JAG10 Posted February 15, 2012 Report Posted February 15, 2012 Hi friends, I feel like an idiot...like after all this time I should know this business inside out. It's so hard with all the variables and her being asymptomatic of "regular strep" symptoms. My dd12 had been taking Zith for awhile. She had a whole bunch of labs run in the beginning of January, It can back positive for intestinal yeast and her ASO was 485 (the highest I've ever seen it; usually it is her DNAse B is super high, but not this time-only slightly elevated.) So, I don't really know what to make of the titers....on the way up or down...who knows! But I figured she was on Zith for so long, that should take care of it, right? We begin treating her with Diflucan for the yeast the first 9 days she is a complete goofball mess, then starts to improve. I stop giving her the Zith because we are trying to get rid of the yeast and I thought it would give her body a break. That was the end of January into the beginning of Feb., I guess she's been off abx for 2-3 weeks. I notice some moodiness (but she is 12) and some stuck-like behaviors like touching her acne a lot and gaming issues (which I have done my best to completely ban for a few weeks.) For whatever reason, maybe the "stuck behaviors" but I get nervous she has strep...how will I know? What if the Zith didn't get it before? So I start up Augmentin 3 days ago. Yesterday and today she is complaining of cramping (not menses) and nausea....she's walking around the house with a bucket. She's been on Augmentin treatment dose before and no nausea. So, what do you think? Oh yeah, and she gets IVIG next week. For my dd, her behavioral symptoms have always coincided with her DNAse b titers. On those Jan labs, they were relatively low for her which is perhaps why this is hard for me to figure out "by behavior." Any ideas? Does the nausea/cramping lead you to believe strep is likely? Every since she came back positive with yeast I have been very diciplined about probiotics. Thanks in advance for any direction. Oh...and just to make it interesting, my younger dd8 tested positive for myco p IgM so she's on Biaxin, her strep titers were normal back in Jan. Why can't they just get normal sick so you know what the heck to do???? Jill
Kiera Posted February 15, 2012 Report Posted February 15, 2012 I'm presuming you're giving the augmentin on a full stomach as it is severe on the tummy??
JAG10 Posted February 15, 2012 Author Report Posted February 15, 2012 I am and the nausea both days was at mid-afternoon, before the second dose.
JAG10 Posted February 15, 2012 Author Report Posted February 15, 2012 I am and the nausea both days was at mid-afternoon, before the second dose.
PhillyPA Posted February 15, 2012 Report Posted February 15, 2012 Hi Jill! My guess is the Augmentin or....it could be the probiotics. If you have recently upped the probiotics that can cause an upset stomach. Probiotics tear apart my stomach. I can't take them.
Tracie Posted February 16, 2012 Report Posted February 16, 2012 Hi Jill how did you know she was high on yeast? is it just a test or is there signs? My dd has been in zith for about 3 years but she seems to be ok with it.. I hope it will be ok for her. and hope your IVIG goes well Tracie
JAG10 Posted February 16, 2012 Author Report Posted February 16, 2012 Thank you so much, Tracie and Philly. You are so sweet! She did not present with vaginal yeast or thrush. It was a stool test run through Quest. Apparently, many kids who have yeast do not test positive through the stool test, but hers must have been that bad. I woke up feeling like I swallowed broken glass this morning, but no fever. There are several children and teachers where I work out with strep and scarlet fever. So, I'm glad she is on the Augmentin and we'll see how she does with it. With strep and myco-p bouncing around, do most of you do an abx combo or is there one abx that covers both well?
LNN Posted February 16, 2012 Report Posted February 16, 2012 Why can't they just get normal sick so you know what the heck to do???? DS (Pandas/lyme)is home sick and reading over my shoulder. He said to tell you there is no such thing as "normal sick" in our kids world. Sounds like you are dosing augmentin 3x/day? We always did twice. Could it be the quantity/frequency of dosing?
philamom Posted February 16, 2012 Report Posted February 16, 2012 How about trying the abx every other day until her body gets acclimated to it (or half dose every day) -for a few days. Is she actually vomiting? Is there a stomach virus going around in school? Also, you may want to check for c-diff through a stool sample, if the cramping continues. Most likely, it sounds like your daughter is having a difficult time adjusting to the Augmentin again, and may just need a few days.
Tracie Posted February 18, 2012 Report Posted February 18, 2012 So is there a difference in augmention and zith for yeast? We started my dd on augmention after her first ivig and she couldnt handle it at all.. so she has been on zith. Hang in there and I have to laugh at the boy who said that there is no normal sick child.. he is so right Hugs to you Tracie
tpotter Posted February 18, 2012 Report Posted February 18, 2012 Thank you so much, Tracie and Philly. You are so sweet! She did not present with vaginal yeast or thrush. It was a stool test run through Quest. Apparently, many kids who have yeast do not test positive through the stool test, but hers must have been that bad. I woke up feeling like I swallowed broken glass this morning, but no fever. There are several children and teachers where I work out with strep and scarlet fever. So, I'm glad she is on the Augmentin and we'll see how she does with it. With strep and myco-p bouncing around, do most of you do an abx combo or is there one abx that covers both well? We use sacchromyces boullardi as one of the probiotics (we also use a 2nd one.) Dr. K. was the first to recommend the sacchromyces b, because it can be taken with abx, and we have found it very tolerable. If you aren't using it, and plan to, I would recommend you get it online (we use vitamin shoppe, and have been very pleased with that...the florastor brand has milk in it, so we don't use that.) Secondly, here's what I think. You are here in the same area of PA, like I am, and this year was especially bad for us. Strep and mycoP seemed so much worse this year. DS16 ASO soared around the beginning of November (and he got scarlet fever again), then I got sick...they never tested me for strep, but since I couldn't swallow with all the pain, and I was throwing up for 3 days straight, I was treated. I also ended up flairing with mycoP, and I have heard of several other people who also got mycoP this year (I rarely hear of that being an issue.) DS16 IgG for mycoP doubled (even my lung specialist said that was significant!) Now, 3 months later, we are still fighting it all. I just feel like there was a particularly bad strain of strep and even mycoP this year around here. Oh..also, augmentin XR did not work for DS (they treated me with Avalox and Leviquin, and now I'm getting elbow pain (one of the symptoms that I could be getting a side effect of sudden ligament tear,) so they stopped it. Augmentin XR has always worked for him for strep, so maybe it doesn't work with this strain? Avalox and Leviquin did help, and they both helped with the mycoP. Recommended protocol for mycoP is doxy and azith, (Dr. Garth Nicholson) and I have been taking those (I finally doubled the dose of doxy, and it helped). DS16 is taking biaxin shots...has been doing them weekly for 6 weeks now, and after 2 more weeks we are dropping it to every other week for about 2 months (we were going to do IV abx, but insurance denied, and I had already started the backup plan of using injections at my own expense...it was working). His ASO has come way back down again, and so have his IgG MycoP titers. You mentioned that your daughter's ASO titers were way higher than you've seen, that's how our son's were...over 600! Now they're "only" 298! So, there are some suggestions that might help. PM me if you have any other questions.
JAG10 Posted February 18, 2012 Author Report Posted February 18, 2012 Thank you so much, Tracie and Philly. You are so sweet! She did not present with vaginal yeast or thrush. It was a stool test run through Quest. Apparently, many kids who have yeast do not test positive through the stool test, but hers must have been that bad. I woke up feeling like I swallowed broken glass this morning, but no fever. There are several children and teachers where I work out with strep and scarlet fever. So, I'm glad she is on the Augmentin and we'll see how she does with it. With strep and myco-p bouncing around, do most of you do an abx combo or is there one abx that covers both well? We use sacchromyces boullardi as one of the probiotics (we also use a 2nd one.) Dr. K. was the first to recommend the sacchromyces b, because it can be taken with abx, and we have found it very tolerable. If you aren't using it, and plan to, I would recommend you get it online (we use vitamin shoppe, and have been very pleased with that...the florastor brand has milk in it, so we don't use that.) Secondly, here's what I think. You are here in the same area of PA, like I am, and this year was especially bad for us. Strep and mycoP seemed so much worse this year. DS16 ASO soared around the beginning of November (and he got scarlet fever again), then I got sick...they never tested me for strep, but since I couldn't swallow with all the pain, and I was throwing up for 3 days straight, I was treated. I also ended up flairing with mycoP, and I have heard of several other people who also got mycoP this year (I rarely hear of that being an issue.) DS16 IgG for mycoP doubled (even my lung specialist said that was significant!) Now, 3 months later, we are still fighting it all. I just feel like there was a particularly bad strain of strep and even mycoP this year around here. Oh..also, augmentin XR did not work for DS (they treated me with Avalox and Leviquin, and now I'm getting elbow pain (one of the symptoms that I could be getting a side effect of sudden ligament tear,) so they stopped it. Augmentin XR has always worked for him for strep, so maybe it doesn't work with this strain? Avalox and Leviquin did help, and they both helped with the mycoP. Recommended protocol for mycoP is doxy and azith, (Dr. Garth Nicholson) and I have been taking those (I finally doubled the dose of doxy, and it helped). DS16 is taking biaxin shots...has been doing them weekly for 6 weeks now, and after 2 more weeks we are dropping it to every other week for about 2 months (we were going to do IV abx, but insurance denied, and I had already started the backup plan of using injections at my own expense...it was working). His ASO has come way back down again, and so have his IgG MycoP titers. You mentioned that your daughter's ASO titers were way higher than you've seen, that's how our son's were...over 600! Now they're "only" 298! So, there are some suggestions that might help. PM me if you have any other questions. I totally agree there is a nasty combo of strep and myco-p circulating now.....what is interesting about that is that we had our WHAM episode right around this time 5 years ago...March, 2007; same as a few others in our area. I thought I remembered reading here somewhere about a 5 year cycle for a set of particularly virulent strains or combinations....does anyone else remember seeing that anywhere??? I think my kids MUST be getting better because I can't clearly tell what is going on with them by behavior alone, so it's subtle. But I also don't want to make the mistake of not treating and then our progress is unraveled. So, I find myself more reliant on blood tests than I am comfortable with, but that's all I've got to go on at the moment. And my own illness; I have an ear and sinus infection, but I do run fevers. My girls don't run fevers very often at all. Thanks, Tpotter!
philamom Posted February 18, 2012 Report Posted February 18, 2012 Thank you so much, Tracie and Philly. You are so sweet! She did not present with vaginal yeast or thrush. It was a stool test run through Quest. Apparently, many kids who have yeast do not test positive through the stool test, but hers must have been that bad. I woke up feeling like I swallowed broken glass this morning, but no fever. There are several children and teachers where I work out with strep and scarlet fever. So, I'm glad she is on the Augmentin and we'll see how she does with it. With strep and myco-p bouncing around, do most of you do an abx combo or is there one abx that covers both well? We use sacchromyces boullardi as one of the probiotics (we also use a 2nd one.) Dr. K. was the first to recommend the sacchromyces b, because it can be taken with abx, and we have found it very tolerable. If you aren't using it, and plan to, I would recommend you get it online (we use vitamin shoppe, and have been very pleased with that...the florastor brand has milk in it, so we don't use that.) Secondly, here's what I think. You are here in the same area of PA, like I am, and this year was especially bad for us. Strep and mycoP seemed so much worse this year. DS16 ASO soared around the beginning of November (and he got scarlet fever again), then I got sick...they never tested me for strep, but since I couldn't swallow with all the pain, and I was throwing up for 3 days straight, I was treated. I also ended up flairing with mycoP, and I have heard of several other people who also got mycoP this year (I rarely hear of that being an issue.) DS16 IgG for mycoP doubled (even my lung specialist said that was significant!) Now, 3 months later, we are still fighting it all. I just feel like there was a particularly bad strain of strep and even mycoP this year around here. Oh..also, augmentin XR did not work for DS (they treated me with Avalox and Leviquin, and now I'm getting elbow pain (one of the symptoms that I could be getting a side effect of sudden ligament tear,) so they stopped it. Augmentin XR has always worked for him for strep, so maybe it doesn't work with this strain? Avalox and Leviquin did help, and they both helped with the mycoP. Recommended protocol for mycoP is doxy and azith, (Dr. Garth Nicholson) and I have been taking those (I finally doubled the dose of doxy, and it helped). DS16 is taking biaxin shots...has been doing them weekly for 6 weeks now, and after 2 more weeks we are dropping it to every other week for about 2 months (we were going to do IV abx, but insurance denied, and I had already started the backup plan of using injections at my own expense...it was working). His ASO has come way back down again, and so have his IgG MycoP titers. You mentioned that your daughter's ASO titers were way higher than you've seen, that's how our son's were...over 600! Now they're "only" 298! So, there are some suggestions that might help. PM me if you have any other questions. I totally agree there is a nasty combo of strep and myco-p circulating now.....what is interesting about that is that we had our WHAM episode right around this time 5 years ago...March, 2007; same as a few others in our area. I thought I remembered reading here somewhere about a 5 year cycle for a set of particularly virulent strains or combinations....does anyone else remember seeing that anywhere??? I think my kids MUST be getting better because I can't clearly tell what is going on with them by behavior alone, so it's subtle. But I also don't want to make the mistake of not treating and then our progress is unraveled. So, I find myself more reliant on blood tests than I am comfortable with, but that's all I've got to go on at the moment. And my own illness; I have an ear and sinus infection, but I do run fevers. My girls don't run fevers very often at all. Thanks, Tpotter! Same locale here. My daughter's been in a rut since Sept, when her D-nase titer shot up in the 600's. Also had our WHAM episode in March 2007!!
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