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Posted (edited)

Have only just begun to research, but my understanding is that there are multiple HLA gene variants. Two effect your ability to detox/fight lyme, at least one effects your ability to fight mold. One of the HLA variants that is relevant to lyme (don't have the sub-type name handy) is carried by 23-25% of the population and it is this group that was particularly susceptible to adverse reactions from the lyme vaccine that was on the market in 2000-2002 time frame. This group either had lyme and didn't know it or was genetically unable to count a proper immune response to the lyme vaccine and developed rheumatoid arthritis (the manufacturer argued it was unrelated to the vaccine but the potential for law suits from 25% of the population made the vaccine a failure and they pulled it from the market).


This is my new research project this week. I'll post what I can find.

Thank you. On another post I started, an article mentions HLA DR2 & HLA DR4 as a predisposing factor. Since we're positive for HLA DR4, I would appreciate hearing what you find.

Edited by philamom

Has anyone tested their MSH levels? I find this as a really interesting possible reason for elevated CamK II that we see in Pandas. Aside from Shoemaker, does anyone have research links to this? Very interesting thread...

My ds13 had this test done and we are hoping to get results this Thursday. The test also included C3a, C4a, TGF Beta 1, & VIP. Most of these are discussed in Shoemaker book as well. Our dr. did say that these tests are helpful in 'cutting edge' medical discoveries.


In Shoemakers (sorry) book it says "inflammation that developed in what we call the periphery-that means not in the brain-could result in inflammation that attacked production of regulatory harmones, VIP, MSH, and vasopressin. These are important in regulating inflammatory substances. When you don't have these 3 controlling elements acting synergistically, then the result wil be an inflammatory illness featuring a lack of regulatory control." Whew! Some of this book is intense reading. Good luck with your research. :)

Posted (edited)

Have only just begun to research, but my understanding is that there are multiple HLA gene variants. Two effect your ability to detox/fight lyme, at least one effects your ability to fight mold. One of the HLA variants that is relevant to lyme (don't have the sub-type name handy) is carried by 23-25% of the population and it is this group that was particularly susceptible to adverse reactions from the lyme vaccine that was on the market in 2000-2002 time frame. This group either had lyme and didn't know it or was genetically unable to count a proper immune response to the lyme vaccine and developed rheumatoid arthritis (the manufacturer argued it was unrelated to the vaccine but the potential for law suits from 25% of the population made the vaccine a failure and they pulled it from the market).


This is my new research project this week. I'll post what I can find.

Thank you. On another post I started, an article mentions HLA DR2 & HLA DR4 as a predisposing factor. Since we're positive for HLA DR4, I would appreciate hearing what you find.






Please, please. I have been resurching this as well and still can't find what HLA gene expressions hinder lyme detox.

Edited by lismom

I'm sure you've seen this if you've already been searching, but just in case...



I don't know what the numbers mean yet.



Thanks I did read that. But I just found a blog called Linda'sLymeDiseaseJournal and they were discussing this subject. Some who wrote on this got tested and were discussing which HLA type doesn't remove toxins well or at all and it was the HLA - DR type. Still reading around...


Thanks I did read that. But I just found a blog called Linda'sLymeDiseaseJournal and they were discussing this subject. Some who wrote on this got tested and were discussing which HLA type doesn't remove toxins well or at all and it was the HLA - DR type. Still reading around...

But aren't there multiple DR types? On the chart, I see DR(B)1, DR(B)3, 4 and 5.

(Don't these doctors realize that we need things spelled out?? :blink: )


My brain is starting to hurt..... HLA, PKU, etc. What keeps cropping up for me is how vital DETOX is to overall successful treatment of Chronic Infection/s. Now, which specific DETOX/drainage to potential predisposition is whole other issue. I too hope to learn more since we are testing DH. Thanks for the link!


Has anyone tested their MSH levels? I find this as a really interesting possible reason for elevated CamK II that we see in Pandas. Aside from Shoemaker, does anyone have research links to this? Very interesting thread...



I have had my MSH tested. It was in the subterrain levels. Almost non-existant. I do see Shoemaker, so my knowledge is limited to his research. However, since treatment, the levels are rising. As my MSH rises, it seems my health improves. This is one of the regulatory hormones the JuliaFaith mentioned above the regulate immune response. Without MSH, my immune response went haywire.


Did the knowledge that your MSH levels were low alter your treatment plan? In other words, if I ask LLMD to measure it, does it change what we do/take, or is it just more data to make me feel better about the course we're already on?


That is a good quesstion. Before I had this measured, I knew nothing about it. And, none of the 10+ standard doctors (including the LLMD is saw) thought to test for this. So, I guess it did not alter my treatment, but it did help to diagnos me. If MSH is the key to reviving health, then I guess it makes sense to periodically measure it?


That is a good quesstion. Before I had this measured, I knew nothing about it. And, none of the 10+ standard doctors (including the LLMD is saw) thought to test for this. So, I guess it did not alter my treatment, but it did help to diagnos me with a biotoxin illness (the MSH and the HLA mold susceptible gene type together I should say). If you ask your LLMD to measure your HLA and MSH, it may alter your treatment, if you have been misdiagnosed.

Posted (edited)

In our case, it was just one piece of the puzzle to show the probability that we were dealing with mold toxicity as well as Lyme. It didn't change our Lyme treatment but did cause the LLMD to up our detox protocal (Cholestyramine or clays). It was also suggested to investigate the mold issue (ERMI) since the clay or Cholestyramine will only be band-aids if the mold isn't addressed.


Did the knowledge that your MSH levels were low alter your treatment plan? In other words, if I ask LLMD to measure it, does it change what we do/take, or is it just more data to make me feel better about the course we're already on?

Edited by justinekno

In our case, it was just one piece of the puzzle to show the probability that we were dealing with mold toxicity as well as Lyme. It didn't change our Lyme treatment but did cause the LLMD to up our detox protocal (Cholestyramine or clays). It was also suggested to investigate the mold issue (ERMI) since the clay or Cholestyramine will only be band-aids if the mold isn't addressed.

Is your son taking the cholestyramine or just you? Wasn't sure if kids could use it.


Neither of us are. My son will be taking the clay. I haven't decided for myself yet.


Is your son taking the cholestyramine or just you? Wasn't sure if kids could use it.


All five of my family members are taking cholestyramine. Myself, my husband, and my three children (for a few years now). It may seem extreme, but without taking it, we relapse back to being ill every single day. At least on the medicine we tolerate the mold exposures that we encounter daily in school, and in normal everyday life. These are exposures we no longer can tolerate since living in my toxic home. I'd love to get them off of the medicine, but I find it a safer alternative to the psyc drugs that may be prescribed for ADD, OCD, tics, etc.


I agree that clay and cholestyramine are bandaids if you don't treat the mold. Mold can be so hard to get rid of, especially in your home when/if everything you are living with is contaminated. Even the smallest amounts of mold make my family sick. It is absurd. But, my family happens to be a pretty rare case where our immune systems are so hypersenstive that we just can't tolerate everyday exposures.

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