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Well its official, my son is starting treatment for Lyme and Bartonella tomorrow. Its been 7 years of suffering for him and our entire family, and we are all burnt out! I am very optimistic that this is going to work. I am excited for him but nervous at the same time especially since school is starting in 2 weeks. Its going to be tough if he's going to go through the herxing at school, not sure what I will do then. Anyway, I will probably need support during this new adventure.




Best wishes for your family on this journey. You have a lot of great people on this forum that will be here to 'lean on' when/if necessary. Glad your finding some answers!

Thank you so much! Andrea


Good luck to you! I hope you have an easy journey but most of all I'm glad you are going down the path to wellness.




Good luck to you! I hope you have an easy journey but most of all I'm glad you are going down the path to wellness.



Appreciate it Susan. Thanks!




Just wanted to let you know not to give up too early if he seems to herx forever. (and I've found Glutathione to help with detox) My dd worsened initially and did not show progress for a full 16 weeks but now she is doing very well. She has continued to progress for the last 10 weeks. (knock on wood that it lasts) I'm having a small anxiety attack because we forgot meds one morning a few days ago and she has shown slight worsening for a couple of days, but hoping its just a tiny blip on the radar screen.


Best of luck to you!


Well its official, my son is starting treatment for Lyme and Bartonella tomorrow. Its been 7 years of suffering for him and our entire family, and we are all burnt out! I am very optimistic that this is going to work. I am excited for him but nervous at the same time especially since school is starting in 2 weeks. Its going to be tough if he's going to go through the herxing at school, not sure what I will do then. Anyway, I will probably need support during this new adventure.




Best wishes from us as well! We are in the same boat, just starting treatment for lyme and bartonella for all 3 of my boys. I never would have retested for lyme through IGeneX if it weren't for a few brave moms sharing their stories on the PANDAS forum. I'm so glad for this forum, for the support of those who have already done this, and to be able to go through it with other people in the same situation! I've never "met" such an amazing group of intelligent, determined moms and dads in my entire life. :wub:


Good Luck Andrea! You may want to post the treatment plan. I've received helpful hints along the way that may have been overlooked by the doctors, pharmacist, exc. One example- if taking doxy, minocycline, many here take with food even though the instructions say to take on an empty stomach...easier on the tummy.


Good Luck Andrea! You may want to post the treatment plan. I've received helpful hints along the way that may have been overlooked by the doctors, pharmacist, exc. One example- if taking doxy, minocycline, many here take with food even though the instructions say to take on an empty stomach...easier on the tummy.


Treatment plan for my son:


We are starting with Rifampin at 300mg and increasing to 450mg

If herxing isn't to bad then I am adding Zithromax 250mg


I am giving him 100billion/day of probiotics

support for sleep since he is waking at 2:00am dressing up for the day: melatonin (which really helps), Relax Max, Amantilla, and Babuna-Does anyone have experience w/any of these?




This is great news! These are the same two meds Alex started with. I don't know anything about the things you mentioned for sleep though.


We didn't see any herxing in the first few months, just improvement. Hoping the same for you!


Either way, I'm here to support you whenever you need me. We're heading back today, so let's do try to get together.


This is great news! These are the same two meds Alex started with. I don't know anything about the things you mentioned for sleep though.


We didn't see any herxing in the first few months, just improvement. Hoping the same for you!


Either way, I'm here to support you whenever you need me. We're heading back today, so let's do try to get together.

I'd love to. Let me know if you have anytime this weekend. I have so many questions still. Andrea


Good Luck Andrea! You may want to post the treatment plan. I've received helpful hints along the way that may have been overlooked by the doctors, pharmacist, exc. One example- if taking doxy, minocycline, many here take with food even though the instructions say to take on an empty stomach...easier on the tummy.


Treatment plan for my son:


We are starting with Rifampin at 300mg and increasing to 450mg

If herxing isn't to bad then I am adding Zithromax 250mg


I am giving him 100billion/day of probiotics

support for sleep since he is waking at 2:00am dressing up for the day: melatonin (which really helps), Relax Max, Amantilla, and Babuna-Does anyone have experience w/any of these?



I actually have an unopened bottle of Amantilla in my cupboard. The organizer of a local lyme group recommended it to us for sleep, but since lyme treatment, haven't had the need for it. I'm no longer giving my daughter melatonin either. She still has some issues with nightmares, but not as severe.


Good Luck Andrea! You may want to post the treatment plan. I've received helpful hints along the way that may have been overlooked by the doctors, pharmacist, exc. One example- if taking doxy, minocycline, many here take with food even though the instructions say to take on an empty stomach...easier on the tummy.


Treatment plan for my son:


We are starting with Rifampin at 300mg and increasing to 450mg

If herxing isn't to bad then I am adding Zithromax 250mg


I am giving him 100billion/day of probiotics

support for sleep since he is waking at 2:00am dressing up for the day: melatonin (which really helps), Relax Max, Amantilla, and Babuna-Does anyone have experience w/any of these?



I actually have an unopened bottle of Amantilla in my cupboard. The organizer of a local lyme group recommended it to us for sleep, but since lyme treatment, haven't had the need for it. I'm no longer giving my daughter melatonin either. She still has some issues with nightmares, but not as severe.

That's great news! I'm glad that your daughter can sleep on her own now! Andrea


Good luck to you, Santi! We started this journey a year ago at this time. After seven plus years of H***, we are getting relief. Rifampin is a wonderful drug for a lot of kids, including mine. It sounds like you are on the right path to wellness. We are here for you!


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