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Anyone else with bad neck/head tic


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I have a violent head tic, I jerk my head forward ( jutting my chin out) I do this approx every 3-4 seconds all day every day. I have had this tic for 27 years continuously. I am in extreme pain in both neck, head and upper shoulders, which are constantly tense. I am now experiencing a burning sensation under my skull ( as apposed to on skin) I am sure this is as a result of the tic.


Does anyone else have this or a similar tic that has been ongoing long term


Any advice would be great


I am sure i am doing physical damage now !!!



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Hi Lottie

I did reply to your other thread a few days ago.


My son had intense head/neck tics when his TS first manifest. We tried medications but with little tic relief and mega nasty side effects.


After we started a more natural treatment plan things got dramatically better and my son is now an adult in his mid 20s and most people do not even know he has TS.


The head/neck tics really were subdued a lot when we started magnesium supplement along with epsom salts baths. There is a Morton Epsom Lotion now available (Walmart, Walgreens and others) that can be rubbed into the neck/shoulders or other areas where tics are present. It helps calm them, but also soothes the aches the tics may cause.

My son found NUCCA chiro treatment and acupuncture very helpful


We also noticed an immediate improvement in those tics and all others when we eliminated chemical & artificial food additives along with other healthy changes.

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My son has also gone through the tic that you have described, plus a violent back and forth motion and a right side turn. I found these tics very difficult to watch. I do take him to the chiropractor weekly initially because I was so concerned what these tics were doing to his neck. We followed a lot of advice from this forum and he is on a supplement routine which has provided dramatic improvement. Tics are still there and they come and go, but nothing as bad as the neck/head ones. I have noticed that since we ceased our Chiropractor visits through the Christmas period, the tics increased in frequency. We are just getting back to regular visits and I do think they make a difference. Chiropractors are not like they use to be, I'm very surprised that all but 1 that rotate through our Practice, follow very alternative routes. But follow the advice you will read in this forum and there are lots of positive improvements. I for one am very thankful for all those that contribute to this site. Good luck.

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