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Before starting treatment, I did test for bartonella with IGeneX, along with a few other tests. The bartonella was negative, but all indications based on energy testing and response to various treatments and symptoms before and after, all point to the fact that I had/have bartonella.

Posted (edited)

My DD10 IGENEX tested IgG positive and IgM negative for bartonella. Her lyme IgM was IND for **41 kDa, IgG IND for **34, **39, and ++ for **41 kDa. She was clinically diagnosed with bartonella, perhaps lyme. As we treat bartonella with combination Abx, the bartonella symptoms are resolving and lyme symptoms (that she has never had before) are showing themselves. Joint pain, tingling extremities.

Edited by rowingmom

All three of us were negative for Bart through IGenex. Clinical sx for both kids indicate they have it and my response to the Rifampin/Mino/Azith combo definitely indicates that I have it as well.


My PANDAS/OCD dd tested clearly positive on Igenex


My Lyme son was borderline


I was negative (but am being treated for Lyme)



Only my dd has OCD, which I find interesting...


both dd and I tested negative for bart but had symptoms and our separate docs clinically diagnosed us with it, and both of us are responding positively to bart treatment. :)

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