Guest daniel quan Posted May 10, 2005 Report Posted May 10, 2005 All, We have all been wrestling on how to get kids not to eat certain food, some are not even junk, like wheat bread, and milk. My child is 5 years old. All kids want to be normal. I don't want to say hey you have allergies and TS(especially) so please follow our recommendation. It is not like talking to an adult. So the question is timing, I have struggled with this. He is young and his tics are mild maybe 50 times per day. It does not bother him. Let us wait this out and continue to give him flax seed oil and probiotics..and slowly it will with his immune system.. Restricting his diet for months was so traumatizing..we did it..and his tics did improve.. but since it was mild ..improvement is hard to notice..but his traumatization is still deep in him..he stills remember.. He has anxiety..I can not believe 5 years old kid has anxiety ..but he clearly does.. Why am I writing this..? Because I can not help but to struggle in this infinitely.. and it is killing me slowly..
kim Posted May 10, 2005 Report Posted May 10, 2005 Daniel, This is a link to the enzyme web site. I'm just wondering if you explore this, you might find a compromise. From what I understand, the enzymes help break down the foods that may be causing problems ie. milk and wheat proteins. There are enzymes which aid in the break down of yeast. It's just sprinkled on food or mixed in juice, and some people do much better without having to restrict diet. I am just getting fimiliar with this stuff. Would like to hear what you think if you decided to check this out. Also, just ran across this today- I haven't even read the whole thing, but it looked interesting, got it from the enzyme board. Dainel, I wouldn't even be here, if my oldest son hadn't had a tic which was painful for him. Much of the time my kids are just normal, happy, wonderful kids. But now it almost seems like I'm being negligent if I don't find out where they may be "off" with the body chemistry. It sure seems like there are a lot of changes that can be made without your child hardly noticing. Maybe you are so focused on eliminating foods right now, that your misssing some other things. I really believe you will have to get the yeast under control. I think you were considering Threelac? That doesn't even require the diet restrictions that other meds do does it? Maybe just ridding your son of yeast and a good multi vitamin, perhaps some helpful enzymes, would be enough. Non of these things should be to disruptive to daily life, although, I do know you had a hard time with yeast die off last time. Just go more slowly-really slow, like 1/4 or 1/8 of what they recommend. I'm sure not trying to sound like any kind of expert, just some things for you to check out. I am trying to accomplish just what you are. Improving my boys health, and tics, without making them and myself miserable! Kim
Ronnas Posted May 10, 2005 Report Posted May 10, 2005 Daniel, Many of us understand the stress and how overwhelmed you are feeling. I have done as much as I have with my son over the years because his movements and symptoms were quite severe and there were times it interfered with his daily life. It interfered with even his ability to walk and he had ALOT of pain associated with some of his tics with a neck one being the worst and he would BEG me to make it stop. As well he showed alot of regression in behavior. He had alot more going on than tics. My cousin's son is 6 and has tics and my advice to her has been not to intervene because HE does not seem to mind the tics and he is well adjusted in school etc. Remember that in the spring time many kids do tic due to seasonal allergies. You mention that your son has high anxiety. He may be reflecting your own anxiety. At this point counselling for yourself and maybe as a family may be needed before making anymore changes concerning diet etc. Kim gave some great advice and maybe just doing baby steps at this point would be helpful rather than going all the way. It was only once I stopped going full tilt on everything and backed up and introduced changes slwoly that we started to get a grasp on really helping my son. I have said it before and will say again that many, many kids tic and this is ok.
mmazz Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Daniel, Sometimes it is so helpful to look outside of yourself and see what others see. When things started happening here I would look at all of the other children and I was so jealous that everyone had healthy kids who got to eat everything they wanted. I said to myself more times than not how can they eat McDonalds and drink down gallons of Koolaide and my son is deprived. How can I do this to him? Am I being fair to my child? It was around Christmas time and I was visiting with family who flew in. My sister-in-law was there with her four girls and three step children. She was smiling and happy as if she had not a care in the world. I, of course, was a mess. I kept saying to myself look at her, How in the world can she be so happy? You see her husband was being shipped to Iraq and her 14 yr old was in remission from a long bout of cancer. And I was the one who couldn't even breathe. During this time I leaned on my brother who has 4 children who ate everything and were so "healthy". Not before long did he have one diagnosed with arythmia and two with high cholesterol. When I leaned on a girlfriend for support she confided that she herself has TS and so does her daughter...I never knew! Or noticed for that fact. She began to tell me about all of the other children and/or parents of children that I knew through her that would tic. I was amazed. From that point forward I began to notice other people like the woman at Dunkin Donuts, or a close business friend, or some of my childrens schoolmates who all tic to some degree. Oddly enough we all have something. So my advise is love your child and start a new relationship with him. One that you both will enjoy your whole life through. It was on this forum somewhere when a boyfirend wrote about his girlfriend who did not have support from her family and she not only had severe tics but was very depressed. A strong family acceptance is paramount, followed by a healthy diet with allowable treats that you can tradeoff from time to time. A few hidden supps like flax seed or lethicin may help. But he must feel accepted and that both of you cherish his body to keep it healthy instead of fighting him and the end result will be he may eat bad things just to spite you. A balance of mind, body and spirit. We all know you love your son moe than life itself and that you ARE a caring parent. Just give yourself some time to adjust. Things will calm down. I believe it was Chemar who gave me that advise. I didn't believe her at first but she really is a God send. Oh and the big hugs she sends...sometimes you can feel them coming from out of your monitor:) God Bless you and your family and feel welcomed on this joureny. With clarity you will be able to lead. With that your son will do just fine. Marie
Chemar Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Marie, those are infinite words of wisdom! How wonderful to see you now in the position to be able to encourage with the experience and knowledge that you have gained....... Here are some of those (((BIG HUGS))) for you, and for Daniel and for all the precious people here, with the reminder that there is ALWAYS hope and light at the end of the tunnel!
kim Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Marie, What a beautiful post, and Chemar those hugs-I just had to stare at it for a minute and smile. Ronnas is having a baby! I'm getting a little jealous of all of these new Moms. I wish she posted here more often. With everything she has going on, it's no wonder though.
Andy Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Daniel the food elimination diet is a big step. I feel that it is a major step that is needed for most of our kids issues. However, I myself feel that it is worth the money to get a delayed food allergy test first. In this way you know that the food elimination diet is in fact a medical procedure that must be done and you would have scientific knowledge on what foods your child can or can not eat. Believe me, it takes away any guilt feelings and gives one reassurance that they are doing the right thing when things get tough, for they will get tough at times. The good thing is that everyday there is more and more healthy food alternatives are being sold in regular stores and on the internet as well. Know if a person has allergies to nuts and they come to your house to visit, would you give them a tray of peanuts to eat as a snack? Why should we treat our kids any different from a visitor? The Enzyme supplements are a great thing as Kim is stating and I thought she worded it perfectly. However, I feel you should see how bad your child's allergies are before attempting them. In some cases they help people eat foods they normally should not eat and in other cases they are used proactively for when someone eats a forbidden food substance by accident. It all depends on the severity of the food allergy due to internal damage caused perhaps from the yeast and heavy metal content of the individual. Bottom line is you have to do what you feel is best for your family for it is your family and you would know what is best as you go along. Chemar, thanks for the hugs and you know from my personal e-mail how much of a God-send you and Claire were for me when I first found this website.
Andy Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Post note to Daniel, We always talked to him honestly, but never mentioned TS. We told him that most of his tics . are caused by his food allergies and when we saw the heavy metal content we told him his allergies are most likely caused by the metals. He wants to get better so he goes along with it. I hate the label TS for it tells me nothing about my child and can leave a stimga so we never mentioned that label to him and have instructed doctors never to say it in front of him. As was said in the TV show Dragnet we instructed our doctors, "Just the facts". As for the food, we carry alot of our own with us where ever we may go. Like I said there is a ton of good tasting food out there now that was not out there a few years ago. In addition there is alot of affordable ranch raised/organic meats and vegs that can be bought in regular stores today. You would be suprised with what is sold today if you shop at the outside sections of the store. Most of the inner sections are processed/canned/dyed etc....old manipulated food anyway.
quan_daniel Posted May 11, 2005 Report Posted May 11, 2005 Andy, I love the last message...tics are allergy to some degree.. thanks..!!!! Do you not realize that is more than any main stream doctor can admit.. we might be predispose for TS..but if not for all these pollution.. we would not have these severe reaction.. All, Yes, I will improve our relationships(son , wife, ..whole family)..then our that order.. THANKS!!! daniel
Andy Posted May 12, 2005 Report Posted May 12, 2005 we might be predispose for TS..but if not for all these pollution.. we would not have these severe reaction.. That is my view 100%. However, society always finds it easier to label a person or blame the victim rather then facing the issue or finding and eliminating the source of the problem.
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