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Hi everyone!


My son is now into week 4 of third grade. I was concerned about how his ticcing would manifest in school, and so far it seems to be manageable for him. But I think I'm noticing a little waxing. He has pretty consistently mentioned neck discomfort during the reading session in the afternoons, and yesterday he was more explicit than usual about it. I realize there are many things to trigger someone while at school, but I also noticed last night an increase in the neck while doing homework. So I'm thinking I have to address in some way the discomfort brought on by the reading sessions. His teacher says he's doing well academically so far, but that she's noticing the tics in the afternoons, and I'm just wondering if anyone out there has had any luck resolving the reading position/neck tic deal.


Also, on a related note, due to the apparent wax I gave my son a second dose of magnesium last night (1 tsp kids calm, just like in the morning). Should I be hesitant to do this? The follow up to his first doctor's visit isn't for another two weeks. I'm very anxious to see what he has to say about the urine analysis and what steps he suggests.


As always, I'm grateful for your help!!





tics can sometimes put the skeleton out of alignment and that can cause neck pain and even headaches


we have always had a NUCCA trained chiropractor as part of my son's health maintenance for this reason. NUCCA chiros have special expertise with the neck (cervical) area http://www.nucca.org


Hi Chris,

Although our ds tics are mainly vocal, they do center around his neck and chest, almost respiratory (only way I know to explain them) coughs, grunts, extreme throat clearing, squeals, exhaling etc. He has always held ALOT of tension in his neck area, not crazy about it being touched and complains that reading and doing homework stresses his neck. We have found that using a book prop has helped so he is looking ahead and not down and (thank you Chemar) the epsom salt cream, we added a tiny bit of lavender in as well. We have had good results with Castor oil rubbed down his neck at night, he's not crazy about the stickiness but is willing to do whatever might work (aren't these children amazing!). The last thing ties into his Chiro treatments, he taught us massage for his neck(again not his favourite due to reasons above) and back and taught our ds easy stretches when he feels his neck tightening. Nothing too complex but he needs his regular chiropractic, he will not allow his neck to be adjusted so his chiro works around this with acupressure and massage, not optimal, but thank God he respects our ds limits!Glad to hear otherwise your son is doing well thus far in school, we are happy to report the same, I pray it continues through virus season, always a rough time for our ds. Take care.



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