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Hi everybody! I only have ten minutes left on my break, so I'll keep this short...


Short introduction - I am a 19 year old college student that was diagnosed with Tourettes 10 years ago. Although I have a pretty mild case (only immediate family and a few select friends are aware of my condition), I - like anyone suffering from Tourettes - have found myself confused, irritated, and generally helpless to drastically reduce the effects. I was on Haldol since ten, but discontinued its use last year. Not only was it inactive in treating any symptoms, but it made me drowsy to the point where it interrupted my education and social activities.


Anyways, I recently have been dabbling with alternative treatments. I tried magnesium oxide and fish oil, but while the first week witnessed some decrease in tics they increased shortly thereafter. After reading of Bontech and its apparent effectiveness, I decided to give it a shot. This is my tenth day of the program - and there was been a significant increase in my tics. While the vocal tics have stayed at the same rate, I have developed pretty severe facial tics.


My question is (to anyone with any background knowledge) - is this typical behavior? While I want to believe this is an isolated situation of a couple weeks, I must admit it is pretty discouraging. I was just curious to see if this seems normal to anyone who has either taken Bontech or knows someone who has.


Thanks so much for your time and attention!


Back to trimming hedges in 95 degree weather... :unsure:


Hi bnichola, The same thing happened for my son (tics increased alot!! for about 3 weeks) than he settled and was about 90% less ticcing. He is doing pretty well today - 6 months later. But his allergies have caused some increase. Allergies are horrible this year!!!


If i were you i think i would continue for atleast a few more weeks.






My sons had a bit of a hyper type reaction, when we reached a certain amt of vits. We have never gone beyond about 14 total for my oldest son. He was an adult size and weight at the time, so according to the dosing schedule, he could have taken the full 20. My youngest son takes even less, although we do add some individual supplements to attain the higher levels of some things (magnesium, biotin for youngest etc.). With him, it's more of an issue of getting everything in, in one day. He might take 5 Bontech vits. with lunch, individual calcium, magnesium, zinc, fishoil, biotin, and vit C at dinner, and 3 more bontech before bed. He also takes digestive enzymes, and a few other things, so it's challenging getting everything in!


Can you comment on how many you are currently taking?


Welcome bnichola!


I would suggest trying Bontech vitamins for a few more weeks. If tics don't settle down after a couple more weeks, here's a few things to consider:


1. If you're still taking fish oil or even Bonnie's fish oil, fish oil may be the problem for you. For some fish oil causes tics to increase and for those persons flaxseed oil is usually more beneficial. I'm one of those that can't handle fish oil.


2. Some do better with individual vitamins than all-in-one forms. I started off with Bonnie's origianl program when she recomended individual vitamins. Once she formed her all-in-one vitamins, I tried them. However, my tics increased. So I went back to individual vitamins. Bonnie's original vitamin program can be found here: http://www.tourette-syndrome.com/holistic.htm#bonnie




Thanks a lot for all of the great answers, guys! Kim, to answer your question, I am currently taking 18 pills a day - 4 with all three meals plus three twice daily (6 A.M., 10/11 P.M.). I'll stick with the program for about two or three more weeks, then look for other available routes if necessary. I realize it's early in this program, and I would not like to make any premature judgments!


Thanks again -




Hi Ben


the anecdotal evidence that I have gathered here and on other boards is that there are three basic groups re Bonnie's BonTech supps


Many do very well on them right from the start


Then there are some who initially react to them with a surge of tics, but this then settles down and they do well on them.


and then there are some who just dont seem to tolerate them and for them it is sometimes better to put together their own supplement program.


I will be forever thankful for Bonnie's original plan that Carolyn linked to for you because I used it to form the foundation of the plan for my son's customized plan


It is worth trying for a few more weeks to see if Bontech is a good fit for you


Do also heed the advice re the fishoil ........again fine for some but an apparent tic trigger for others. when that is the case, flaxseed oil is the next best substitute (freshly ground flaxseeds are good source too of omega 3's...good to use on cereals , salads, foods, cooking etc)


hope that also helps a bit


Hi Chemar,

Could I just ask what supplement your son takes for ADD? I believe you mentioned somewhere what he takes for that if I am correct. And how well would you say this works for him? (forgive me if I am wrong on this). My son is not diagnosed with that, but I am starting to wonder if there's not something there--he can't pay attention to anything to save his life. He always manages to do what he wants to do, sort of a passive-aggressive type personality. I'd like to try something to see if it makes any difference in his focus. Any suggestions? (He's not currently taking fish oil because I think I've noticed increase in tics and flax is a no-no food for him--do you know if evening primrose oil is good for this?).


And if anyone else has any suggestions, it would be appreciated.




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