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Environmental Physician referal

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I have found a Environmental doctor in Gadsden, AL. jsut wondering if anyone knows of him so forth and so on. He is Dr. Andew Brown and he is "Fellow" member of the American Academy of Environmental Medician.


I am planning on this being my starting point to hopefully finding out what is causing all of my sons problems. Any and all suggestions are very welcome at this point. I live im MS. and there are no doctors of this nature here.


I was advised by the local family doctor to seek out a good pediatric psychiatrist that works with or specialist with TS patients. Any advice from anyone on this?


Thanks too anyone and all who offer help and advice, I really appreciate it.

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We did take our son to a physiciatrist and the only help she could do was to prescribe medications if needed. We chose not to go that route, but that is all that could be offered. I guess that is who I would go to if the time comes, but maybe yours could offer more.

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Hi mblack,

I am certainly no expert, and just at the beginning of this journey myself. I'm sorry I can't comment on your environmental doc, as I'm in Canada. However, congrats on finding one! Hopefully they will be helpful in getting all the basic testing done and figuring out some underlying issues.


I personally don't feel a psychiatrist, pediatric or otherwise, would be of much help. I may be wrong, but I think finding one that specializes in TS would be like looking for a needle in a haystack... there probably aren't many. As well, after all my reading, I really don't see TS/tics as a psychiatric/psychological illness. Sure, they can offer meds if you want that and it comes to that. But there are so many things to try first, like testing for allergies, intolerances, deficiencies, metals, strep, etc. and trying therapies like chiropractic and accupuncture. Your enviro doc will guide you through the process, as will this forum and Sheila's book. Just my opinion.


Good luck!


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Hi mblack,

Just wondering if you've tried a search for an integrative physician in your area. the website is www.acam.org

I havent' yet seen one of these drs but if the neurologist visit next week is unhelpful, I'm going to try.

Welcome to latitudes......you will find strength and encouragement here!

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Calicat - you are right! I do not see TS as a psycological problem eather after everything that I have read. About the only thing I could think of that they might help would be to teach relaxation technics to the patient at most. I ask the general practicianer this morning about testing that could be done to see if my son carried any antibodies of strep or strep titres but he told me that there was no such test, and all the stuff I was reading on the iternet was just some people thinking and coming up with their own theries. He says that none of it is scientific and has not been proven in studies. I ask him why there were not more studies to find these things out and his reply is that were not enough TS patients out there to study. I think he is dead wrong, there are alot of ticking people out in this world that have not been diagnosed.


My son had Mononucleoses when he was in kindergarden and was in the bed for the better part of 3 months. All the while he was on medications and since he has had some problems every year whether it be flu like stuff or sinusitus, chronic cough and other illnesses. It hasn't been until recently that he started with the tics and was diagnosed with TS.


I really hope that this doctor that I have found can shed some light on what is going on. I found him by typing in Environmental Doctors List in Google search and then clicking on the nearest State to me and his name came up. There were not any in MS. I surely hope he is what I am looking for.

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Hi again mblack,

i'm just wondering if this dr you'll be seeing has experience working with tics/TS? Doyou know what sort of testing will be done over that two day period? I'm just curious since I'm still going back and forth on whether an environmental dr or an integrative dr will be a better choice.........probably in the end it just depends on the individual.



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sadly all most psychiatrists seem to do these days is see one for five minutes and write a prescription <_<


we went that route in the beginning and apart from one very different psychiatrist who had a very open mind and was willing to research things I asked about for me, we found only disinterested people who saw a prescribed pill as the answe to everything.


Also....Dr Murphy at Shands Clinic in Gainesville FLA is a PANDAS expert and also a psychiatrist who has a more open minded approach...after all she is at the forefront of PANDAS research...when many conventional docs still doubt or negate it.


another thing I noticed from your post was the Mononucleosis (Epstein Barr virus)


this could also be PITANDS induced ticcing because of that infection, so that is also something to check into

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I have not much knowledge with an environmental dr., but from what i know, an intergrative dr has conventional medicine training and branch into various alternative treatments; acunpuncture, homepathic, chinese medicine..... I believe the intergrative dr. are the best of both worlds and are open mind to other options. I recently found an intergrative dr. specialized in women's needs for myself, so i am very excited for my next appt.


I find one of the best ways to find a good dr. is thru referral from someone who is an alternative practioner that you can trust. My son's current chiropractor is referred to us by his previous chiropractor. I have to say she really looked out for my son's best interest above of else. I cannot thank her enough.


Good luck!



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