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Need help - Tic explosion and not sure what to do

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she is 11.

Hey can someone tell me where I can find information on what doses of vitamins I should give based on weight.

I figured it out once before when she was younger about how much mag and how much B etc to give her but now that she is older and bigger I am sure the dosage would be more.

Also, I give her mag, B complex, and sometimes calcium as well as a multi vit. SHould I be giving her more?




Hi M2three,



I did not see a response to the above questions. Does anyone have a website address to determine vitamin amounts/weight/age? (I am looking for this same info.) Thanks!!!!!


Puberty is rough enough for a child, God bless the children who have this to complicate it! Good luck with finding the cause/remedy!!!!!! I wish I could help.

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An update:


My daughter is still ticing up a storm only she has managed to find a way to internalize it. If she gets a lull in tics she is able to clench all her muscles tight. Then as long as she can hold them like this she won't tic. So she holds herself like this for hours and hours. We didn't realize she was doing this until last night.

We thought things were calming down a bit.

The poor girl holds it in for so long that when she finally lets go of her muscles to relax she is totally spent and then explodes into full body movement again.



Today I took her to the ped and had her tested for the strep (pandas) I brought the test info with me and the doc agreed to have do the tests. So it was the blood test for the two things (forget the exact names but I had printed it out)

Then also agreed that if she did have this she would give her the zithromax (spelling?) Now is that the antibiotic that works the best? From what I have seen many of you prefer that one.


Then I made a new appt with an allergist for next thursday for complete allergy testing. I told them i wanted the works.. All kinds of testing not just food. They said okay.


I had previously found a doctor that had some experience with tourettes and did allergy testing there. I was looking forward to that appt but found out this morning that they did not accept our insurance and all together it would be thousands of dollars for everything.


Luckily I was able to find this other allergist in our network. However who knows what experience they have with tourettes and what to test for.

Insurance sucks.


Thank you to everyone who replied to me. I was so..... AM SOOOO stressed and upset over all of this.

I just don't know what to do.


One question though. She is so clingy to me right now.. So afraid to be out of my husbands or especially MY sight.. Prior to this she was very independent... Now she is so clingy and so sad all the time.. She just is not able to shake it.

Is this another symptom or just due to the tiedness she must be feeling due to these tics and her muscles being so clenched?


Thanks again to all of you for your support.

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Dr Duncan McKinley from Life's A Twitch has done some excellent lectures on how tic suppression (holding them in like your dd has been) can actually make things worse. So do encourage your daughter to let them out.


I am very glad you are having testing done

Has your daughter ever received a TS diagnosis?

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The fall of 2005 my son started public school for the first time, and it was also the fall he turned 12. Since he was entering the 6th grade he needed middle school shots. He had those Oct. 2005, and by Thanksgiving 2005 he exploded with major tics screaming being one of them. Dec 2005 he asked me to pull him out of public school and homeschool him again. My son strep tests came out very low, but those were done about a year after he exploded. That was because I found this sight, and had him tested. I would have to say for him it is in the genes because of his fathers and grandfathers history with tics.


If she comes out with normal titers her clinging to you could be the stress of the explosion.


I did not pull my son out of school because I thought it would cripple him in the long run. He is in 8th grade, gets A's and B's is a great athlete and will go toe-to-toe with anyone who can keep up with football and baseball stats.


Keep her close to her really good friends. :wacko:


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Mom2three, Sorry to hear about what you're all going through. We all know it can be heartbreaking. By any chance, has your daughter been eating something lately that might be causing these reactions? For example, anything with artificial colors? A new candy, a new "juice" drink, cereal...?

Wishing you and her the best...


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Have you tried craniosacral therapy? My son is seeing a ND who is also a CST, along the use of Unda #s, and we are seeing some good results. However, i must stress that it is so important to find someone who has experience with children with tics, and that the practitioner is skilled at CST, as my son has gone thru 2 CS therapist.


I hope you & your daughter finds some relieve soon.




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An update:


The bloodwork came back.

The doctor said its not strep. Her results showed no indication of having it or being exposed to it? She (doctor) said it was within normal ranges.

I asked if it was read correctly as per 'PANDAS" says to read it and she said yes.


so what now?


we go see the allergist on thursday.


What should I tell them to test for? Any ideas? I basically said everything when I made the appt... However, I don't know what 'everything' means.


she is still the same, however she is controlling it by holding her muscles tight.


The way she is ticing now vs the way she has in the past is very different. I have to believe something is causing it.

if not the strep then it has to be an allergy..

She started up with extra tics a few weeks ago, but after I gave her the rescue remedy she went crazy with them.. Since then they are still present.


This is all so frustrating.

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Have you tried craniosacral therapy? My son is seeing a ND who is also a CST, along the use of Unda #s, and we are seeing some good results. However, i must stress that it is so important to find someone who has experience with children with tics, and that the practitioner is skilled at CST, as my son has gone thru 2 CS therapist.


I hope you & your daughter finds some relieve soon.






I have never heard of craniosacral therapy. What does it involve?

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Dr Duncan McKinley from Life's A Twitch has done some excellent lectures on how tic suppression (holding them in like your dd has been) can actually make things worse. So do encourage your daughter to let them out.


I am very glad you are having testing done

Has your daughter ever received a TS diagnosis?



I do encourage her to let them out.

She says that if she holds them in or lets them out they hurt her the same.

So she would rather hold them in, since they interfere with what she is trying to do.


I have just been keeping her as calm as I can, trying to avoid stress.. I've also been keeping her busy with exercise even though I'd rather just have her calm. I have read that exercise is actually good for her.


and yes, when she was in 4th grade she was diagnosed by a neurologist. By that point she'd been ticing on and off for approx. 2 years and had both motor and vocal tics.

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