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I had posted about a week ago (?) about an explosion of tics, and i got a lot of great feedback regarding the crap in his school lunches. The explosion was last week and by Friday the tics were gone again, and they have stayed gone 98% - he still ate school lunch last week, still dont knwo if something in the food triggered or this is just a biological waxing not to do with foods. I am starting a food diary as was suggested to cross reference things.


meanwhile, we got our candidae tests back from the DAN doctor and his was off the charts it was so high. The doctor had told us ot start a yeast freee diet at the appointment because he suspected this, and we have not started it, im having the worst time figuring out what im going to pack him for lunch as they have no microwave or fridge....anyhow, i have a call in to the DAN doc, i want to know WHY some of these kids accumulate so much yeast - could it be the bodies reaction to somehting else and its trying to protect itself producing yeast? I hope the doctor point me to some yeast cleanser. I hope the priobiotics we are taking would not make it worse.


Also started inisotol last Wed and i dont want ot get ahead of myself, but i'll be darned if i havent seen his anxiety reduced! Yes this could be coincidence, but the last few days, although still cranky and defiant, he is less obssessive, i have been able to leave his bed at night after only a few minutes without having to go through the elaborate rituals he had been doing at sleep time. He has also stopped counting everything in 4s. Im holding my breath.


thanks for all your great help on this forum. if anyone has done a candida protocol and you would like to share im all ears! thank you.


My son has not done a protocol for this, yet I have read that many have benefited from Candida Clear by Now and some have used Threelac with success. Dr. Robbins may also want to prescribe something like Nystatin. I believe that many children accumulate yeast due to antibiotics. Was your son on a lot of antibiotics during his childhood?


thank you Bmom,


no my son has barely had any antibiotics over his life. I have a phone appt with Dr Robbins Thursday so I hope to ask him why there is so much yeast overgrowth and certaintly what i can give my son. Thank you!


My son has not done a protocol for this, yet I have read that many have benefited from Candida Clear by Now and some have used Threelac with success. Dr. Robbins may also want to prescribe something like Nystatin. I believe that many children accumulate yeast due to antibiotics. Was your son on a lot of antibiotics during his childhood?


my son has hardly ever had any antibiotics but he tested very high for candida overgrowth before we began the more careful diet. Although over use of antibiotics is a major contributing factor in the infection with the candida "yeast" infection, yet, as Caryn mentioned, dietary allergies can be a major factor in promoting the GIT environment that this parasitic infection thrives in, as can a diet that is unbalanced or high in sugars/carbs etc and low in other nutrients. And our modern diets of fast, preserved. refined and additive overloaded foods are a feast for candida. also some people may be more susceptible to the yeast overgrowth becasue of factors in their own metabolism/digestion


a really good book on the subject is "the Yeast Syndrome" by Morton Walker and John Trowbridge


in addition to explaining how we get candida overgrowth and what illnesses it can promote, it also has an excellent treatment protocol and recipes to make it easier to implement the diet and treatments to help bring the yeast infection under control


We were advised against use of Nystatin altho I do know it is prescribed by many good docs. Instead we used capryllic acid (caprylate by solaray) with the suggested diet and with probiotics from kefir and pure natural yoghurt (homemade or stoneyfield farms)

I then found Candida Clear by NOW, and feel it to be an excellent product that seems to work very quickly.


I know many also feel Threelac is a very good candida buster


SO glad you are seeing a good response to the inositol which by the way, we found to be the most consistently able to mute that "edge" that OCD/anxiety/etc can produce


wow, too wierd....I JUST plucked "The Yeast Syndrome" off my bookshelf to read today - i didnt even know i had it or where i got it! Very excited to read that. What i am worried about in my preliminary probing into candida is that there is some complex immune disorder at the root which causes this overproduction. Of course an allergy could be involved, i am thinking maybe gluten as he tested positive for 2 of 7 indicators, both genetic. I have a phone appt with DAN doctor tomorrow and i will ask my questions, particularly am curious what effects on behavior this may have, if the candida is a toxin could it produce behaviors? particularly with my son the trickiest factor has always been how things change with him - he can be having a great day up until a certain point then some things will come out like a modd change, some aggression, crankiness, etc.


After I wrote that post about the inisotol, i went to pick my son up and on the car ride home he started with a new obssession of locking and unlocking the doors and could not stop because the click sound was never "right" enough, got to the point he had to sit on his hands! So now im not sure....maybe the obssession was just changing. In any case i still am continuing with 1/4 tsp a day, its only been less than a week. I still think he appears less anxious, less startled, and a little happier. I do need to talk to someone about the obsessions like the one in the car, there is one in the grocery that he HAS to lay down the on the floor every few steps, seems to me a complex tic/obssession. i need some strategies as ot how to help him with these. But yes, Cheri, i still think the major "edge", as you say, is gone. I dont expect the OCd to dissapear or anything. The woman at the health food store was recommending that i buy the inisotol with choline, that its a good combination, but i didnt. I will ask DAN about that. I have seen a reduction in general of his clinginess, which is interesting. And as time has passed since we stopped the abilify, i can upon reflection say with certainty that that med messed his brain up, no question about it. Now, as of about 3 weeks, he is no longer depressive, saying awful things, moping, etc. He is much more his usual self with plenty of OCD, some defiance and moody kind of crankiness. It has been 2 months of vitamin, magnesium, very limited diet respecting artificials, so something is working well. thanks!



my son has hardly ever had any antibiotics but he tested very high for candida overgrowth before we began the more careful diet. Although over use of antibiotics is a major contributing factor in the infection with the candida "yeast" infection, yet, as Caryn mentioned, dietary allergies can be a major factor in promoting the GIT environment that this parasitic infection thrives in, as can a diet that is unbalanced or high in sugars/carbs etc and low in other nutrients. And our modern diets of fast, preserved. refined and additive overloaded foods are a feast for candida. also some people may be more susceptible to the yeast overgrowth becasue of factors in their own metabolism/digestion


a really good book on the subject is "the Yeast Syndrome" by Morton Walker and John Trowbridge


in addition to explaining how we get candida overgrowth and what illnesses it can promote, it also has an excellent treatment protocol and recipes to make it easier to implement the diet and treatments to help bring the yeast infection under control


We were advised against use of Nystatin altho I do know it is prescribed by many good docs. Instead we used capryllic acid (caprylate by solaray) with the suggested diet and with probiotics from kefir and pure natural yoghurt (homemade or stoneyfield farms)

I then found Candida Clear by NOW, and feel it to be an excellent product that seems to work very quickly.


I know many also feel Threelac is a very good candida buster


SO glad you are seeing a good response to the inositol which by the way, we found to be the most consistently able to mute that "edge" that OCD/anxiety/etc can produce


Hello. My son has alot of obsessive and compulsions. However I see improvements in his thoughts when he is on a yeast fighter. We take Omniseph daily which also shows improvements in him with moods and frequent urination and cracking knuckles and frequent blinking. However we have also given Nystatin on some days and of course a daily probiotic of primodophilus. At night time to calm his routines which delay his falling asleep I have been giving 5HTP or GABA calm. Before school I am giving him and my other kids a drink called ADDED ATTENTION from Buried Treasure. You simply pour it into their juice and it helps focus and concentration. Everyone can benefit from it. Your son has maybe more severe compulsions then mine though.. Other then the urination and cracking he doesn't have to do things in an exact way. Well only the shower he has to turn on every light in the room before he gets in. My son more focuses on the same things and wants to collect things and gets ideas stuck in his head. I hope you get some help from your DAN. Also the GF diet should help too with his moods. We took some time off of it and he gets angry easier.



wow, too wierd....I JUST plucked "The Yeast Syndrome" off my bookshelf to read today - i didnt even know i had it or where i got it! Very excited to read that. What i am worried about in my preliminary probing into candida is that there is some complex immune disorder at the root which causes this overproduction. Of course an allergy could be involved, i am thinking maybe gluten as he tested positive for 2 of 7 indicators, both genetic. I have a phone appt with DAN doctor tomorrow and i will ask my questions, particularly am curious what effects on behavior this may have, if the candida is a toxin could it produce behaviors? particularly with my son the trickiest factor has always been how things change with him - he can be having a great day up until a certain point then some things will come out like a modd change, some aggression, crankiness, etc.


After I wrote that post about the inisotol, i went to pick my son up and on the car ride home he started with a new obssession of locking and unlocking the doors and could not stop because the click sound was never "right" enough, got to the point he had to sit on his hands! So now im not sure....maybe the obssession was just changing. In any case i still am continuing with 1/4 tsp a day, its only been less than a week. I still think he appears less anxious, less startled, and a little happier. I do need to talk to someone about the obsessions like the one in the car, there is one in the grocery that he HAS to lay down the on the floor every few steps, seems to me a complex tic/obssession. i need some strategies as ot how to help him with these. But yes, Cheri, i still think the major "edge", as you say, is gone. I dont expect the OCd to dissapear or anything. The woman at the health food store was recommending that i buy the inisotol with choline, that its a good combination, but i didnt. I will ask DAN about that. I have seen a reduction in general of his clinginess, which is interesting. And as time has passed since we stopped the abilify, i can upon reflection say with certainty that that med messed his brain up, no question about it. Now, as of about 3 weeks, he is no longer depressive, saying awful things, moping, etc. He is much more his usual self with plenty of OCD, some defiance and moody kind of crankiness. It has been 2 months of vitamin, magnesium, very limited diet respecting artificials, so something is working well. thanks!



my son has hardly ever had any antibiotics but he tested very high for candida overgrowth before we began the more careful diet. Although over use of antibiotics is a major contributing factor in the infection with the candida "yeast" infection, yet, as Caryn mentioned, dietary allergies can be a major factor in promoting the GIT environment that this parasitic infection thrives in, as can a diet that is unbalanced or high in sugars/carbs etc and low in other nutrients. And our modern diets of fast, preserved. refined and additive overloaded foods are a feast for candida. also some people may be more susceptible to the yeast overgrowth becasue of factors in their own metabolism/digestion


a really good book on the subject is "the Yeast Syndrome" by Morton Walker and John Trowbridge


in addition to explaining how we get candida overgrowth and what illnesses it can promote, it also has an excellent treatment protocol and recipes to make it easier to implement the diet and treatments to help bring the yeast infection under control


We were advised against use of Nystatin altho I do know it is prescribed by many good docs. Instead we used capryllic acid (caprylate by solaray) with the suggested diet and with probiotics from kefir and pure natural yoghurt (homemade or stoneyfield farms)

I then found Candida Clear by NOW, and feel it to be an excellent product that seems to work very quickly.


I know many also feel Threelac is a very good candida buster


SO glad you are seeing a good response to the inositol which by the way, we found to be the most consistently able to mute that "edge" that OCD/anxiety/etc can produce


Okay. Has anyone tried to go off the GF diet and see if it made a difference? After doing the diet for four months we let up for Xmas. I noticed him being more moody or angry. He also seems more withdrawn to his room by himself today. But today the teacher actually called me to tell me he has been not himself at school. Not paying attention, running in the room, not giving eye contact, trouble cmpleting assignments. The counselor said todayAndrew said he was going to blow up the school. He denies this and says someone else said this. Now in Dec. at our IAT meeting this same teacher said he had never seen any of the ADD behaviors in the classroom. When I described some of the things I see on a daily basis he was shocked. I hope I didn't bring to much spotlight to him by the meeting and telling the teacher we were off the diet. It hurts me that he can't have the normal birthday treats and snacks at school. Plus it is his birthday and I just want him to not feel different. Today he wanted to know if I had seen a change at home and if it could be linked to the diet! His wife is a neonatal Dr. so I was a bit shocked to see him mention the diet may be helping him. Anyone else have any experience to share about going off the diet? How did they behave?


Hello. My son has alot of obsessive and compulsions. However I see improvements in his thoughts when he is on a yeast fighter. We take Omniseph daily which also shows improvements in him with moods and frequent urination and cracking knuckles and frequent blinking. However we have also given Nystatin on some days and of course a daily probiotic of primodophilus. At night time to calm his routines which delay his falling asleep I have been giving 5HTP or GABA calm. Before school I am giving him and my other kids a drink called ADDED ATTENTION from Buried Treasure. You simply pour it into their juice and it helps focus and concentration. Everyone can benefit from it. Your son has maybe more severe compulsions then mine though.. Other then the urination and cracking he doesn't have to do things in an exact way. Well only the shower he has to turn on every light in the room before he gets in. My son more focuses on the same things and wants to collect things and gets ideas stuck in his head. I hope you get some help from your DAN. Also the GF diet should help too with his moods. We took some time off of it and he gets angry easier.



wow, too wierd....I JUST plucked "The Yeast Syndrome" off my bookshelf to read today - i didnt even know i had it or where i got it! Very excited to read that. What i am worried about in my preliminary probing into candida is that there is some complex immune disorder at the root which causes this overproduction. Of course an allergy could be involved, i am thinking maybe gluten as he tested positive for 2 of 7 indicators, both genetic. I have a phone appt with DAN doctor tomorrow and i will ask my questions, particularly am curious what effects on behavior this may have, if the candida is a toxin could it produce behaviors? particularly with my son the trickiest factor has always been how things change with him - he can be having a great day up until a certain point then some things will come out like a modd change, some aggression, crankiness, etc.


After I wrote that post about the inisotol, i went to pick my son up and on the car ride home he started with a new obssession of locking and unlocking the doors and could not stop because the click sound was never "right" enough, got to the point he had to sit on his hands! So now im not sure....maybe the obssession was just changing. In any case i still am continuing with 1/4 tsp a day, its only been less than a week. I still think he appears less anxious, less startled, and a little happier. I do need to talk to someone about the obsessions like the one in the car, there is one in the grocery that he HAS to lay down the on the floor every few steps, seems to me a complex tic/obssession. i need some strategies as ot how to help him with these. But yes, Cheri, i still think the major "edge", as you say, is gone. I dont expect the OCd to dissapear or anything. The woman at the health food store was recommending that i buy the inisotol with choline, that its a good combination, but i didnt. I will ask DAN about that. I have seen a reduction in general of his clinginess, which is interesting. And as time has passed since we stopped the abilify, i can upon reflection say with certainty that that med messed his brain up, no question about it. Now, as of about 3 weeks, he is no longer depressive, saying awful things, moping, etc. He is much more his usual self with plenty of OCD, some defiance and moody kind of crankiness. It has been 2 months of vitamin, magnesium, very limited diet respecting artificials, so something is working well. thanks!



my son has hardly ever had any antibiotics but he tested very high for candida overgrowth before we began the more careful diet. Although over use of antibiotics is a major contributing factor in the infection with the candida "yeast" infection, yet, as Caryn mentioned, dietary allergies can be a major factor in promoting the GIT environment that this parasitic infection thrives in, as can a diet that is unbalanced or high in sugars/carbs etc and low in other nutrients. And our modern diets of fast, preserved. refined and additive overloaded foods are a feast for candida. also some people may be more susceptible to the yeast overgrowth becasue of factors in their own metabolism/digestion


a really good book on the subject is "the Yeast Syndrome" by Morton Walker and John Trowbridge


in addition to explaining how we get candida overgrowth and what illnesses it can promote, it also has an excellent treatment protocol and recipes to make it easier to implement the diet and treatments to help bring the yeast infection under control


We were advised against use of Nystatin altho I do know it is prescribed by many good docs. Instead we used capryllic acid (caprylate by solaray) with the suggested diet and with probiotics from kefir and pure natural yoghurt (homemade or stoneyfield farms)

I then found Candida Clear by NOW, and feel it to be an excellent product that seems to work very quickly.


I know many also feel Threelac is a very good candida buster


SO glad you are seeing a good response to the inositol which by the way, we found to be the most consistently able to mute that "edge" that OCD/anxiety/etc can produce


Hi Michele

I am by no means very knowledgable about GF as my son isnt gluten intolerant, but I would think if there is gluten reactivity or celiac then one needs to be off it permanently, and that a little can sometimes have a big reaction due to the sensitization?


were you just trying GF? or due to testing?


I know that with the artificial foods, which my son is reactive to, even a tiny bit can have a very dramatic negative impact so he is really rigid with what he eats and drinks




Are you using the enzymes again, since getting away from the diet?


Wondering if Andrew ever complained of stomach pain after you introduced the enzymes?



Do you belong to a GF or Celiac support group? I belong to an offlist group and have discussed issues like this with the 'resident experts'. It is not uncommon to see mood and behavioral changes on gluten if you are gluten intolerant. The longer you are GF the more sensitive your body becomes to it. The healing process is long and slow. Everyone detoxes differently. Some get skin rashes like eczema, psoriasis, and others get 'brain fog' irritability, and exhaustion when they initially go GF and then each time they get exposure. The gluten is taxing on their immune system. My ds has behaviors like you described when he has exposure. Twice he had cross-contamination and puked as a result. (Actually a relief because immediately after he felt better and there wasn't a 4 day long term 'tic fest' withdrawal to live through.)

I know. It stinks. I feel your frustration, pain, and disgust with the whole situation. You just want your kid to get what everyone else gets and enjoy it and be happy. You don't want him to feel left out or weird or different. When he eats it you worry. When he has a reaction you feel guilty.

I wish there was a magic wand for special occasions.



hi Michele,


My son is not on a gluten free diet, and i do not think he is gluten intolerant, although that is still some what up in the air. Anyhow, I have not had him on any diet long enough to say that he had a reaction if contaminated...but, I do know how hard it is to deny your child something they like, that makes them happy, but I always tell myself and my son that we are working to heal his body, to help him feel better, and its more important right now then that treat. Then i may suggest we do some activity of his choice as an alternative/replacement treat to the food treat. I have also found that if i dont make such a big fuss about how sad it may be, etc., my son reacts less, it takes less time to accept the temporary limitations - I always remind him that the diet is not permanent, that comforts him. Also, I make "his" foods special, like maybe we bake together so the focus is on fun and not how different things are for him, or maybe we make enough for the class, or something like that to make it a more meaningful experience. Try and keep things on the positive side. In the end you of course must do what you believe is best for your child, and if you do choose to stick it out with GF, maybe some support would be that little help you needed. My son was addicted to sweets, cakes, cupcakes, danish, you name it. He was slowly weaned, it was a battle, now that he doesnt eat those, his stomach is slowly starting to feel better and he is even taking an interest in "natural foods" etc. I think a lot of things like that are all in the presentation to the child.


We ourselves have just started a yeast/mold and dairy free diet. He wont be able to eat the pizza after his Saturday morning baseball games, and as much of a tantrum that may cause, I know why we are going through that. I wish you luck in whatever you do with this!


Okay. Has anyone tried to go off the GF diet and see if it made a difference? After doing the diet for four months we let up for Xmas. I noticed him being more moody or angry. He also seems more withdrawn to his room by himself today. But today the teacher actually called me to tell me he has been not himself at school. Not paying attention, running in the room, not giving eye contact, trouble cmpleting assignments. The counselor said todayAndrew said he was going to blow up the school. He denies this and says someone else said this. Now in Dec. at our IAT meeting this same teacher said he had never seen any of the ADD behaviors in the classroom. When I described some of the things I see on a daily basis he was shocked. I hope I didn't bring to much spotlight to him by the meeting and telling the teacher we were off the diet. It hurts me that he can't have the normal birthday treats and snacks at school. Plus it is his birthday and I just want him to not feel different. Today he wanted to know if I had seen a change at home and if it could be linked to the diet! His wife is a neonatal Dr. so I was a bit shocked to see him mention the diet may be helping him. Anyone else have any experience to share about going off the diet? How did they behave?

Thanks for your replies. I don't belong to a GF group. I was buying the GF foods at a specialty health store. It is so expensive to buy GF. Plus I had been throwing alot out. It got to the point he wouldn't eat any of it. I even found a GF bakery and at first he loved the cutouts but then stopped eating them also. Basically he went on a GF strike. He wouldn't eat anything. He is underweight to begin with. Thirty five pounds and just turned six. Every bone was pertruding like he was a skeleton. First my mom let him have cookies at a Xmas party. Then my inlaws gave him a sandwich with the bun. Then I just fell off the wagon and let him have donuts and cake, lemonaid. Like Airbuckets son, he gets addicted to sugary foods like cakes, cookies and donuts. At first he didn't seem too hyper but now after a month he seems like he has lost self control and he is very hyper. Loud, impulsive and emotional. I need to get more enzymes we ran out. He did complain of tummy aches for a short time. Then he stopped. Oh the thing I find most interesting is the tics have not returned while off the diet. But, I have noticed he is blinking a bit more exagerated. We are still using 5HTP, taurine, omniseph, GABA Calm, multi vitamins, amino acids, zinc, and Monolaurin. Also I have tried ADDED ATTENTION. Is there something else that is supposed to help with ADD behaviors. I really am trying to avoid ADD medications but he has too use self control at school in order to learn and not cause disruptions.



Do you belong to a GF or Celiac support group? I belong to an offlist group and have discussed issues like this with the 'resident experts'. It is not uncommon to see mood and behavioral changes on gluten if you are gluten intolerant. The longer you are GF the more sensitive your body becomes to it. The healing process is long and slow. Everyone detoxes differently. Some get skin rashes like eczema, psoriasis, and others get 'brain fog' irritability, and exhaustion when they initially go GF and then each time they get exposure. The gluten is taxing on their immune system. My ds has behaviors like you described when he has exposure. Twice he had cross-contamination and puked as a result. (Actually a relief because immediately after he felt better and there wasn't a 4 day long term 'tic fest' withdrawal to live through.)

I know. It stinks. I feel your frustration, pain, and disgust with the whole situation. You just want your kid to get what everyone else gets and enjoy it and be happy. You don't want him to feel left out or weird or different. When he eats it you worry. When he has a reaction you feel guilty.

I wish there was a magic wand for special occasions.


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