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Posted (edited)

Our LLMD requested we purchase Lauricidin http://lauricidin.com/tech_data/ as part of our anti-viral protocol for our twins. I am wondering if anyone has used this product and if so..... how did you take it? Apparently, you do not want to chew pellets but drink them with liquids. I accidentally chewed one and they taste awful. I do not think I'll be able to get my twins to drink it in juice and looking for any helpful suggestions. I already purchased 6 containers.



Edited by SF Mom
Posted (edited)


We tried this about 2 yrs ago - epic failure. How anyone is supposed to get a spoonful of waxy balls into their body is beyond me. I tossed the whole jar. Notta one made into DS's stomach. And I don't think I could've taken a spoonful either. You may want to call the company and see if they have suggestions. If not, then I think you should push to be able to return the unopened jars. You can also look up ColleenRN and PM her. Haven't seen her on the forum in a long time, but she's the one who told me about it - maybe she has ideas.


Finally, coconut oil is a big source of monolaurin. If you google monolaurin and HIV, you can find some promising research. Maybe pursuing foods with monolaurin would be more productive. Jodie might have some ideas.




FYI - found a 2009 thread on a chronic fatigue forum where someone said taking Lauricidin caused heavy metals chelation and they had to stop using it. I know you were looking into KPU, so just something to ask the company if you end up calling them.

Edited by LLM
Posted (edited)

Thanks Laura.... I just knew I shouldn't have bought six jars. I truly thought it would be tasteless or dissolve in food. I tried it with Kefir and juice this evening and they saw the floating pellets and absolutely refused. Also thanks for the heads up on heavy metals chelation!!


Just in case you end up treating for KPU.


We did not have a noticeable herx for older DS and KPU treatment. HOWEVER, we are experiencing a HUGE PHYSICAL HERX from starting Mepron. Down right scary..... at least we are able to confirm the Babesia is truly an issue for him. Positive via ART testing only... all blood work negative for Babesia.


Younger DS is also having a tough time and we don't know if its from new anti-viral protocol or CORE. BUT, he is only taking one CORE pill a day.


I'll be interested to know your son's results when you get them.

Edited by SF Mom

SF Mom,

How old is your older son and what types of herxing symptoms are you seeing with Mepron use?


Just curious.....


My son is on his second round of Mepron (he will have to do four 21-day doses in between 7 day Tindamax dosing).


First round went ok.


From reading your other posts, we have similar stories. We are thinking some of his and my daughter's infections might be congenital. My daughter actually tests positive for Babesia but my son has all of the clinical symptoms and a negative test.


BTW, our first round of dosing Mepron was really difficult to dispense. What a hard medicine to deal with. We could not find a proper way to dispense it, so we had to use a kitchen teaspoon (not ideal for dosing exactly 1 tsp.) Doc then prescribed second round in packets - each packet is one dose. Much more portable and easier for dispensing.

Posted (edited)

Our older son is 7 1/2 years. Here is what we are experiencing with the Mepron: Fever of 101, dizziness, nausea, sore throat, very lethargic, night waking, just not feeling well 'body aches', headaches, cold sores in mouth, coughing jags. Most of these symptoms started the first day. We are on day 4 and this morning he still feels dizzy, has a sore throat, cold sores and coughing jags but he is willing to go to baseball camp today. Regular advil and epsom salt baths have helped tremendously.


We are only at the 1/2 dose of Mepron (1/2 tsp twice daily). We hope to start 1 tsp twice daily in two weeks but we will see how it goes. We anticipate being on Mepron 'ongoing' until infection clears... we are using ART process to determine if the Babesia has been eradicated. I understand Babesia will often clear in the first four months of treatment. If it does not, it becomes much harder to treat and can take up to a year thereafter.


We use a plunger to dispense... His only symptom of Babesia was a dry unproductive cough previous to treatment but that cough can also be associated with Bartonella. Dizziness is also a symptom of Babesia but we've only had that as a result of the Herx.


Good luck in treating your children. Our LLMD feels that positive results in family members is a good indications others in the family have the same infection. Our younger DS is positive via bloodwork for Babesia. Our older DS and DH are positive via ART and other means of testing (all the same strain). I have many symptoms, of babesia, I responded well to treatment 'after 4 months of not feeling awful'. I am not positive via bloodwork.... we recently tested me via ART and am not currently positive. I have potentially cleared infection which would match symptom resolution but will continue to check for it via ART process. I've been treated since Feb for Babesia.



Edited by SF Mom

My son has very successfully used MonoLaurin (by Cardiovascular Research) which, if I understand correctly, is the lauric acid from coconuts


I was interested to learn that lauric acid is the first natural antibiotic infants get exposed to when breast feeding, as it occurs in breast milk (as well as coconuts and I think palm kernel oil?)


I also read a while back that there were encouraging trials using it on HIV+ patients, so it seems a potent anti-viral


this is the brand we used


We used to pay around $25 for 90 capsules so they seem to have reduced the price there quite a bit!


I think Solaray makes one too


My son used it as an anti-viral for Epstein Barr and also as a general anti-microbial to help with his Crohn's Disease

Posted (edited)

I have one patient, 12 yr old boy taking lauricidin plus artimisin plus phospholipid exchange plus grapefruit juice blended in a blender. One can add organic honey with no harm. Works for GI issues, parasites etc. He's positive for babesia when I ART'd him. Liposomal artimisin helps with intestinal parasites and babs. Not my first choice but since mom already had it I tested and he came up moderate Yang state for it so we decided to go ahead till mom's stock was up. Also keeping up with microsilica and cilantro as metal binders.


Organic young coconut water with pulp, organic coconut oil food grade- can be cooked with, eaten as frozen mini ice pops, pops can be flavored with orange juice, lemon juice etc. Try to keep it organic so it gets utilized well intracellularly. Using coconut oil as a body lotion helps too. Children's bodies respond very well to lotion/transdermal.Not for high temp cooking. Infact all children with Lyme and co should not consume deep fried foods and foods cooked at high temps including grilled with grill marks.


Babesia can give strong herxes when treated. Started BAB-1 fro McCamish herbs on a 5 yr old pt. Excellent for kids with babesia as its alcohol free extract and blended in veg glycerin. The 5 year old herxed within hours. He was positive only via my ART and not via blood test so Dr Jones isn't able to use Mepron yet.The child herxed with literally a malaria like syndrome for four days and then eased off with very strong detox baths including wild seaweed bath etc. We're hoping babs will be provoked enough to test positive at his next blood draw so we can use Mepron.

Just sharing my experiences.


Edited by sptcmom

What's the difference between lauricidin and coconut oil? My guys take a bunch of coconut oil (I found them in pill form from GNC, because they couldn't stand the actual oil balls (tried to make smoothies with them, but couldn't stand the taste of the coconut.

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