. Now, he is able to eat everything in moderation but i still avoid giving him anything artificial. We actually feel normal again. Being able to go to social functions w/o bring separate food for my son and he does not feel left out and isolated. We have our lives back!!




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