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Hi all,


Hope to get some insight. My son had been doing great then a few days ago his teacher said he had an off day - not raising his hand, calling out answers, etc. no tics though. That night he said he eyes felt heavy - the next day in talking to the teacher she said the florescent lights had been on all day as it was dull outside and the class was doing art work. I thought that would explain the heavy eyes and misbehaving. The next day I sent him just for a half day and he was fine, yesterday was fine all day and he played soccer at night. When he came home from soccer it seemed he was closing his eyes at times for 1-2 seconds which looked strange. Not tightly closing his eyes but like he is looking straight down to his cheeks. Today the teacher advised he was way off with behaviour and doing unusual things with his eyes that made her even think it was almost seizure like, she was quite concerned. On the drive home from school he would close his eyes for 3-4 seconds, not tightly closed but loosely closed - like described above. Then open and sometimes dart his eye up to the side more tic like. His tics have always been quick and repetitive so this seems ususual and worrisome for me. I called the doctor who could not see him today but we will go tomorrow morning. Of note is that about 2 weeks ago in art class he said his eyes went heavy and then he went blind for a second - sounds like what happens when you are about to pass out. And the other night he said his eyes felt heavy again like in the art class. He also was reading to me a few nights ago then said he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. His eyes when the lower part is pulled down the way it did a month or so ago when eye tics were caused by allergies - His eyes actually looked paled and transluscent which is strange. We have stopped giving him B complex and extra zinc although he still gets 10mg. We have also reduced EFA from 8 pills to 4 pills which is the maintenance dose for the brand he is on.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Can tics present as lingering for several seconds? This is just something we have not seen. He has no other tics present, no subtle tics and no throat clearing.


Thanks in advance.


first thing that came to mind apart from the fluorescent light s was when you said soccer.......could the soccer field have been recently treated with pesticides or chemical fertilizers etc???


The eye tic would be one of the low grade tics that my son has. It usually comes from watching a movie, at the movies-a rare thing, watching TV- a restricted activity, or from the computer-never at home. Of course all three of the above are used in schools today as part of the multi-sensory approach to teaching. We view the eye tic to be a visual-motor tic that is set off by uneven emitting light patterns which would also pretain to the fluorescent lights. The tics can last days at a time and be on-going all the time. We kid that since we live in Fla that he can wear sunglasses all day and no one would be the wiser. However, there is the siezure aspect of it too where at times it seems that he is staring out into nothing for a period of seconds to minutes. We had an MIR done and found no tumors. One of his doctors flipped out when he saw that and the tripping over his own feet stuff. Still not sure after a lot of different doctor visits if the staring off is a tic or a siezure. Heard both. However Taurine seems to have helped this issue. I hate to say this but this eye tic for my son usually is the start of a major outbreak. the only good news is that at times we have him watch TV for that sometimes ends the major outbreak and leaves only the eye tic.


Don't know Alison,


I am more concerned about him feeling 'blind' for a moment. Lapse of consciousness can imply mini-seizures. Have you asked him during those other times you noticed it whether he felt blind again or blanked out? Unlike a tic, this is worth checking--the difference being whether there is a lapse in consciousness.


They are not uncommon in this whole area. And of course with photosensitivity, seizures are a rare, but possible outcome.


I know that molds can set off someone almost passing out.


I think that this is worth talking to a pediatrician about. For what it is worth, in the worst case scenario, my understanding is that some of these same immune issue treatments can help with that activity also. I don't think it necessarily indicates epilepsy to have a seizure (I know someone whose son had a seizure when vaccinated, and they told her it was not uncommon at all!). THere is overlap of issues between so many of these elements.


Did they start before or after you reduces the vitamins? I can't remember exactly what, but there is always discussion that certain vitamins can trigger seizures in those prone to epilepsy. I remember that there was controversy on melatonin for example (I know you aren't doing melatonin).


Like Chemar, I would wonder about pesticides. I would also wonder about a strong chemical sensitivity (e.g. toxic paints?)





Good luck and keep us posted. Again, I think the important thing is if he is blanking out or not.


Just wanted to update. As always, Claire picked up what was most concerning. The possible seizure. It just so happened a few hours after posting as my son was going to bed he started saying he was having difficulty breathing, he was in the process of taking his vitamins. I was initially concerned he was having difficulty swallowing a pill but he was having the chewy one's at the time. He said his chest hurt - we had tried to get into the doctor after school that day but were unable to get an appointment until the following morning. Anyway, in light of the concerns about breathing and seizure like activity we called the ambulance. We spent the night in the hospital and all tests done there were normal. They were more focused on the breathing issue than the seizure issue. Heart was checked - and chest x-rays. The doctor did say all his lymph nodes were swollen. I went for follow up with his doctor the next morning (after about 2 hours of sleep) and he wants to do testing to rule out seizures. As I had posted the teacher described him as behaving in a way that was worse than even the fall - calling out answers, goofing around etc. My doctor said some kids actually do not have the normal seizure reaction - shaking - but have behaviour changes - which is interesting as the teacher said the behaviours came for short periods of time - ie. not all afternoon. He had no tics present. The weekend went fine and school today was fine. Tonight before soccer he was doing some face stretching stuff - I did start eye drops for allergies the other night and that seems to be helping, the stretching could be him having an itchy nose. I definitely think something is up, maybe allergies are contributing. He had complained that his eyes were stinging.

He is at soccer now and I plan on having him have a bath when he gets home thanks to Chemar's thoughts on the pesticides on grass.


I have been so tired the last few days but have been reading - I did want to respond about the food issues - someone was asking how long it took to see results. We initially took our son off milk the same week we started vitamins. He improved dramatically, within the week - and we assumed it was the vitamins - he asked to go back on regular milk and we agreed - he deteriorated within a couple of days. We then went back to no milk and did the Elisa testing which showed allergy to milk, gluten, eggs. I would never have believed how much milk was a problem - as he loved it and drank tons of it. We first just eliminated milk, cheese, ice cream - and only after the testing removed all milk products. We did see a dramatic change just off the milk but he continued to have subtle tics - once off all casein and all gluten the subtle tics were also gone and it was the first time he was ever tic free consistently since being diagnosed with PANDAS. Interestingly he has always had an enlarged lymph node on his neck - like a big bump - and it was always noticeable and would get even bigger when he was sick, but never went away....until we went off casein and gluten!!!! Now the lump appears when he is sick and goes away when he is fine. I have read that if the food is eliminated you should see a change anywhere from 3 days to 7 days.


Thank you for all the lovely mother's day greetings. We had a wonderful day here as well, my oldest son took down my orders for breakfast in bed and it was served in the morning along with many home made cards and pictures from my three sons.


Hi Allsion:


I hope all is well. I am so sorry to hear about the horrible experience your son had. I always say to myself that I am soooo going to heaven. I'll save you a place..okay?


Do not despair, everything will work itself out,,, it just has to. I don't have any answers for you or ideas but what I do have is that we will keep your son and you too in our prayers. One day we must schedule a latitudes weekend getaway and we all must meet. Maybe at a Barnes and Noble at Sheila's book signing. Anyway keep the faith, it is the only thing we can hang tightly onto.




Hi Marie,


Thanks so much for your reply, thoughts and prayers. It is such an incredible network of support that I have found here. About heaven....I have heard that being a mother of three boys guarantees a spot!!!! I continue to be amazed at how lucky the children are whose parents visit this forum - they all have such wonderful, committed and caring parents. I just read a post of Ronna's over on braintalk. What an incredible mom she is - and in that post I learned she also has a dog - soon to be 4 kids and a dog.

I am so glad that your son has been doing so well. You have become such a support to other's who are new to the forum. It is so nice of you to share your knowledge and your cheerleading quality to those feeling so desperate and unsure of where things are going.


Take Care,

Guest Guest_efgh



I am sure your son would regain normalcy soon. What tests do the doctors recommend for seizures? Did you talk to your doctor about your son's tics? What do they think is the cause of breathing difficulty? How is he doing now? Take care and good luck.


We are all so lucky to have found this forum. Keep us posted.





This(I will explain further on) has happen to my child for 3 or 4 times already.

Usually he had a high stress(really stress) day.

At night before he sleeps, he tells us..I am shaking...I can not stop..

My wife says calm down..u are tire..and after 30 seconds..he calms down and it went away. Samething when he was watching a scary part of Disney On Ice..he was shaking..all over ..


I think I have heard a seizure does not neccessarilly be unconscious..


When I brought him to Neurologist for TS..he also want to check him for seizure..just pre-caution..

we did not go along with it..he is already stressed enough..but I don't know what to think either..

he is fully aware of what is happening..i think he remembers it..

to me it is more of anxiety attack..I had that once..it is no fun..


thanks all




When my oldest son first starting seeing a neurologist, he was tested for seizure disorder. It was done in a darkened room. He was asked to lay very still, however the test was very low stress for him. First they hooked the electrods to his scalp, I think arms and legs? The ones on the scalp took the longest. After that they turned out the lights, (not completely dark-very dim light on) he had his eyes closed and they just turned on something like a strobe light. The tech said they had to try to keep a lot of kids from falling asleep. If you decide to have the test done and it's the same one my son had around 7 years old, I just thought it might help for you to know, my son thought it was kind of cool. I was able to stay with him for the whole thing, it seems it took about 1/2 hour.




PS I wanted to let you guys posting on this thread how helpful it is to read your stories. Hearing things like, the shouting out answers in class, the lymph node issues, and someone mentioned in another thread about pencil breaking. I too have dealt with those things, and you're never sure what's related to this disorder, and what just needs more discipline, now that I think about it, pencil breaking is from braintalk thread? Anyway, again the support, knowing you're not alone with this stuff is so helpful. Thanks for posting.


ad_ccl, You might have not noticed but in response to your post I had responded that



"However, there is the siezure aspect of it too where at times it seems that he is staring out into nothing for a period of seconds to minutes. We had an MIR done and found no tumors".




"Still not sure after a lot of different doctor visits if the staring off is a tic or a siezure. Heard both. However Taurine seems to have helped this issue.


You might want to look into Taurine as a supplement.


Best of luck, Andy.


Hi Andy,


I did actually re-read your post last night after posting, I had missed it in my sleep deprived state. That you for your response - I will do some research in taurine. I am hoping this is not the beginning of an outbreak although he did have more tics this morning, and a few throat clearings. I am wondering now if his outbreaks are starting a pattern of noting changes in behaviour for a few days then some tics starting. Each time it is less severe and the time it lasts is shorter. Currently my husband is on antibiotics for a chest infection and I was up through the night with a sore throat and stuffed up nose. So again, something is going around. I feel there is no end to this...

I do have to remind myself that although he has a few tics right now they are NOTHING like what we were dealing with from August to January. No one would really notice his current tics - his eyes just seem tired - not like the SEVERE eye rolling he was doing in the fall and was unable to read etc. No other motor tics - no neck tics, leg tics, hand tics, nose tics, twirling hair tics, jaw clicking tics the list could go on and on - so we really are in a much better place. PLUS, he is so happy - not argumentative etc. The other thing that struck me today was his change in sensitivity to clothing. From ages 4-6 all tags had to be cut out of clothes, socks would really bother him if they were not fitting right, or the seam was bugging him, sleeves could not be too long or too short, same with pants. Last year he would only wear track pants with a shirt tucked in so nothing would 'slip' on him. Clothes felt too itchy, too slippy, YIKES!!!! It was very frustrating. Last fall I took him shopping to pick his own back to school clothes - he at this point wanted to wear cool pants and no longer liked track pants - he now refuses to wear track pants. Clothes can be too long and it does not bother him at all, today he put on a shirt that he had bought in the fall but decided was too itchy - it was a football style shirt with the little holes - today he commented on how he loved the shirt and it used to bug him. He still will ask for tags to be cut off but I think it is more out of habit as there are times he will not realize a tag is there and wear the shirt all day. This would not happen before. Just wanted to mention in case anyone else was having any frustration with this sensitivity - there is hope that this too shall pass.

About the seizure tests - I think it is an EEG?? It is one where they put electrodes on the head - not sure what else but the doctor said it was not invasive in any way. I too think my son will think it is really cool - he loved having all the electrodes on him when they were checking his heart. He did a mini presentation to his class about the events of the night starting with the call to the ambulance, seems they had a question and answer period too!!! One kids fun is a mother's next batch of grey hair!!!


Just realized I had not answered efgh about the breathing. He actually complained initially about chest pain. I now think that he was feeling like he might be sick and was getting anxious about it - sort of a panic attack. He has thrown up twice before and been horrified by it, each time he first complained of chest pain. In the ambulance and at the hospital he was very concerned about feeling like he was going to throw up. He had eaten many pumpkin and choc chip muffins that I had made, he said at one point that he felt he ate too much. He at no time was gasping for breathe, going blue etc. When the ambulance arrived his breathing was at 100% - so I think it may have been a bit of a panic attack type thing in that he was scared he was going to be sick - we just did not want to take any chances in light of the seizure type stuff that afternoon which was new to us.


Hi Allison,


Thanks for the kind words. Yeah sometimes I wonder how I got in the "pickle" of 4 kids and a dog ;):)


Kurt went through TONS of testing for seizures 3 years ago (or is it 4...it's hard to remember in my foggy pregnant state!)...his very first dx was seizures and was even started on meds for this...all of that seems like another lifetime! Kurt never did mind all of the testing...he is a pretty happy go lucky kid.


Allison, it is sooo good to hear how well your son is doing. We have many similarities. Kurt still does have waxing periods but I also have to remind myself how far we have come (both him and me!) Take care, Ronna

Guest Diane

My oldest son (14) with mild TS (eye blinking tic) had a similar seizure-like episode in the fall. He was in the washroom (actually sitting on the toilet) and I heard a bang bang bang...then he came up crying and said his head had felt heavy and the next thing he knew, he was on the floor. It happened again a couple days later, same thing - he was on the toilet. This time he was really upset - said when he "awakened", he was in a position of trying to roll over next to the toilet. Was really upset and scared, was afraid it may happen at school. Doctor said it is very common to faint or sometimes lose consciousness when straining on the toilet as it put pressure on vagus nerve. However it didn't sound like a normal "fainting" spell to me, as when he "came to", he was trying to roll over. I had never heard this before, and it had never happened to anyone I knew before either. She said the combination of my son having a mild virus at the time, and sitting/straining on the toilet (although he says he wasn't straining) may have caused this. They did EEG testing on my son - he was nervous but the technician really put him at ease. I was concerned about the strobe-light part making my son's eye tic worse so I asked her to shorten that part of the session and she did, no problem. I asked her about this vagus-nerve business and she said it was indeed true. She said that when they are checking out someone's heart rate and they want it to slow down, they ask the patient to "bear down" as if they are straining on the toilet, so this slows down the heart rate considerably.


Also, there was a girl on America's Next Top Model who lost consciousness on the show....just dropped to the ground. She explained she has a problem since she was small with the vagus nerve causing her to lose consciousness from time to time and that it was not dangerous....


Anyway, even though his EEG came up normal I was very scared about the incident happening again - was it a seizure or wasn't it? I don't know. I notified his teacher, just in case. So far it hasn't happened again.

Guest Guest_mmazz

Hi Di;


Strange enough that happened to my older son many years ago. He was 18 months ld at the time and we too went through the series of tests with the same result...all normal. My son was alway constipated and yes here I go again getting up on my soap box about daily waste elimination. Of all things to keep saying on the net...I'm getting kinda of pooped of reminding everyone how important it is :)


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