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Taking a violent turn in philly


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Hi Group


We are suffering with worse symptoms more violence and suicidal talk. If anyone can offer a pediatrician, DAN doctor, Immunology Spec., willing to give ivig near philly.


We saw a specialist in NJ (near ny), but since the visit last week, we have been unable to get a return call since my dd9's symptoms have worsened. (I realize its the holidays but we are so afraid she will hurt herself.)


Another worry is that if we take her to a local hospital in one of her acute episodes, that they will want to drug her, or have her "put somewhere" if she is deemed to be a "danger to herself". We just feel like we can't leave her alone.


I am trying to find someone who will be aggressive an give her an ivig.

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Hi so sorry for your troubles. There is dr. B in ct who does ivig in his office. He is an allergist/immunologist. There is also a dr. Januchhi (sp?) in Newark mk at umdnj. Scott Smith no ivig as of yet but is a Pa in edison, nj works with a Dan doctor neubrander.

I hope you get the help you need.


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Not sure who you saw outside of NY, but Scott Smith is in Edison and has helped my boys. He does IVIG and everything else. You said that you saw a specialist last week. What was prescribed and did she get worse after starting it? Could you be dealing with die-off?


smith is in dr neubranders office and they give ivig..and they do offer an array of tests and treatments

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