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Posted (edited)

Only here could I post this question. DS 8 in third grade has OCD and fear of vomit, diarrhea, chewing gum and anyone even saying they feel nauseous. Here's our problem...he is now developing a fear if reading bc all the books he has enjoyed reading contain scenes of someone throwing up or getting gum stuck in their feet. Virtually any book starring young kids have a vomit scene.


Does anyone else have this problem? Can anyone recommend good reading choices or a way to deal with this? He's getting board of all the animal books.


At home he's been reading baby books to his little sister but the. Is afraid to write the. In his reading log for fear of embarrassment. Great, something else to obsess over....help

Edited by JoyBop

When my son was that age he liked the magic tree house series. I remember reading some of those with him and I don't remember specifically any vomit scenes or any gum scenes. Stay away from the wimpy kid series as those are full of adolescent boy type humor.... I don't know what reading level your boy is on but maybe if he is a little above the magic tree house level, I also remember my son liked the Theodore Boone kid lawyer series by John Grisham. Hope this helps.

Posted (edited)

I know at least two moms who'll probably chime in on ERP strategies to help with fears of vomit (warning - it involves discussing vomit until you can't stand it anymore).


For books, you might try looking for Newberry Award winners or this list of books http://www.nutmegaward.org/56901/index.html - browse the site and you'll find lists, year by year, of books selected as good reads for kids. This list is for kids grades 4-6 and then they have other lists for older grades. They also have an "acorn" series for grades 2-3 but I'm having trouble finding a link. Your state may have similar lists. You can also google 'reading lists 3rd grade boys" and get some ideas. A-Z Mysteries is age appropriate. A few other detective series. My son liked a Series of Unfortunate Events but it's rather dark and bizarre and probably not good if anxieties are high. Diary of a Wimpy Kid is obviously not an option! A few kids in 3rd grade were reading Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief series but it was above my son's abilities and not his kind of genre. But we found some other Greek mythology stories he liked.

Edited by LLM

Thanks so much for the suggestions! I will have to look in to those resources. Many great ideas!


We are in the midst of ERP and it isn't going well. Its a long story but our therapist, who was great, after only 3 sessions has to take leave to take care of his sick wife. We were referred to a partner who refused to work with my child. The. Out local psychiatrist took over CBT and ERP but she just had a baby. We were left to go it alone. Now we are listening to one second audio clips of vomit sounds and it has totally traumatized him and made of worse. There are no others that do CBT for kids in our area. However I now have the opportunity to work with a very well known therapist who worked with dr G for 20 years and dr g just put me in touch with her. She's willing to come to our house!! But she doesn't take any insurance and is $175 per session. Tying to swallow that one and hoping that our insurance will make an exception and reimburse us. Until then wed best stay clear of stories with boy humor, as you so eloquently called it.


Thanks again for the many suggestions!


My son loved the "Secrets of Droon" series. Other good ones were "The Mouse and the Motorcycle," "The Cricket in Times Square," "Chronicles of Narnia." However, avoidance may not be the best route long term. I'm no expert on CBT/ERP, but they explained to us at Rothman this summer that avoidance (giving in to the fears) only makes things worse. As you are seeing with the reading fear, when you go the avoidance route, their world slowly gets smaller and smaller and they find more and more things they feel they need to avoid. I don't know where you are with medical treatment, but once he's fairly stable and capable of working on these things, I would highly recommend finding a good therapist to help you work on ERP.


Miss mom to answer your question he tested at a fourth grade reading level last year but has serious adhd and is a bit if an underachiever at the moment. Magic treehouse would most likely be perfect but he won't read them bc he said all his friends read them in kindergarten or 1st grade. The self conscious bug is wreaking havoc. He read all the whimsy kid books last year pre pandas. Now that you mention it, that could be where the gum phobia came from. Isnt there a big gum story line in that ?


My kids like books about motorcycles, cars, skateboarding, boy stuff....They are both a little attention short, so this is how we fell into these kind of books.....They don't have to follow a huge storyline, god forbid, they might melt...so no gum or vomit.


Have you considered a kids version of encyclopedias? The two sets we have are written in a more lively, story based manner than the boring adult ones. I have The Young Children's Encyclopedia by Encylopedia Britanica. I also have The Golden Book Encylopedia by Golden Press set that is a little less story based, but not as dry as adult encyclopedias. Our sets are fairly old, but much of the information is not dated. What is dated, can be corrected with little effort. My kiddo loves to read these.


Also, I am trying to get my kiddo into reading free kindle books on a laptop computer. Kindle has a free PC app and a lot of free books on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_15?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=free+books+for+kids+9-12&sprefix=Free+books+for+%2Cdigital-text%2C360


Good suggestions. I have a kindle. The great thing about that is you can do a word search and see if certain words are there. Also he adores electronics so that just might solve two problems! He might be more inclined to read that way.


His teacher sent home 3 books for me to loon through. I think if I can get him to read one while book without incident we will be in a better place.


Matt Christopher is a series my son is hooked about kids in various sports also the choose you own adventure series Shiloh series about a dog sad though there's a movie, 20, 000 leagues inder the sea, ronald dahl books charlie and chocolate factory and most by ronald dahl

Clemetine series

Watching cartoon libertys kids led to interest in war president ben franklin miltiary books

Likes magic schoolbus cartoon and there is a series of these books


If on computer tumblebooks has picture books and more my kids loved these they highlight words and read books to the child some librarys and schools subscribe but my kids loved the variety and its perfect if reading on computer with high speed internet

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