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How can you tell when the supplements or trmts are right?


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I wonder how i can tell when something is working and what cause tic triggers since tics wax & wane? Anyone seem to have this problem? For instance, my son was fine all summer eating organic strawberries and now seems to trigger more tics. However, i don't know for sure because tics wax & wane. Also, it is hard to keep everything at a constant.


Any thoughts?



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Please clarify. I am not sure if i am understanding it correctly. Do you mean that when the supplement is working favorably, you see a pretty immediate reduction in tics? If the supplement is working, does it keep the tics fairly constant? or does it still wax and wane?





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when one is dealing with actual TS as opposed to chronic or transient tics, the waxing and waning continues.

However, where my son would have long and very intense waxing phases before the supps, afterward the times of waxing have been far less intense, and the actual tics themselves less severe


He still tics....we have NOT found a total remission from TS tics........however it is all MUCH less than before he started on the supps, careful diet, etc etc

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I think I am having the same frustrations as you. When you say tics wax and wane, do you mean the one particular tic, or different ones at different times?

And by the way, thanks a heap for the tip on the yeast free sourdough bread--I found it at Trader Joe's yesterday, and my son liked it with butter. It's the first slice type of bread I have found, so that was a jackpot for me!



that is interesting--when you say tics are less severe, do you mean less noticeable to others and less urgency? We are in New York, and so far I've found November to now is when he tics. Last summer was very mild. Does anyone know what allergens prevail most that time of year? The one we are dealing with mostly now is the vocal, like a squeak/gasp. I just keep experimenting with different food groups to see if there is any impact.




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it really depends on the root cause of the transient and chronic tics and what is triggering them. As the trigger(s) come and goes, so the tics can have the appearance of waxing/waning when in fact it is a clear reaction to the trigger(s) whether environmental, food etc or internal mechanisms (hormones, metabolites, stress, deficiencies etc)


Just what makes TS tics wax and wane characteristically is still a subject of research....yes, sometimes we know that this is also a trigger reaction.....but as those dealing with TS know all to well....sometimes it just seems to occur out of nowhere.





my son used to have TS/OCD symptoms that were totally debilitating and very severe in that injury sometimes resulted. When he was still on the meds and before, these waxing periods were very scary and he was once hospitalized because of it.


since he has been on supps and acupuncture/chiro and had all the yuck eliminated from his diet and yeast cleared etc etc the waxing phases involve simply an increase in tics...........not an alarming on, and it seems to also wane again quickly


my son has never had just one tic at a time and so for him waxing and waning is a complex issue where sometimes all will elevate and decline and sometimes it will be a particular tic that waxes and wanes


the major difference as I mentioned before is the severity, intensity and duration of waxing...whether for a single tic or for multiple ones.....before we started on the natural treatments, waxing was a time of major stress and anxiety because of how severe the tics were......now it is just a few more sounds or movements and they pass quickly


that is about as clearly as I can explain it ........just having lived the before and after....I can assure you the improvement is remarkable! and especially the OCD is really mild.........we have long known that for my son the OCD and tics used to fuel one another, which doesnt happen anymore

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