Chemar Posted October 25, 2006 Report Posted October 25, 2006 AND ANOTHER THING Vaccines can cause suppression of the immune system.....sometimes for quite a lengthly period of time! THAT is in fact one of my biggest concerns about them!! The mercury etc issues are bad enough, but when you start messing with the immune system................ Since having to start researching a whole new area of autoimmunity with my son's recent dx of Crohn's disease, I have come to realise how many people with compromised neurological systems also seem to suffer from the autoimmune diseases Lupus and Crohn's are at alarming levels amongst young people, and just look at all the MS, MG, etcetcetcetc Altho research is still ongoing, certainly with Crohn's there is a belief that "something" triggers the autoimmunity, and as I mentioned before, my son started having digestive woes shortly after having all the "middle school mandatory" shots of Heb B, tetanus booster. It was also the time when he went on that youth missions trip to Nicaragua, and had to have travel vaccines for that hindsight eh! But I sure know the kind of grandma I will be on this issue!!
kim Posted October 25, 2006 Report Posted October 25, 2006 Ahhhhh Chemar, he did have the second dose of MMR during this time frame??? The really sickening part of that is, per the CDC website, the 2nd MMR isn't really a booster. It's given to "catch" the few people (something terribly low 3 to 5%, I believe) who didn't develope immunity to the first one! Why not test titers instead of just redosing everyone? COST/PROFIT??? measles and vit A therapy magnesium to stop tetanus spasms...We don't hear about it do we? The facts about HEP B transmission The studies about the ineffectiveness of the flu vaccines. It goes on and on. Fox news is running the story about the safety study that was done on the flu vax. for 2 and under, about every 15 minutes this morning. It just makes me SO ANGRY.
Chemar Posted October 25, 2006 Report Posted October 25, 2006 hi Kim no his MMR "booster" was a few years before..........but likely contributed to the explosion of his TS/OCD symptoms just before his 10th birthday
kim Posted October 27, 2006 Report Posted October 27, 2006 Info sharing from mothering vaccine forum You might want to visit alisaterry's blog too. Good info. on the MMR "M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility." Potential adverse reactions listed in the package insert: Panniculitis atypical measles fever syncope headache dizziness malaise irritability vasculitis pancreatitis diarrhea vomiting parotitis nausea diabetes mellitus thrombocytopenia purpura regional lymphadenopathy leukocytosis Anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions angioneurotic edema bronchial spasms arthritis anthragia myalgia encephalitis encephalopathy subacute sclerosing panencephalitis Guillian Barre Syndrome febrile convulsions seizures ataxia polyneuritis polyneuropathy ocular palsies paresthesia aseptic meningitis Pneumonitis sore throat cough rhinitis Stevens-Johnson syndrome erythema multiforme urticaria rash pruritis nerve deafness otitis media retinitis optic neuritis papillitis retrobulbar neuritis conjunctivitis Orchitis DEATH Then this What are the possible complications of measles? Ear infection which causes earache is a common complication. A febrile convulsion (fit) occurs in about 1 in 200 cases. This can be alarming, but full recovery is usual. Infections of the airways such as bronchitis and croup are common. These are distressing, but are not usually serious. Pneumonia (lung infection) is a serious complication that sometimes develops. Typical symptoms include fast or difficult breathing, chest pains, and generally becoming more ill. Brain inflammation (encephalitis) is a rare but very serious complication. It occurs in about 1 in 5000 cases. It typically causes drowsiness, headache, and vomiting which starts about 7-10 days after the onset of the rash. Encephalitis may cause brain damage. Some children die from this complication. Squint is thought to be more common than usual in children who have had measles. The virus may affect the nerve or muscles to the eye. A very rare brain disease called sub-acute sclerosing panencephalitis develops years later in a small number of people who have had measles. Complications are more likely in children with a poor immune system (such those with leukaemia or AIDS), and in those who are malnourished. This is one reason why measles is still a major problem in some poorer countries. Many malnourished children in the world die when they get measles, usually from a 'secondary' pneumonia.
kim Posted October 30, 2006 Report Posted October 30, 2006 Gary Goldman's latest peer-reviewed mansucript that was published in the International of Journal of Toxicology. From Gary Goldman My new NON-FICTION BOOK, is available at It is entitled, The Chickenpox Vaccine: A New Epidemic of Disease and Corruption. Mark Orrin is a psuedonym. - - - - Synopsis During the course of his research in a project funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Goldman discovered several inconsistencies while computing the risk associated with shingles, a disease he had been studying since January, 2000. The fact that shingles can cause excruciating pain and suffering even after the resolution of the rash, combined with the fact that shingles is a reactivation of the same virus that causes chickenpox, caused Dr. Goldman to pursue further scientific investigations. Virtually all positive findings presented by Dr. Goldman were incorporated into medical journal articles published by officials from the CDC and Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. There seemingly appeared to be success with a dramatic decline in reported chickenpox cases by nearly 80% from the licensure of the chickenpox vaccine on March 17, 1995 through 2000. However, the negative or deleterious findings that Goldman began objectively reporting in 2001 and thereafter were treated much differently. Dr. Goldman sought a more comprehensive understanding of the biological mechanism that might explain the reason for the unexpectedly high incidence of shingles he found among children in a community where chickenpox vaccination was wide-spread. Searching through the medical literature, Goldman uncovered a study by Dr. Hope-Simpson published in 1965 that first suggested an adult?s immune system may be boosted to prevent or postpone the reactivation of shingles every time an adult was exposed to a child with chickenpox. Dr. Goldman, later joined by other researchers, logically reasoned that if that hypothesis were correct and chickenpox vaccination nearly eradicated cases of childhood chickenpox, adults would no longer receive the immunologic boosting that they received previously and a shingles epidemic might ensue. After concluding an analysis of the preliminary data, Dr. Goldman navigated a range of challenges, some of which may have been rather unexpected, including a degree of opposition and a notice to ?cease and desist? publication in a medical journal. It soon became clear to Dr. Goldman that the CDC was interested in publishing only ?half the story? about chickenpox vaccination. Dr. Goldman resigned in 2002 stating, ?Whenever research data and information concerning potential adverse effects associated with a vaccine used in human populations are suppressed and/or misrepresented by health authorities, not only is this most disturbing, this goes against all accepted norms and compromises professional ethics.? To expose, warn against, and encourage steps to remedy what Dr. Goldman knew to be such abuses of ethics and public trust, he has approved the release of the 300 page book entitled The Chickenpox Vaccine: A New Epidemic of Disease and Corruption. While the book is an accessible resource documenting what he perceives as a ?cover up? concerning the increase in shingles arising from the Universal Varicella Vaccination Program, Dr. Goldman integrates scientific information and straightforward commentary on adverse outcomes associated with the Hepatitis B vaccine, Thimerosal-containing vaccines, the shingles vaccine, water fluoridation, the practices of instant or early cord clamping (ICC/ECC) and flat on-the-back or semi-sitting birth positions, and others. The concluding sections of the book discuss conflicts of interests between public health officials and the pharmaceutical industry that may have undermined the stated health aims of various large scale health initiatives. Considerable appendices are incorporated as an accessible resource that can be shared with healthcare professionals. Thus, parents with school-age children, grandparents, and even single active adults and the elderly, all of whom will be at increased risk of shingles, stand much to gain through the insightful discussion of health issues that are related in the book. Different from other medical exposes, Dr. Goldmans book is not based on only fringe data and reports gleaned from a medical journalist on the outside, but his account is that of a true research insider, one who made significant contributions to investigational research and interfaced with public health authorities impacting national health policy. The facts and references presented are no exercise in alarmism or exaggeration. Dr. Goldman?s balanced and candid discussion will enhance your appreciation of medical issues and enable you and your loved ones to make better informed healthcare decisions. His book suggests valuable reform measures necessary to restore the health and wealth of the U.S. and halt the continual cycles of disease and treatment. ********* The Chickenpox Vaccine: A New Epidemic of Disease and Corruption For Immediate Release The Chickenpox Vaccine: A New Epidemic of Disease and Corruption Title: The Chickenpox Vaccine: A New Epidemic of Disease and Corruption Released by: Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D. Release Date: 2006-08-31 02:00:39 Summary: "The right to search for truth implies also a duty. One must not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true." Albert Einstein (on National Academy of Sciences building in WA, D.C.) Website: For_Immediate_Release: Brief Summary: This non-fiction book is a medical expose from a research insider with 8 years experience on a project funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It disucsses behind-the-scene health issues and their effect on individuals in a large community. Dr. Goldman was encouraged to generate findings that would lead to publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals. All positive findings were published in a timely manner; however, when Dr. Goldman began to present deleterious outcomes, these seemed to be treated much differently and would portend increased risk of reactivation of a more serious disease harbored by more than 95% of the adult U.S. population. Foreword Truth will win out, the old saying goes. However, the kind of truth that bucks conventional wisdom, entrenched power, billions of dollars in pharmaceutical sales, and exposes corruption in high places and probable harm to many people doesn't get out quickly or easily. Gary and I first met in mid-2003, when I began to study the medical research documentation he provided to me. Woven through it were the threads of a gripping and important story. Soon, I was convinced that what Gary had provided contained explosive information the public had a right and a vital need to know. What he had discovered revealed adverse effects that had previously occurred and were continuing to affect millions of lives (including children and up to 95% of Americas adults). Gary wants you to know about the unexpected, disturbing medical realities that his research has uncovered. He has uncovered major disease trends that are already endangering the health of millions of unwary people. Unless we do whatever we can to halt these disease trends, they will prove detrimental to the medical health of our society,not to mention the cost involved to our society in the amount of billions of dollars over the next half-century. We agreed that this is a book in part about numbers, which, in and of themselves, have both intrinsic value and human importance. These numbers describe a stark reality that many people will suffer illness without even knowing the true reasons for their suffering. The people aspects of this books numbers first began to come together for Gary several years ago, when he was serving as an epidemiological research analyst. In that capacity, he was a major contributor to an important population-based research project to monitor the trends of a particular, very common disease, chickenpox, in the wake of its newly licensed live-attenuated-virus vaccine. Certain unanticipated (and alarming) vaccine-related patterns had begun to emerge from the data he?'d been analyzing. These caught Gary's attention. He asked himself, Why am I seeing these kinds of number'a and what do they mean?? In terms of his own self-interest, Gary would have been better off just to shrug off the import of those figures, pass them on to his superiors, continue to take his salary, and keep quiet about his concerns. As it turned out, he had ample cause to do so, because, when he started reporting those numbers, his superiors made it clear, through attempts to dismiss and then suppress his findings, they weren?t at all as eager as he was to address the meaning of his findings. What Gary has gleaned from his findings explains why these pages aren't, in the final analysis, merely about the numbers he gathered. Rather this book is about the suffering people those numbers represent and the potential millions more, who might even come to include you, currently at higher risk of a disease that can be excruciatingly painful. Without the information this book contains, you would likely never understand why potentially millions of people will suffer in a shingles epidemic that may last for as long as the next fifty years. It is likely already too late for citizens like you to take action to prevent the start of that epidemic. However, with the myriad of health/medical issues on the horizon, this book will outline actions that you can take now to help insure future public health policy works toward the betterment of mankind rather than to its detriment. At the point in Gary's story where I'll begin relating events, he stood virtually alone, collecting, slicing-and-dicing, and analyzing the very first, hard, data hinting that there was an association between the current vaccination program and increased incidence of shingles. His findings supported a long-controversial hypothesis that had negative implications for one broadly mandated vaccination program. At that time, he had no idea that he would stir up controversies, which did cause a major stir at the highest levels of America's healthcare system, simply by reporting his findings. But as yo'?ll read, certain vested-interest parties initially disputed Gary's research. When that approach failed, they, then, attempted to belittle his professional expertise and repeatedly tried to keep his findings from being shared with or taken seriously by the medical community and the public. In 2006, Gary no longer stands alone. Despite the opposition he's faced, Gary has won a growing host of allies in the world of medicine and science. Among whom are other highly respected medical professionals, including those who (1) have reviewed his studies, (2) are convinced that his findings are both scientifically sound, biologically plausible, and accurate, and (3) have supported his findings by reporting similar results from other independent studies conducted in different populations. Their support of Gary's work is important. However, as the narrator, my most essential tasks are to help you understand the story and root causes behind his findings, and to relate these in as clear, non-scientific, human terms as possible. [Note: For those readers who are interested, Gary has provided some technical material in the appendices in the back of the book.] In the account set forth in this book, I've clearly and simply defined the various technical terms that may be unfamiliar to general readers, generally when these terms first occur. To help you grasp the complex issues this book addresses, a "primer" is included that describes the main characteristics of two related diseases with which this book is most concerned, chickenpox and shingles. Another primer discusses the science of epidemiology. Whether or not science interests you, I earnestly hope you'll find that the human costs of the findings presented in the narrative you're about to read speak clearly to your mind and touch your heart. Before I proceed, let me be clear: As a scientist, researcher and former healthcare system insider, Gary felt as most do, that vaccination exerted a positive influence and served a beneficial role, protecting mankind against numerous diseases. In 2006, he is deeply concerned that not all disease-preventive vaccines have been developed and tested as thoroughly as they should be, nor introduced cautiously, and only used when their long-term benefits clearly outweigh their long-term costs. Additionally, I hope this book will persuade you to join the tireless efforts of Gary and his many other scientific colleagues to encourage long-overdue reforms in medical and vaccine-related research and practice. Moreover, you will see that certain health authorities, including some of the very same people who initially encouraged, welcomed, and published virtually all of Gar'?s positive findings about the chickenpox vaccination outcomes they were studying, wanted him to tell only the positive half of the story you're about to read. However, as you'll see, they now seem intent on covering up the negative findings this book will present to you. A brief "Primer," on Chickenpox and Shingles Varicella (chickenpox) and herpes zoster (shingles) both derive from the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Varicella is typically a benign disease characterized by a rash that appears in crops, progressing from macules to papules, vesicles, pustules, and eventually to crusted lesions,all of which may be present during the peak of the clinical phase. Lesions are often concentrated on the trunk, scalp and face and symptoms resolve in 7-10 days. Chickenpox is highly contagious and occurs most often among 3- to 8-year-old children. It's transmitted through the respiratory system when a person who's susceptible to the disease comes in close proximity to an infected person who coughs, sneezes, or even breathes. The average incubation period is 14 days, however a chickenpox case can occur between the 10th and 21st day after exposure. Varicella is most contagious one to two days prior to rash onset, so quite often a person does not know precisely who transmitted the infection to whom. Ordinarily, the only treatment for uncomplicated chickenpox in healthy children is application of "anti-itch" lotions that help keep children from scratching the rash too avidly. (Scratching can introduce a bacterial infection, causing physicians to prescribe antibiotics.) Occasionally, in more severe cases, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs such as acyclovir (Zovirax®) or famciclovir (Famvir®). Following primary infection with varicella, the VZV goes dormant in the body's cranial and dorsal-root ganglia. When VZV immunity declines below a certain threshold level, the virus can reactivate in the secondary infection, shingles. Individuals have a 20% chance of developing shingles during their lifetime. Unlike chickenpox, the shingles rash is often confined to distribution along one or several adjacent dermatomes on one side of the body. A dermatome is an area of the skin supplied by sensory fibers from a specific spinal nerve. The Chickenpox Vaccine: A New Epidemic of Disease and Corruption Website: For more details: Medical Veritas International Inc. P.O. Box 847 Pearblossom, CA 93553 Website: E-mail: pearblossominc@...
kim Posted November 3, 2006 Report Posted November 3, 2006 This is in regards to the remark made above, about the "study" results and recommendation about this vaccine that ran about every 15 minutes, on FOX news. I wonder how many people will hear this side of the story? Studies Fail to Demonstrate Safety or Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccine in Children and Adults Children's case histories were included in the study only if an HMO doctor had seen them within 14 days of influenza vaccination. Dozens of convulsions and other adverse events, including brain injury experienced by children after vaccination, were excluded from the study if the children had not been seen by a doctor within 14 days of the adverse event or were sick in the weeks before and after vaccination. Because of arbitrarily chosen cut-off periods, adverse events which occurred before and after different observation times cancelled each other out and were not classified as vaccine-related. In some cases, convulsions and cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome were dismissed as "coincidental" or caused by other vaccines the children received by the 19 Kaiser Permanente and CDC authors -- nine of whom reported financial ties to flu vaccine manufacturers and all of whom received CDC funding.
Guest Posted November 3, 2006 Report Posted November 3, 2006 Here's an article that was posted on the Nebraska Autism yahoo group about flu vaccines. It gives different options of flu vaccines.;id=1162322544 Carolyn
Andy Posted November 5, 2006 Report Posted November 5, 2006 Why get the Flu shot at all. According to the various research that was document in the book "Flu" The story of the great influenza pandemic of 1918 in which the recorded amount of people who died was over 40 million, most of the victims who died had no natural antibodies to the flu for they never caught it before while many survivors of that Flu were sick from the flu in the past. Also a curious note is that all of this bird flu fear may be overdone for the research shows that the flu strain of 1918 is still with us but is in a lower form as Swine flu for it survive in pigs. Gina Kolata, the science reporter of the New York Times wrote this book back in 1999 and based it upon the research of scientists. Just something to think about and yes the Flu vaccine does have mercury in it and let us not forget we had a shortage one year due to the bad batch that was caught before shipment in England. Makes one wonder how many bad batchs of any vaccine are not caught and released to the public.
kim Posted November 8, 2006 Report Posted November 8, 2006 This is such an excellent paper. It really gives a good overview of the TH1 and TH2 arms of the immune system. Stick with the reading through the first couple of paragraphs. It gives so much more info, than the title implies.
kim Posted November 11, 2006 Report Posted November 11, 2006 I wonder if they figure that maybe they have hit a "break point" with our infants, and had better start focusing on the older population? CDC Shifts Vaccine-Data Focus Decision to Survey Teens Instead of Young Children Criticized By David Brown Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, November 1, 2006; Page A10 Federal health officials have decided to forgo gathering detailed data on whether children in 22 big cities are receiving recommended immunizations and instead will survey teenagers, who are the target of several new vaccines. Published on Thursday, January 26, 2006 by Dr. Frist Immunizes Big Pharma by Dan Hamburg Hidden in the folds of the thickly pork-laden Department of Defense Appropriations bill that slid through Congress just before Christmas and was signed into law a day before New Year’s was a big slab of holiday cheer for the pharmaceutical industry. There were no press releases from congressional offices and no mention in the news – maybe no one wanted to take credit for this latest assault on the 14th amendment. From an article on page 9 of the "Articles" thread Vaccines and Immune Suppression According to Van de Water and Ashwood, these studies illustrate that under similar circumstances, the cytokine responses elicited by the T-cells, B-cells, and macrophage cell populations following their activation differs markedly in children with autism compared to age-matched children in the general population. Cytokines are known to affect mood and behavior,
Chemar Posted November 11, 2006 Report Posted November 11, 2006 Kim dont know if you read about this on NeuroTalk, but here is something that will likely evoke every negative emotion you can imagine ps apparantly the child is autistic.....hmmmm....wonder if all this started with a vaccine!!
kim Posted November 11, 2006 Report Posted November 11, 2006 Well if they implement this game plan, keeping the damaged kids small, might not be an issue,,2087-2437921,00.html Doctors: let us kill disabled babies Sarah-Kate Templeton, Health Correspondent ONE of Britain’s royal medical colleges is calling on the health profession to consider permitting the euthanasia of seriously disabled newborn babies. Looking for the reason's why these things are happening to our kids, whether it vaccines, toxins in our environment, drugs that are used, viral/bacterial interactions etc.....will never be looked at seriously anymore since independent study is so underfunded, and Pharma has taken over, right down to what's being published in the medical journals. We need to keep stock values up (companies first obligation is to share holder, ya know) keep the lobbiest happy, keep the CDC and all similiar agencies looking good. Who's going to waste time looking for a "cause" of anything, that might cut into profits. They need to bury, buy off and discredit, that stuff. They may let enough out, to keep from bankrupting society, or maybe the above way of thinking will win out. Maybe damaged older children, should be disposed of too? UNREAL
Chemar Posted November 14, 2006 Report Posted November 14, 2006 just got this abstract in my JournalWatch newsletter Small but Significant Guillain-Barre Risk After Influenza Vaccination Influenza vaccination is associated with a small increase in the risk of hospitalization for Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), according to a Canadian study published in Archives of Internal Medicine. First, researchers used Ontario health data to identify some 270 adults diagnosed with GBS within 43 weeks of influenza vaccination. They estimated that there was a 45% increased risk for GBS during weeks 2 through 7 after vaccination (considered the primary risk period), compared with weeks 20 through 43. But in a separate time-series analysis of GBS hospital admissions over a 13-year period, they found no evidence of seasonality and no statistically significant increase in admissions after the institution of a universal influenza immunization program in 2000. Because the baseline incidence of GBS is only 1 in 100,000 population, the authors write, "we suggest that the decision to recommend vaccination against influenza should primarily be guided by evidence of its benefit." Patients who receive the influenza vaccine should be advised of the potential risk, they add. Archives of Internal Medicine study (Free abstract; full text requires subscription) The same Newsletter also has a section on the newly released warnings about TamiFlu and children, and the high incidence of "bizzarre" and self injurious behaviour being noticed in kids who take TamiFlu
kim Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 Human Exposure To Aluminium And Multiple Sclerosis Link, Keele University Human Exposure To Aluminium And Multiple Sclerosis Link, Keele University Main Category: Multiple Sclerosis News Article Date: 17 Feb 2006 - 13:00pm (PST)
kim Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 In addtion to above, that I posted earlier tonite..... Press Release - GARDASIL VACCINE NOT PROVEN SAFE Excerpts Merck's clinical trials did not prove the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer and genital warts is safe to give to young girls. and The FDA allowed Merck to use a potentially reactive aluminum containing placebo as a control for most trial participants, rather than a non-reactive saline solution placebo.[1] A reactive placebo can artificially increase the appearance of safety of an experimental drug or vaccine in a clinical trial. Gardasil contains 225 mcg of aluminum and, although aluminum adjuvants have been used in vaccines for decades, they were never tested for safety in clinical trials. Merck and the FDA did not disclose how much aluminum was in the placebo.[2] Animal and human studies have shown that aluminum can cause nerve cell death [3] and that vaccine aluminum adjuvants can allow aluminum to enter the brain, [4 5] as well as cause inflammation at the injection site leading to chronic joint and muscle pain and fatigue. and Nobody at Merck, the CDC or FDA know if the injection of Gardasil into all pre-teen girls - especially simultaneously with hepatitis B vaccine - will make some of them more likely to develop arthritis or other inflammatory autoimmune and brain disorders as teenagers and adults.
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