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Well here we go again - spring sprung early here in So. California - and Hoyt is just crippled with tics. He's been doing really well and then spring comes and he tics about once every two seconds- poor guy. I started the Zyrtec last night to try to alleviate his rising Hystamines but so far nothing. He was sick recently so I think some of the conjestion is left over from that but this is just painful to watch. He went to the chiro on Friday and our Osteo yesterday with no relief (they usually help a lot). We were supposed to go to Disneyland with another family today and he said he was too tired! I doubt he'll go to school. I always feel like I've made peace with his Tourettes (accept it, deal with it, ignore it) and then episodes like this happen and then I feel angry all over again - it gets SOOOOO bad - it just sucks!!!! No need to respond, just wanted a place to vent - this too will pass, I know, it's just that. . . well. . . IT SUCKS!!!




I know exactly how you feel. I live in N. Calif. and have also noted my son's symptoms are more sparadic the last couple of mos. I am pretty sure environmental allergy is part of the problem. I am very thankful that inspite of all that, is still very mild. We also have a chiro. His treatment plan is a combination of chiro & craniosacral therapy. I have done some research in CST, and some people with tics & TS response favorably. The founder of CST is John Upledger and has written a few books on the subject. Hope this offers an alternative.


I will pray for you & Hoyt.




Just wondering if you have tried desensitization with your son at all? We found that Sam had really significant allergies to many grasses, trees and weeds, and he started sublingual drops thru our environmental doctor last May. He has taken the drops daily since then. Spring has always been his worst time of year for tics. So far this year, he has had very few tics compared to previous years, even though the tree pollen count is really high here right now. We will retest his allergies in May this year and then the drops will be refined more to deal with the allergens that are still the biggest problem for him. I am really anxious to see how/if his reaction to the different pollens will have changed compared to last year. Would like to know if anyone else has had success with desensitization with drops or shots or anything else?


Hi Giselle,


I'm sorry to hear that Hoyt's having so much trouble again with tics. It's rough dealing with tics occuring so often like that. I hope that things will get better real soon.


(((Hugs))) to both you and Hoyt.






we have had three days of upped tics here too and I know it is related to our unusually dry conditions (much pollen) as well as brush fires burning a distance from us but near enough to catch that acrid smoke smell


deep breath and repeat after me

"This too WILL pass!"




When you all refer to allergies that your kids have, do you mean they have the regular more obvious allergies, such as sinus and nasal/sneezing type allergies? Or have they just been tested even and you found them to test positive to some things environmentally? I mean, if they didn't have tics, would you have had the testing done, and is that why they have some treatments, i.e. zyrtec, etc.?


I don't really know how to connect this, for my son never showed any symptoms of allergies, but I went ahead and had the testing, and he came up moderate to dustmite, cat and mold. We have been using a nasal spray which contains a dilution of the allergens. Is that what desentization drops are?






I am familiar with some of your past posts. But I don't know for sure, did you ever have any testing or treatment for metals? Is that one of your son's issues? When you say he is ticcing alot now, is it one tic alot, or different ones at same time?




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