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Posted (edited)

Last night I posted that the boys were 95% after 2 weeks of augmentin and I was wondering if I should continue until 100% and/or start a steroid. Well, after posting that last night ds2 went downhill with emotional lability and leg cramps. Gave ibuprofen.


Then he woke up this morning in a clear pandas exacerbation. Gave more ibuprofen to make sure it wasn't a gut bug. He responded very well to ibuprofen. I am now doing 3 days of ibuprofen every 3-4 hours to try to pull him out of this. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out where the strep is coming from, and I think it is coming from me.


Yesterday was my first day off augmentin after having strep with the boys a couple weeks ago. 12 hours later ds6 goes downhill. Today I have a sore throat, achy, mild fever, fatigued. I feel exactly how I felt when I started augmentin.


Is there some crazy, resistant, very harsh strain of strep going around or something???!!! What's the deal? So, I started a high dose of grapefruit seed extract. I don't know what else to do! I'm not sure if I believe that azith will get rid of this, and not to mention I have some side effects from the antibiotics (ahem :ph34r: ).


What do I do!! This has to be my strep affectiing him, right? I feel like I need to try to come down on my own sore throat before even considering steroids for ds6. The thing that stinks is that ds2 is surely right behind him...sigh :mellow:

Edited by Stephanie2

Oh Stephanie... so sorry for all you are overwhelmed with at the moment. I had 3 episodes of strep myself this autumn during one of thsee periods where she could not eradicate it for several months (not sure if she has now after first IVIg or not - hope to reach some docs tomorrow) and agree it has a distinct 'feel' - now, I know how she always knows when she has it.


Try to get to your doc tomorrow to get your own illness handled... things are always harder when Mommy is sick. Hopefully, that will help the little ones improve quickly... just watch them in case they catch it and need treatment as well.

Posted (edited)

DH and I just talked, here is the plan. I am going to start on high doses of grapefruit seed extract plus high dose olive leaf, 3 times per day. I am going to continue the boys on augmentin and OLE until I know my own strep is gone and I am going to do 3 days of motrin for them.


I just don't see the point of taking more augmentin if it did absolutely nothing for me! What is another week going to do? I am in the exact same place as when I started it! And azith was the same way for me last time. I ended up taking high dose GSE for a month to get rid of the last strep infection (but who really knows if I ever really got rid of it?).


I have to wonder if strep is becoming a superbug in our house...Ugh!


I'll report back...

Edited by Stephanie2

OK, I'm really starting to doubt myself here. Yes, I do think I have strep throat. But would the kids really be reacting to this if they are on Augmentin and OLE? Wouldn't they be protected from me?


Maybe they have some kind of virus. But they don't seem to react like this to viruses. We got influenza "A" last month, no pandas symptoms. Then a cold, no pandas symptoms. I am convinced this is strep, but why are they reacting when they are "covered"?


I'm so annoyed <_<


Then he woke up this morning in a clear pandas exacerbation. Gave more ibuprofen to make sure it wasn't a gut bug. He responded very well to ibuprofen. I am now doing 3 days of ibuprofen every 3-4 hours to try to pull him out of this. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out where the strep is coming from, and I think it is coming from me.


Yesterday was my first day off augmentin after having strep with the boys a couple weeks ago. 12 hours later ds6 goes downhill. Today I have a sore throat, achy, mild fever, fatigued. I feel exactly how I felt when I started augmentin.


[b]Is there some crazy, resistant, very harsh strain of strep going around or something???!!! What's the deal?[/b] So, I started a high dose of grapefruit seed extract. I don't know what else to do! I'm not sure if I believe that azith will get rid of this, and not to mention I have some side effects from the antibiotics (ahem :ph34r: ).


What do I do!! This has to be my strep affectiing him, right? I feel like I need to try to come down on my own sore throat before even considering steroids for ds6. The thing that stinks is that ds2 is surely right behind him...sigh :mellow:



AARRRGGGGHHHHH....That is my question exactly!!!!!

Steph ..i am right behind you...i just had me checked.i am not carrier..dh just had tonsils out 5days ago...


ds10 is holding well(i hope to talk about him in the near future..but we shall see..i guess)

ds8 has relapsed...and the one i am bent on getting 100%..we are not far into this..and i believe i can catch it!!!


11/11 he had strep...came crying off the bus..do abx, fine(at this time i still think non-panda kid)

12/17 throws up in moring..congested next several days under the weather

evening of 12/21..i think i see tic....

12/22..i know its a tic..go to doc..glands swollen, throat hurts..congestion..strep neg....doc gives me amox 800mg, as he undertands pandas sort of,,asks me to wait..

i post here because i know better and board helps me....


...(they call a couple days later..say culture is neg too..but i started the abx..and by the time the call came in, he was pretty close to 100%)


12/29...tic gone!!!!

12/30 says ear hurts,,,still congested..

12/31..go to walk in..he has an ear infection..(while on amox800mg bid, still 2 days to go)....

they give me script for azith..i'm thinking yah...thats the one i want

panda doc orders amox xr 400mg bid...so i go with that...


1/1/11 says ear feels a little better.but throat still hurts.still congested..he's doing spit bubbles(could just be doing kid stuff)

Today 1/2/11 says throat still hurts...congested, looks like &**&^((...i see a couple spit bubbles

neck hurts...doesn't feel right

around 2pm check temp..slightle elevated...giv ibup...100mg...

hubby give him 100 more at 6pm..... tics start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

since he is new to tics(but sees what he brother goes through)..i ask ..is it a tic..since he couldn't really describe it before....he says ..yes and its pretty annoying :(


i just gave him 200 more for bed...but i am done.....

it seems like with ds10 once i give the ibf it lets the tics through.....

maybe he just needed more????

should i get the script for azith ???

should i do both at the same time???

is the amox xr not high enough...???

why is he still congested since 12/16????

IS THERE SOMETHING ..going around that just wont quit..but doesn't show up on tests...

i was going to keep him home tomorrow..just based on how he felt earlier in the day...but luckily..i guess there is no school tomorrow


any thoughts...i am going back to ped tomorrow...to tell him details and look at sons swollen glands and lump on neck....

and try to really get him on board...

going to call panda doc back too


ps...started ds3 on abx also to get everyone on the same page..and i he seems more clingy than he should...

2days in..he just seems a little more flexible and compliant..(he showed tics in aug and sept of this year)...

i said to him, just a bit ago...thank you ds for being so good today..i am proud of you...he says..MOMMY..I am happy!!like duh..is what he meant to say...

(he swings some between being just a great kid, ...to clingy, bossy,,,not that one type stuff)


Ok steph..went back and read your other post...

i can only base this on ds10...

even though he would only get a 10 day cours of abx..all the tics didn't go away until 4 full weeks....

maybe they did better the first couple of times...but as he got older and another infection...at the end of the course there were still things left..that went away in a couple more weeks...and rememeber, no one would hear me speak about pandas...so you are ahead in that term...

maybe its just a one day burst..which, i may have seen with ds a couple of times also..but can't really remember...and you will continue your healing path!!!

i would wait on the steriod for another week or 2....jmho


12/29...tic gone!!!!

12/30 says ear hurts,,,still congested..

12/31..go to walk in..he has an ear infection..(while on amox800mg bid, still 2 days to go)....

they give me script for azith..i'm thinking yah...thats the one i want

panda doc orders amox xr 400mg bid...so i go with that...


1/1/11 says ear feels a little better.but throat still hurts.still congested..he's doing spit bubbles(could just be doing kid stuff)

Today 1/2/11 says throat still hurts...congested, looks like &**&^((...i see a couple spit bubbles

neck hurts...doesn't feel right

around 2pm check temp..slightle elevated...giv ibup...100mg...

hubby give him 100 more at 6pm..... tics start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

since he is new to tics(but sees what he brother goes through)..i ask ..is it a tic..since he couldn't really describe it before....he says ..yes and its pretty annoying :(


i just gave him 200 more for bed...but i am done.....

it seems like with ds10 once i give the ibf it lets the tics through.....

maybe he just needed more????

should i get the script for azith ???

should i do both at the same time???

is the amox xr not high enough...???

why is he still congested since 12/16????

IS THERE SOMETHING ..going around that just wont quit..but doesn't show up on tests...

i was going to keep him home tomorrow..just based on how he felt earlier in the day...but luckily..i guess there is no school tomorrow


any thoughts...i am going back to ped tomorrow...to tell him details and look at sons swollen glands and lump on neck....

and try to really get him on board...

going to call panda doc back too


ps...started ds3 on abx also to get everyone on the same page..and i he seems more clingy than he should...

2days in..he just seems a little more flexible and compliant..(he showed tics in aug and sept of this year)...

i said to him, just a bit ago...thank you ds for being so good today..i am proud of you...he says..MOMMY..I am happy!!like duh..is what he meant to say...

(he swings some between being just a great kid, ...to clingy, bossy,,,not that one type stuff)


You ask if you should give azith and aug xr...I have no idea :( All I can say is that if we are all dealing with strep here, augmentin just doesn't seem to be doing it. Personally, I didn't find that azith did much for us back in sept either. I guess if you do both you have a better chance, but then you may get the gut bugs (let's face it, you WILL get the gut bugs).


I am just going to go ahead with the naturals for myself (I mean really high doses, GSE, OLE...dropping a bomb here). Back in sept, that is how I ultimately got rid of the strep symptoms.


Let me know how it goes. Gee, and strep season is just around the corner :o



Ok steph..went back and read your other post...

i can only base this on ds10...

even though he would only get a 10 day cours of abx..all the tics didn't go away until 4 full weeks....

maybe they did better the first couple of times...but as he got older and another infection...at the end of the course there were still things left..that went away in a couple more weeks...and rememeber, no one would hear me speak about pandas...so you are ahead in that term...

maybe its just a one day burst..which, i may have seen with ds a couple of times also..but can't really remember...and you will continue your healing path!!!

i would wait on the steriod for another week or 2....jmho


I think you have a point that they probably need a month to kick the tics. Maybe I should continue the augmentin for a month...what the heck might as well do all of jan at this point since they get it 3rd week of jan EVERY year!!!!


Hi Stephanie,


I can't say I have any suggestions, just that I feel your pain and am sorry you are going through all this. It must be even more difficult when you're not feeling well yourself.


I'm struggling right now, too, figuring out what step to take next with my dd8. She's in an exacerbation after several great months. Her brother did have strep and has been on Zith for a few weeks. My husband and I feel fine, but are going to get tested again anyway. I'm also having her blood drawn today. Dr. B. said she should improve as her brother is treated, but we think she is slipping a little more each day.


We've never done steroids but are toying with that idea.


Before going that route, though, I think I will increase her Zith dose for a while and see if that helps. Dr. B said that would be fine.


I guess it's good to at least have a plan.


Good luck.


Posted (edited)

I'm sorry about the backsliding. About the Ibuprofen, you said you're giving it every 3-4 hours. Are you cutting down the dosage? Ibuprofen is every 6-8 hours.


About the kids possibly reacting to a virus....if they are so close to just coming out of a strep induced exacerbation, it is possible they would react strong right now to any virus. However, knowing you had strep recently, I would think it may be you or your husband (did he get tested) causing some of the resurfacing of symptoms. Such a guessing game.

Edited by Vickie

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