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Hello everyone,


I haven't posted here in a very long time, but do continue to read the posts. First of all, I must say how much I appreciate everyone's helpful comments shared here.

I have a 10 1/2 yr old DD who has a tic disorder. She began having tics at age 5 and through the years has had a multitude of motor tics. Her first tic was head shaking, then she had an abdominal roll-type movement. From there it went to a lot of facial tics - mouth opening wide, sticking out tongue, she also had a jumping tic somewhere in there. When the tics first started, we did see a neurologist. She ran all the bloodwork and also did an MRI, everything came out normal. My daughter's tics seem to cycle. I do give her Natural Calm which I always thought helped. She can go for months without any tics, they usually come back in October for awhile and then this time of year. Of course, I can't figure out why. Up until now, the tics seem to have been getting milder through the years.

My question right now is about her arm. I can't figure out if this is a tic, or if her arm is strained, has a pinched nerve, etc. Her right arm seems to be spasming or shaking. It feels like her upper arm tenses up and then the rest of her arm shakes. She tells me it hurts if I push on her upper arm. She hasn't had a new kind of tic in years. When the tics come back, it is usually some kind of mouth tic. If this is a tic, I am worried that it will bother her in school since she is right-handed. Has anyone seen a tic that causes the arm to shake? I am not sure if I should take her to her doctor or just wait it out if it is a tic.

I am so worried that it is another tic. Things have been going so much better and I was hopeful she was out-growing the tics. Thanks for reading this, I feel I was too long winded!




She could be having "growing pains" and that could be triggering an arm tic? Just a thought. My son has had arm tics though more tensing, jerking or shoulder shrugs rather than shaking


It is very possible that she may have a nerve pinched and that causing spasms, but it would likely hurt most of the time when moved then? rather than just when touched.


My daughter has had a similar type arm tic. No too much shaking, but thrusting it, rolling it, waving it etc etc. She too will say it hurts when I push on a particular part of her body that she is tic'ing. But i often think that is due to overuse of the same muscles over and over and over. It did effect her in school. She was unable to write while she had this type of tic - for she couldn't keep her arm still long enough.

Good Luck! I often rub on the magnesium gel if it is a large motor tic like that, on the area that is bothering her.

Hang in there!

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