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At our last appointment for our 10 year old daughter, the doctor mentioned her GGE or IGE (can't remember) levels were high. He said this is often due to allergy or infection. Since she was antibiotics a lot when smaller due to chronic ear infections, strep infections etc, he wants to give her a course of anti-candida pills. He said she'll feel lousy for a few days with the die off of the yeast - but he has seen great results for children with tics, ocd, autism etc. Anyone else tried this path?


He Strep titer was also very high - so he is re-testing that, and he said that will be the next thing we explore - after the candida trial. Just curious if anyone has any experience with candida and tics (vocal and motor)?







there is quite a lot of discussion in past threads here on this.

Candida overgrowth can increase tics and trigger other stuff too


eradicating candida seems to have helped many, according to the anecdotal reports here over the years :)


Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum but have visited several times. Today I had a breakdown and I feel the need to write to someone. My son is 7 years old. He's had a tic since he was about 3 years of age. They began with shrugs and excessive eye blinking. Currently, he is experiencing some very intense humming and quick breathing tics. I can take the throat clearing, eye blinking, and neck rolls, but this one really worries me. He has yet to be diagnosed with anything. We are in the "wait and see" mode. We have, however, tried a few things. Currently, we are trying homeopathy. It's only been 2 months but his tics seem to be worsening and I feel rather helpless. I think I might try to change his diet. I've read that Gluten and Wheat products could worsen his tics. Should I get him tested? Also, I've noticed that he has a very white tongue. When we saw the dentist, we were told that it was excessive plaque. Could it be a yeast infection? I may be reaching but I think that they occur at the same time his tics show up. I'm afraid that this might be Tourettes. Is he too young for this diagnoses? The pediatrician is hoping that it is an adolescent tic and will decrease as he gets older. I don't know what to do and I feel overwhelmed with my research. Should I start with the yeast infection? Is there a link between yeast infections and vocal/motor tics? I would appreciate any help. Thank you.


I responded on another post, but thought I'd add my respond here too since this post is about yeast.


The white tongue can definitely be a sign of a yeast infection, and I'm surprised that your dentist didn't mention it as a possibility. There are tests that his doctor can order (e.g the Organic Acid Test [OAT] by Great Plains Lab), but personally I would just ask for a prescription of Diflucan. If your doctor wants to run tests first before prescribing an anti-fungal medication, I would start on other over-the-counter yeast rememdies while you are waiting for the results.


I give my son Candex and it does seem to help. (My son is on long-term antiobiotics, so yeast is a constant struggle for us.) I also ordered Candidate by Native Remedies, but haven't used it yet. I have also heard of natural rememdies such as Grape Seed Extract, Oil of Oregeno, Olive Leaf Extract, Pau d'arco, and several others, but haven't tried any of them yet.


Hopefully others with more experience using the herbal remedies will give you some feedback.


Plesae be aware that your son's symptoms might get worse before they get better when you begin treating for yeast overgrowth. There is a 'die-off' effect where the yeast release toxins when they die that causes symptoms to get worse. Once the body starts to clear the toxins, then symptoms will improve.


Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum but have visited several times. Today I had a breakdown and I feel the need to write to someone. My son is 7 years old. He's had a tic since he was about 3 years of age. They began with shrugs and excessive eye blinking. Currently, he is experiencing some very intense humming and quick breathing tics. I can take the throat clearing, eye blinking, and neck rolls, but this one really worries me. He has yet to be diagnosed with anything. We are in the "wait and see" mode. We have, however, tried a few things. Currently, we are trying homeopathy. It's only been 2 months but his tics seem to be worsening and I feel rather helpless. I think I might try to change his diet. I've read that Gluten and Wheat products could worsen his tics. Should I get him tested? Also, I've noticed that he has a very white tongue. When we saw the dentist, we were told that it was excessive plaque. Could it be a yeast infection? I may be reaching but I think that they occur at the same time his tics show up. I'm afraid that this might be Tourettes. Is he too young for this diagnoses? The pediatrician is hoping that it is an adolescent tic and will decrease as he gets older. I don't know what to do and I feel overwhelmed with my research. Should I start with the yeast infection? Is there a link between yeast infections and vocal/motor tics? I would appreciate any help. Thank you.



Thanks so much for the response. Today was a hard day. I took my son to the doctor to check out his white tongue and to observe his tics. The doctor thinks he has Tourettes. I'm a mess. I don't know what to do next. The doc swabbed his tongue to check for a yeast infection. He doesn't think it's the case, though. He also mentioned that he doesn't feel that there is a correlation between a yeast infection and tics. I also persuaded him to give my son the Strep Titer test. Doc also doesn't believe in PANDAS.

Is this really Tourettes? His past tics weren't so intense. Of course, he had really excessive blinking and throat clearing but compared to what he's doing now, it was nothing. My son is now constantly (every second) making breathing noises. It almost sounds like he's having an asthma attack.

How do I help him at school so he doesn't feel self conscious or embarrassed? Is that even possible? I feel lost and would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.


Hi Nola


sorry but the doctor is wrong about candida "yeast" not impacting tics


if this doc also does not believe in PANDAS then I would strongly suggest you work with a doctor who is clued up about these things as otherwise you may just keep going round in circles.


your child may not have candida or PANDAS, but they are things that do need to be correctly tested for (a tongue swab is not a complete candida test!)


I noticed you mentioned homeopathy? which remedies is your child on? If you have noticed worsening of tics since starting those remedies, they may not be the right thing for your child.


do you have a family history of tics, or TS?


was there any correlation between your child's tics and vaccinations?


Hi Nola,

I know how you feel. I think everyone on here does. I still have a hard time saying my daughter has Tourette's. I usually say a Tic Disorder - because Tourette's seems so final and so scary to me. But in reality that is what she has and it doesn't matter what name is given to it - it is all about helping your child. My daughter has done the breathing noises too. I found it scary - for I was scared she'd hyperventilate.

Is your son feeling self conscious about this? Do you mention his tics to him? I find it is best just to ignore them. My daughter is less anxious about them if I ignore them. She hasn't had a problem with teasing at school (she's 10) but this year has been much more difficult. You should probably speak with the teacher and tell them what is going on. That way if he is having a bad bout of tics he could excuse himself and do them in the hallway.

My daughter was scolded last week for humming constantly. The teacher about lost her mind and told her to stop once and for all. The teacher knew she had tics- but did not know humming could be a vocal tic. She felt horrible about it after I told her. So many teachers do not know too much about tics or tourette's etc.

Hang in there. Check out the boards for different supplements and diets. Ask away any questions!

Things will get better soon.



Thanks so much for your replies. I've been having such a hard time. This evening his tics were so bad. He was clearing his throat, sniffing, and humming so much that he started coughing and said he couldn't breath. He looked terrified. I had to hold him and we sang together until he calmed down. I was so scared. Is it supposed to be this bad. It's never been this bad before. As mentioned, I am trying out homeopathy. This is our 3rd month. I would appreciate any other suggestions. This is so new to me and I have so many questions. What is NAET? Bonnie's Sup? Kid's Calm? Can I give those things with homeopathy? The homeopath said to try 1000 units of no-flush niacin. Has anyone tried that? Chemar mentioned that a tongue swab isn't sufficient to test for a yeast infection. What should he have done? Are these tics hurting him? They hurt me. Sorry for all the questions. It helps to get this all out. It's hard to talk to other people including my husband because it seems to real when I do.

To answer Chemar's questions...I don't think anyone in our family has had tics. There is a history of depression and one family member committed suicide. We noticed his tics around 2 1/2 years of age. Not sure if there's a correlation with vaccinations but he always had side effects, fevers, rashes when he got them. What's the opinion of vaccinations on this forum?

One last question...Does anyone have any recommendations for knowledgeable doctors in the Bay Area/Oakland/Berkeley? Thank you for your help.


have you checked the PANDAS board? It is always good to rule out medical conditions first. My dd would have certainly fell under a tourettes diagnosis, but antibiotics clear her symptoms. She isn't 100% but has improved to about 85-90%. Try to get as much info as possible. I am sorry for what you are going thru, and unfortunately, we parents are left to sort thru everthing without much support from many doctors. We know our children best, go with your gut. I do have to say that I think Olive leaf extract has had a negative effect on my dd tics, so be careful, even with homeopathic/ natural meds.

  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure if this will help anyone but here is a helpful website of a Doctor who feels that treating Candida will alleviate tics. He references books he has authored as well as gives good explanations and discriptions of treatments. I have not been to this doctor; however, when I contacted another doctor that specialized in EEG Biofeedback - she suggested that I check into systemic candida and through conversations with her, she sent me this link. He is located in Wisconsin if anyone lives near.



  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)

I know it was a three year ago article, but I just want to share some of my experience here. About the white tonuge, my daughter had it before when her tics were really in a not good condition. According to her acupuncturist, it was due to the cold and wet body condition, which is related to the digestion system. After almost two years treatment by Chinese herb and acupuncture, my Dd's white tonuge is almost gone. Her cheeks even became more apple like instead of pear white. Though her tics are still around now, she is more emotioally and attentionally steady, and her tics remain mild.

Edited by tia

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum but have visited several times. Today I had a breakdown and I feel the need to write to someone. My son is 7 years old. He's had a tic since he was about 3 years of age. They began with shrugs and excessive eye blinking. Currently, he is experiencing some very intense humming and quick breathing tics. I can take the throat clearing, eye blinking, and neck rolls, but this one really worries me. He has yet to be diagnosed with anything. We are in the "wait and see" mode. We have, however, tried a few things. Currently, we are trying homeopathy. It's only been 2 months but his tics seem to be worsening and I feel rather helpless. I think I might try to change his diet. I've read that Gluten and Wheat products could worsen his tics. Should I get him tested? Also, I've noticed that he has a very white tongue. When we saw the dentist, we were told that it was excessive plaque. Could it be a yeast infection? I may be reaching but I think that they occur at the same time his tics show up. I'm afraid that this might be Tourettes. Is he too young for this diagnoses? The pediatrician is hoping that it is an adolescent tic and will decrease as he gets older. I don't know what to do and I feel overwhelmed with my research. Should I start with the yeast infection? Is there a link between yeast infections and vocal/motor tics? I would appreciate any help. Thank you.

Nola every single tic and white tongue reminds me of my ds at that age. Test him for food allergies and sensitivities. My husband has tics but with ds diet changes i trulely believe with the results it's not ts. He is now 11 and I just know its food and artificial things and sugar. It takes a while and it's hard but keep digging the effects will come. He still struggles at times but it goes away within days. Reading your post brings chills up my spine.

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