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The family featured in the video was also in a recently posted article in the NY Times. Leaky gut is nothing new to most of us, but it's sure nice to see it making into mainstream media



I could only view Part one. Cherry juice? No potatoes or tomatoes? Does anyone no why? Was that his personal triggers or that generalized for everyone? We eat potatoes a lot!!!!


Under the video screen you will see links to Part 2 and Part 3.


Tomatoes and potatoes are considered "nightshade" vegetables that apparently can cause symptoms. We don't avoid these, but it was suggested that my daughter and I avoid them because we both have hypothyroidism (a naturopath recommended this). We rely on potatoes for some normalcy in our diet because we eat GF/CF.


Here's an explanation on nightshades:




Not sure about the cherry juice.


Under the video screen you will see links to Part 2 and Part 3.


Tomatoes and potatoes are considered "nightshade" vegetables that apparently can cause symptoms. We don't avoid these, but it was suggested that my daughter and I avoid them because we both have hypothyroidism (a naturopath recommended this). We rely on potatoes for some normalcy in our diet because we eat GF/CF.


Here's an explanation on nightshades:




Not sure about the cherry juice.


I am really researching food allergies and sensitivities. Nightshade family veggies are like other things only an issue if you have a sensitivity to them. They are one of the more common triggers like gluten or dairy or corn but not necessarily a problem unless you have a sensitivity. Best way to know for sure is to try elimination diet.


Been busy do to family emergencies..trying to keep up.

Ds was doing fanaminal..but took a nose dive..possibly do to lack of my watching diet or allergy shot..or both :angry:

Life is *^*^% here!

During his best week..he was getting 4-5 frozen cherries cut into his steel cut, organic, nonGMO oatmeal every morning..

Cherries are a naturl anti inflammitory...but high in salicilates..frozen foods typically have fewer salicylates.

It's finding that balance.


I truly believe in leaky gut. My ds son had it and probably still has symptoms but doing much better. He was sensitive to all the nightshade family. Tomatoes, potatoes were off limits. I always wondered why a lot of his sensitivities were in the nightshade family. I do believe that it could also bring on pychiatric issues. He was suffering with depression and anxiety at the time. We eliminated all sugar which would make him either very hyper emotional and what not. This story is close to home bc it reminds me of dd you was complaining of leg pains which started out with screaming at night that eventually were causing her to not be able to do activities in the day like running, riding bike when she was 4. She would say my legs hurt. My legs are tired! The breaking point was when she had a hard night with leg pain and then running after ds and she would take breaks every 5 min to say she has to rest her legs bc they hurt. In the meantime she would complain of belly aches throughout the day that would would come and go. I was so sick of hearing growing pains from doc and belly is fine. She went gluten free and dairy free and it worked within days. She runs and jumps and never stops. She might complain once in a blue moon that something hurts but I also found out with my own eyes that she is extremely double jointed which can cause pains in individuals. I think diet helps a lot and I believe a lot of these chd ten have gut issues especially with All the shots they are getting and antibiotics if they are sick a lot.



My girl complained of sore ankles since she could talk. Every time we walked somewhere she would sit on sidewalk and would not budge. I always ended up carrying her home. I massaged and put compresses on her ankles since a very young child. Then it went to her knees. She kept saying she felt like an old lady. I saw this and debilitating migraines (with vomiting) go away with vitamin D3. She was a number "11" on test. I believe they want you to be between 30-100.

I also had my child on cave man diet for months. Helped a teeny bit. Her symptoms were very much still there and debilitating. I believe in her case, it's just a teeny bit of the puzzle. I do believe food plays a BIG part in our health though, for sure!!!


Dd at that time would also ride her bike to the park ( if you compare it to city blocks about two) I dreaded it bc I knew she wouldn't make it . Half way through she said legs are tired so had to carry her and try to carry bike back. I was so confused on how her legs always hurt. If it wasn't for ds and all his issues I probably wouldn't of caught on eith her issues that were causing her pain. Yes and I now recall when she was 1 and 2 and there were nights that she would cry and it was a painful cry that would last a week and then go away for a month or so and come back. It was just weird there was no pattern which made it hard to detect. As she got older it was more frequent. She was able to talk and point to ankles and Knee and would just cry out with pain for hours at night on random days. So she is sensitive to wheat and we got her tested for celiac which she is not. But the milk too with being sensitive. Within a week it was night and day with belly aches and pains. I don't know Lilly if you read my post years ago but dd was dairy free from what I remember not very long. She went hyper crazy when I gave her cheese. Even ds looked at her and said what is going on. Food can help a bit but I do think there is more. Sugar is our worst nightmare and I cannot say this enough. This is one thing I back up 100 percent. I'm not sure how much sugar you dd consumes through her food in a day but it's a constant fight here and does the worse damage. I wish it never existed!!


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