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I have 2 kids ( 3 and 5) y.o. and both have tics. Also our neurologist thinks it is Pandas, but I am not convinced. They did have strep when tics started. It also seems every time when tics get worst their behavior goes bad too. Usually they start being angry very easily and also a lot of crying for no reasons . Does this indicates TS at all or it does sounds more like Pandas. I know TS could go along with ADHD or ADD, which they don't have. Just this anger. My DS is the sweetest boy and always listens . So I can see a huge difference when he gets really mad and angry and then I see some eye rolls, which normally he has some light blinking here and there.

Thank you very much for everyone's support on this forum ,



My ds had an eyeroll tic if he eats dairy and one thing that we have noticed is that since we cleaned up his diet to eliminate dairy (meaning that almost all foods are made scratch instead of using some processed foods) is that ds is a whole lot calmer. At times before this ds would walk up to his sister and just yell at her while she was reading on the couch or just get monumentally frustrated with himself and have a crying fit.


Now my ds is eating no dairy, he has really just been calmer and easier to get along with. He isn't perfect by any means, but it just seems like he's more relaxed about thing. We had originally thought the outbursts were because he was hungry because that was usually when they happened. Now when he gets hungry, he's still a bit grumpy, but it's not to the same level.


The interesting thing is that my ds's vocal tic came back after Halloween (probably due to hfcs or dyes). The tic has pretty much faded now. But yesterday, he had a 25 min. total crying meltdown over spelling homework which has never happened. Yesterday was a field trip and a few other different things, but it did strike me as odd that he had that total meltdown after a tic episode.


I don't know if the meltdowns, anger and tics all interact. I know that during tic episodes ds is more angry. I know that diet causes the tics for my ds. I don't know if the anger is caused by the tics or is another symptom of ds's issues with certain foods/dyes/additives. I know that by eliminating dairy for the tics, we also eliminated most dyes and hfcs also. What specifically is responsible for the anger, I don't know.


I hope you find an answer.





honestly, with the strep history and rages...I would most definitely investigate PANDAS


Yes, some kids with TS can have anger issues, especially as noted when they are exposed to allergens, toxins etc.....but personally I would not hesitate to first get a PANDAS evaluation as the longer you wait with treating strep inflammation of the brain, the harder it can sometimes be to treat!


Also, if there is no family history of tics/TS...the likelihood of it being TS diminishes.

Remember too, TS and PANDAS are not mutually exclusive but where TS does not get "worse" necessarily if not treated...PANDAS can!


Our PANDAS forum parents will be able to give a lot more input

Posted (edited)

Thank you, Rissakae for your respond. I am not sure about dairy for us. My DD started having tics at 3 y.o. or so and we had two summers from June till late October pretty much tic free. Then when November comes her tics increase ( humming is the main one for now). Until the end of May we will have her humming and some other tics on and off . She is 5 now and we had same 2 years of pattern like this. During summer she would have dairy here and there ( not milk itself but cheese and yogurt) . And she was doing great during summer months. So I am not sure if it is the dairy that would eliminate tics.

Thank you, Chemar . I am very confused about what is going on with my DD. Yes, we had strep ( strep carrier) , we did blood work with doctor T. Antibiotics didn't really help tics. So , she has been having tics on and off and when it was increasing she didn't have strep and DD was born in AZ and as far as I know there is no lyme disease there. But with TS ( I READ YOUR STORY ) , does it get worst over the years as far as intensity. For us I would say the second year overall was better then first. Now, also about TS history , I have never seen any tics in my DH, but this month we were moving to East coast and it was very stressful. So I noticed my husband has been doing eyebrow raising and nose twitching. I asked him about tics in childhood and he said he didn't have any. Even though he denies it I think there is genetics on this side. My DS has been having very mild tics too ( but also had strep at the same time with his sister , he was 1.5 at that time, and had some mild eye rolling ). So I am all confused about it all. I am just afraid that my DD will explode with severe tics at some point. Is there chance that they will stay on the mild side and disappear at some point?

Thank you ,


Edited by valsmom

I agree about Dairy! It made a big difference for us. We also eat Paleo and organic when possible to eliminate most Genetically altered food. We have had 3 large flares and some ups and downs usually starting with Halloween. Summers have always been fine. I agree that I think candy with all its altered ingredients causes havoc. Maybe yeast etc.


It also is the time Strep arrives on the scene and my son use to react to sick kids in his class.


To make matters a little more complicated, weather changes and there are more issues with mold. I just read an article somewhere in regards to mold and chorea form movement. Have you moved yet? Any changes?


Moving is a stressor in itself. I can see why Dr.'s have a hard time isolating triggers.


Definitely look into PANDAS. Good Luck... You have come to the right place.

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