Dylans_Mom Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 Hello everyone! This is my first post on any web page. I have always been a reader but never felt like I had anything usefull to share. I have a 9 year old son who has been suffering from nuerological problems I frst noticed when he was about 2. My son first started with mild head and face tics. He also exibited adhd innatentive behavior as well as sevier anxiety and obsessive compulsive tendencies. For a long time I thought maybe his behavior was normal chilhood behavior and he would grow out of it. Over the years his tics have increase to the point where a couple of months ago he was in a state of constant ticking. He would nod his head, turn his head over his shoulder, and bow all three times in a row over and over and over. His teacher had also complained he was having vocal squeeking outbursts in class he could not seem to control. I have tried so many natural remedies over the years cutting out sugar, giving him fish oil, vitamin B supliments as well as other mixtures some of which showed small improvements in his behavior. A couple months ago a friend who was receiving NAET treatments for her allergy to milk recomended to me I try the treatments for my son because she had read they could help ADHD. NAET is a therepy that uses energy and accupressure to clear allergies. Not having any better options at the time I decided to try it. We started by treating my sons Autonomic nervous system, then eggs, calcium, B complex, sugar, yeast, grain, food colorings. After these treatments I thought what have I done. It seamed as though my sone was getting worse. Now instead of a tired listless kid with all his problems he had more energy than ever which appeared to exagerate his problems. I knew the treatments were doing something so I decided to read the book "Say Goodby To Illness" written by D.S. Nambudripad the discoverer of NAET. After reading the book my mind started thinking about what my son had come in contact with that could have started his condition. I remembered when he was 2 he had his first case of strep throat. After about 6 days on Pennicilan he broke out in a full body rash. We took him to the doctor who said it was an allergic reaction to the drug and we should stop giving it ot him. He looked at his throat and said the infection appeared to be gone. I wondered if this was were it had all started. I started looking on the internet for strep and turrets or OCD info and found this web page. I read a strand that mentioned PANDAS so I looked it up to see what it was. When I read the description I knew this was my son. I could not run fast enough to my NAET doctor to have him check my son for a blockage to strep, strep antibodies, and the basil ganglia. He had never heard of Pandas but was happy to check these items. To his surprise my son had a blockage on his brain pathway to Step, the strep b antibody, as well as a blockage in his basil ganglia. He immediatly treated him for strep that day. There is a 24 hour clearing period durring which we saw no change. However the next day his tics were somewhat decreased so we went back and treated the antibody. Immediatly after treatment the tics ceased. I could not stop staring at my son I had not seen him tic free in years. Just to be on the safe side we also treated basil ganglia.Excited by these changes I started looking for nueralogical blockers so I had my NAET docter check him fo vaccines. He showed a blockage to Rubella and pertussis vaccines again on his brain pathway. We treated both of these. We also found sensitivity to food additives and mercury on his brain pathway. During each of the treatments following the strep antibody I have noticed mild ticking durring the clearing period but none after the clearing period. My doctor said this was the first time he has heard of using this treatment for this specific illness and I could not find any other information on using NAET to treat Pandas on te internet. The closest I came was a posting on this web page by Patty in October of 2006 were she stated she tried NAET with no results. If Patty reads this maybe she could have here NAET doctor check for Strep or the antibodies. If anyone else is interested in learning more about NAET the web page in NAET.com you can find a list of practitioners there. I hope this post can help other moms find possible help for their children. LizLAC 1
patty Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 Dylan's mom, Thx so much for your post and info. My son is doing alot better a year ago. I don't know exactly which treatment has made the difference but i think it is a comprehsive approach that has helped him. We started NAET last summer, and we are restarting again this summer to finish off food & environmental sensitivies. The next time we see my son's NAET dr., i will ask her to check him for vaccinations as well as strep infection. Although my son never had strep before. I think it does not hurt to rule it out. Your post cannot come in a better time, as i am formulating a strategy to my son's NAET treatment plan. This is very exciting news using NAET this way. And most importantly, i am glad your son is tic free. Isn't it amazing what parents can do for their children's health. I learned one thing, do not give up looking. When you look, you will find what you are looking for. Patty
Dylans_Mom Posted June 18, 2007 Author Report Posted June 18, 2007 Patty, I don't know if this would be at all helpful but I had our NAET doctor check me for blockages to strep and the antibodies as well as my son since I know some of this is passed from parent to child. I did not show a blockage to strep but I did show a blockage to the same strep B antibody as my son. Since your Naet doctor will be looking for blockages don't forget the strep antibodies they can be present without an infection. Thank you for your post months ago it is what helped me find the term PANDAS in the first place. Dylan's Mom
Cum Passus Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 Dylan's Mom, Hi and welcome, could you tell me more about the vaccine blockage. I don't understand what that means. How does your Dr. know there is a blockage in the basil ganglia. I'm very happy for you and so glad you are sharing your story. Take a deep breath... I think we all are going to give your typing fingers a workout. C.P.
patty Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 Dylan's mom, How does you NAET dr. treat strep, and strep B antibody? Do they come in virals like the other allergens? We have an appt w/my son's NAET dr. this Thursday, and won't be seeing her for another 31/2 weeks since she will be on leave, so i would like to test for strep and other things before she takes off. How long has your son been tic free? And do you see any minor waxing? Do you know what was the treated item that cured your son's vocal tic? Sorry for the many questions. It is very helpful to know what works for others. I have been dealing with this for a little over a year and it has been a very emotionally & physically exhausting process. The thing that keeps me motiviated is that my son is improving over time. Patty
Dylans_Mom Posted June 19, 2007 Author Report Posted June 19, 2007 Believe me I know how exhausting this is I hope this treatment can be useful for many people dealing with this condition. Yes the strep and strep antibodies were in vials. I have no idea how the doctor got these vials but luckily he had them. If you have the book, "The NAET guide book the companion to "Say Good-bye to Illness"" There is a list on page 34 of the book called the NAET Autism kit 8. This list has all the vaccinnations as well as parts of the brain and some other items on it. My son had several blockages of items on this list including the two vaccinations I listed earlier, Basal Ganglia, which comes in a vial. food coloring and food additives. I would assume doctors buy these vials in kits from Nambudripad since they are listed this way in her book. The strep was not listed in any of the kits however so I'm not sure where my Doctor got it. I'll ask him when I go back in 2 days. The companion book does talk about treating Virus/Bacteria using the patients blood, urine or stool on page 12. We did not try this since my doctor already had vials. When the doctor tested each of these allergens for their blockages using muscle response testing the only pathway each one affected was the brain pathway. The treatment that actually stopped the ticks was the Step antibody Aab. However later when we treated Food Additived the ticks came back durring the 24 hour clearing period so I would assume they were a major offender. Outside of ticks durring clearing periods I have seen none in over two weeks. I know this doesn't sound like a long time but he hasn't been tic free in over three years since his last case of strep. I feel like a lock has been taken off his brain. We are going to treat the Brain Pathway to hopefully fully clear it in two days. I really hope this is the end of tics for him. I also hope it might work for others. Let me know. Dylan's Mom
faith Posted June 19, 2007 Report Posted June 19, 2007 Dylan's Mom, May I ask if you have ever had PANDAS testing? I mean if you believe it is that, why did you choose to treat this way and not find a doctor who could test and provide treatment with antibiotic--or did you not know about that at the time? You say your son has had tics for a number of years now? But has he had strep over the years with flair ups at those times? I mean, how do you know it is definitely PANDAS related? You said a few months ago he was in constant ticcing--was he ill right before or during that? sorry for all the questions. Also, could you explain what "check for blockages" means? How do they do that? And am I understanding correctly that after the treatments (what are the "treatments" by the way?), all his tics are not present right now? Thanks for providing this info to us. Faith
Dylans_Mom Posted June 19, 2007 Author Report Posted June 19, 2007 Dylan's Mom,May I ask if you have ever had PANDAS testing? I mean if you believe it is that, why did you choose to treat this way and not find a doctor who could test and provide treatment with antibiotic--or did you not know about that at the time? You say your son has had tics for a number of years now? But has he had strep over the years with flair ups at those times? I mean, how do you know it is definitely PANDAS related? You said a few months ago he was in constant ticcing--was he ill right before or during that? sorry for all the questions. Also, could you explain what "check for blockages" means? How do they do that? And am I understanding correctly that after the treatments (what are the "treatments" by the way?), all his tics are not present right now? Thanks for providing this info to us. Faith I haven't had a name for my son's condition. When he was two years old he had his first strep and while we were treating it he had an allergic reaction to the pennicillin so we stopped the dose before it was done. I don't know exactly when his tics started but I remenber them being very mild when he was very young I can't say for sure they weren't present before the strep but like I said he was only two. His tics started mild with blinking and mouth opening. About the time he started kindergarten his tics got noticably worse. (I now think maybe this was because he got his Kindergarten shots the week school started.) He started touching his chin to his chest. He also became incredibly germophobic. He would not eat anything he had seen someone touch including me. His doctor said it was stress and not to worry childhood tics were normal and would go away. We did however try an anxiety medication at the time which didn't help at all so we quit giving it to him. When he started first grade he had another case of strep. I remember this case vividly because the school sent home a note telling parents strep had affected over half the kids in his class and not to send our kids if they had any fever or soar throat. I caught the strep from him and had to go through four different antibiotics before I could get rid of it. His tics once again increased this year I thought it was just increased stress over school getting harder. His tics have never been gone however thay do get worse in stessful situations like playing sports or doing homework or taking tests. My son is now at the end of his third grade year. All year long his teacher has been on my case to medicate my son because he is so disruptive in class. She calls him ADD. I had my son evaluated by a pediatric phycologist who said his symptoms were evenly spaced between ADHD inatentive, OCD, Anxiety dissorder, and Touretts. He said we could choose one to treat medically with drugs or alternate drugs for all four. I didn't want to put my son through that. His Tics for the past year have been nodding his head three times, turning his head to look over his shoulder three times, and bowing three times. He then starts over with the nodding. When stressed in class his teacher says he squeeks. I have only heard this at home when he is working on math homework. We had started seeing a NAET doctor after trying every herbal remedy I could find on the internet that I was comfortable with. NAET is an accupressure treatment done while holding an offending allergen retraining the body to release its blockage to the specific substance or energy. There are no needles and you never ingest anything. I had no idea this would work I was only hoping for a mild improvement. I figured worst case I was out time and money. For a more thorough explanation of NAET I have to recommend NAET.com. My sons tics were constant up to the point we treated the strep antibody. They are now gone with the exception of during treatments for other blockages also on his brain pathway. My son wanted to play Baseball this year so we signed him up on a rec league. Every time he got up to bat he couldn't even watch the pitcher he was so busy ticking. The boys on his team have been terrible to him calling him a dork for the way he bows at the pitcher. A week after his treatment for strep antibodies he played his first baseball game tic free and got his first hit of the season. I have never seen him smile so big. I only hope this holds and might be an answer for others.
patty Posted June 19, 2007 Report Posted June 19, 2007 Dlyan's mom, Thx for the detailed info. I have both books you mentioned at home. I was initially introduced to NAET by my son's acunpuncturist about 3/4 years ago. Had our initial office visit and thought it seemed too far out there. And when my son had his sudden onset of tics, it bought me back to this energy treatment again since my son has food & environmental allergies since birth. Also, i believe my son's asthma was gone largely due to NAET treatment last year. Patty
kkver Posted June 20, 2007 Report Posted June 20, 2007 Dylan'Mom My heart goes out to you and your kid for enduring this all those years and very happy to read your son's doing great. I was in the similar situation with Tics started after Strep . No one agreed about PANDAS till i used antibiotics for 10days. One thing i will like to ask what do u mean by blockage. To his surprise my son had a blockage on his brain pathway to Step, the strep b antibody, as well as a blockage in his basil ganglia. He treated him for strep that day. There is a 24 hour clearing period during which we saw no change. However the next day his tics were somewhat decreased so we went back and treated the antibody. How do you determine that . If you can post that it will be a great information.
bmom Posted June 21, 2007 Report Posted June 21, 2007 I have just ordered the books and my son's homeopathic doctor does do NAET or what he says is NAET, but he uses accupuncture. Is that NAET? Or is it accupressure only for NAET? The vial you are talking about- is it taken by mouth like a medicine or held in hand during accupressure? Thanks for info. Also curious as to what part of the country you live in as I mentioned this technique to my sons homeopathic Dr. and he was unsure, I was wondering where your Dr. was located as he has had success. Sorry if this is intrusive, just wondering if he might be close to us.
patty Posted June 21, 2007 Report Posted June 21, 2007 bmom, There are NAET practioners all over the country, some have ND, chiropractor, acunpuncture... background. Base on what your homepathic dr's answer, i am not sure if he does NAET. My son's NAET dr is also a ND, and she does craniosacral therapy as well. My son's acunpuncture also does NAET treatments. What she likes to do is to combine NAET treatment with acunpuncture to optimize the result. Just as my son's chirop does CS together. You can also log onto NAET.com to get more info and find a practitioner near you. I have gone thru 3 people who does NAET, i would highly recommend you to research the practitioner's background before starting treatment. As with alternative drs., sometimes it is hard to find a really good one. Good luck! I hope this helps. Patty
Dylans_Mom Posted June 21, 2007 Author Report Posted June 21, 2007 Dylan'Mom My heart goes out to you and your kid for enduring this all those years and very happy to read your son's doing great. I was in the similar situation with Tics started after Strep . No one agreed about PANDAS till i used antibiotics for 10days. One thing i will like to ask what do u mean by blockage. To his surprise my son had a blockage on his brain pathway to Step, the strep b antibody, as well as a blockage in his basil ganglia. He treated him for strep that day. There is a 24 hour clearing period during which we saw no change. However the next day his tics were somewhat decreased so we went back and treated the antibody. How do you determine that . If you can post that it will be a great information. I know I can not do this answer justice but I will try. This is the answer in simple terms. It made much more sense to me after reading the book. It sounded a little crazy to me at first as this was my first step outside western medicine. It seams to produce results however. My doctors office is packed and it is all referal business for which he has no incentives. The basis behind NAET is that the body has 12 energy pathways or meridians. If one or more of these pathways gets blocked energy cannot flow freely and a backup will occur causing illness. Every item around us has an energy field specific to that item. A NAET doctor has in there office vials filled with the specific energy for hundreds, or depending on the doctor thousands, of vials. To test for blockages most NAET doctors use a method called muscle response testing. This method is described in the book. The practitioner will have you hold a vial of a specific energy for example strep. They will then check for muscle weakness as they touch points corresponding to to each of the twelve meridians or pathways. When they find a weakness they will then treat that specific pathway to clear the blockage. Many allergens will affect more than one pathway. In my son's case a vast majority of his blockages are on the brain pathway. (Brain pathway is not the technical term I believe the book refers to it as the governing vessel.) While the practitioner is performing the treatment the patient holds the vial of the offending energy ie. strep so that the body can be retrained to keep its energy flowing properly in the presence of the offending energy. I first read the term PANDAS here on this web page. I searched for a clinical definition on line which described the elevated antibody levels and the fact that the strep and or antibodies attached to the basil ganglia. My doctor had a vial for strep bacteria, two strep antibodies as well as every part of the brain. My son showed a blockage to strep, only one of the antibodies as well as basil ganglia all of which were blocking the brain pathway. I thought strep is a bacteria wouldn't everybody have a blockage so I had him check me. I did not show a blockage to step I did however show a blockage to the same antibody my son had. After reading the PANDAS descripion I would have had my sons blood tests done to determin his antibody levels but I had a NAET appointment the next day. I thought it couldn't hurt to try that route first since my family has huge allergy issues with antibiotics. So far this seams to have worked. I hope it holds. Dylan's Mom
Dylans_Mom Posted June 21, 2007 Author Report Posted June 21, 2007 I have just ordered the books and my son's homeopathic doctor does do NAET or what he says is NAET, but he uses accupuncture. Is that NAET? Or is it accupressure only for NAET? The vial you are talking about- is it taken by mouth like a medicine or held in hand during accupressure? Thanks for info. Also curious as to what part of the country you live in as I mentioned this technique to my sons homeopathic Dr. and he was unsure, I was wondering where your Dr. was located as he has had success. Sorry if this is intrusive, just wondering if he might be close to us. I'm not sure if accupuncture and accupressure work the same for this treatment. I know from the NAET websight she does train Accupuncturists to do this. You do not take anything by mouth you hold the energy vial in your hand durring the treatment. One side note I would not expect to find a doctor of NAET who has much experience treating tic dissorders. Nambudripad has a book on Autism and one on ADHD. I have not read them yet. The NAET guidebook has a list called the Autism Kit I have got a lot of good ideas from that list. This was my doctors first time using strep or its antibodies to treat anything other than strep throat. I think the more involved we can be with our doctors the better chance of success we will have. We know our kids history better than any doctor could. We live just outside Salt Lake City, UT. My Doctor is not listed on the NAET web page. Dylan's Mom
Sunshine Posted June 21, 2007 Report Posted June 21, 2007 Dylan's mom, Congratulations on your son's fabulous progress!! It sounds like patience and perserverence have paid off... not an easy journey; we all know just how exhausting it is to walk that path. He's lucky to have you as his advocate!! I was just wondering if some of his other issues have lessened or have been resolved due to the treatments. In one post you had mentioned that he also suffered from ADD, OCD, and anxiety. I am curious to know if you see any changes in these other areas. Thank you for taking the time to post, and answer all of our questions. Your story gives the rest of us such happiness and provides us with hope for our own children. Smiles and thanks, Sunshine
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