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  1. Hello, all. I joined the forum today and skimmed messages for our issue. I have a 17 yo daughter who is positive for lyme, bartonella, and babeisia. She is in treatment for those as of April and also has an eating disorder that she began treatment for in September of 2016. I am desperate to...
  2. DS8 is 19 months in since the sudden onset. We've had multiple abx treatments, tonsils removed, IVIG, high dose pulse steroids, 10 weeks of partial hospitalization for ERP therapy, another round of diagnostic testing. Positive for D1 antibodies on Cunningham panel, positive for Babesia duncani, and...
  3. I've got a few questions: ECP test:do LLMDs think the ECP (eosinophil cationic protein) test is useful to monitor the intensity of babesia infection? Would IVIG invalidate the ECP test, like it would an IgM/IgG assay? treatment:I've picked up prescriptions for Alinia and Malarone for the babesia....
  4. "Ticks will be tested for 6 pathogens: Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease;Borrelia miyamotoi, which causes tick-borne relapsing fever; Anaplasma phagocytophilum, which causes human granulocytic anaplasmosis, Ehrlichia chafeensis, which causes human monocytic erhlichiosis, and Rickettsia...
  5. Hi. New and overwhelmed. My 4.5 YO had a sudden onset of motor and vocal tics, adhd, clumsiness, OCD, sensory stuff, sleep disturbances, tantrums after falling sick with a cough/fever Dec 2015. Pediatrician suspected PANDAS and started him on Cefdinir however ASO/DNASE negative. Symptoms improved 50...
  6. help, anyone know where to get plasmapheresis/therapeutic apheresis on west coast, my son has been in severe flair for three years, past year has been life threatening for him and us, he is in critical condition and three dr's have rec plasmaphersis but cant find a dr that can order it and where. St...
  7. Hi, Does anyone know if its OK to give the Pneumovax vaccine? Both LLMD and immunologist wants my DS (24) to get this. LLMD because wants him to be protected and immunologist because we're looking into IVIG and wants to see if he responds to this.This immunologist does know about PANDAS, hea...
  8. Hi, My DS (24) still not getting better after 5+ years. Too long of a story to go into it but have tried everything. LLMD and Pandas doc think its time to look into IVIG. Went to Neuro and he agreed to do it. I made appt. with Dr. B in CT just for another opinion. They said will have to...
  9. Hi, We just finished a bottle of Researched Nutritionals Arteminisin and have to order more but been reading up on Hopkinton Arteminisin. Would definitely like to try this. Does anyone have any info on it....helping? where to purchase? how much to take? thanks for any help frikfrak
  10. Hi, Can anyone help with how to take Zeolite. I purchased the powder form and it states "Does not mix well in water" They suggest putting it in yogurt but we are dairy free. Can I mix in applesauce? or something else. My DS is great with taking anything. I'm sure if I did put in wate...
  11. Hi, I know that alot of people use magnesium for their children to help them sleep. My DS (24) sleep has gotten worse, to the point that only seroquel works. I would prefer not to give this and want to try magnesium. My question: His magnesium levels are fine so is it still ok to give m...
  12. Hi, Has anyone used Metabolic Maintenance REM Maintenance for sleep? Was just recommended this by our doc. Does it work? Hate to spend more money if it doesn't work. My DS (24) will only sleep if given seroquel. thanks frikfrak
  13. DD13 is doing wonderfully! Three years ago I would not have believed that she could improve to the extent she has. She has lost all cognitive/executive impairments and her Tourette's is only suggestible (if I ask if she needs to tic she will have to - motor only, no vocals), and not otherwise visibl...
  14. I want to do the Igenex co-infections panel on DS, who tested positive for Lyme a few months ago, but he is on two abx currently (plus some natural antimicrobials and a host of supplements). I don't want to risk taking him off abx because he is doing well on them right now, but if he is taking them...
  15. Hi, Just had appt. with new doc and one thing they gave me was Deplin (15 mg.) for my DS (23) to try...supposed to split the pill in 2. I've been reading however that your supposed to also take B12 and B6 yet the doc didn't mention either of those two. Should I call and inquire before gi...
  16. Hi, Was just given this to try....Haven't found too much info on it, has anyone had any experience with this? thanks
  17. Hi all, I thinking of taking my DS (23) off all abx to treat yeast...He's been laughing for years and i think its yeast. I've tried periodically to treat with difflucan among other things and yet still laughing uncontrollably. Gave him a 30 day course but didn't seem to do much. Of course w...
  18. Hi, My DS (23) lately has been very touchy..meaning touching/playing with EVERYTHING...sees the garlic on the counter and starts peeling it...takes the salt shaker or pepper and puts it in whatever is around like iced tea...just basically playing with everything, can't seem to sit still. If...
  19. Hi, Thinking of going to see Dr. S in Wilton CT. She works with Dr. O. She sees adults, my DS is 23 and I think might have some PANDAS going on in addition to lyme/babeisa. Already have a lyme doc and looking for someone for "everything else": meth issues / supplements to take, etc....
  20. Hi, Need some advice....freaking out abit. Had appt. yesterday with neurologist at NYU....told him everything about my DS 23. Been treating lyme for 4 years and babesia for the last 2 as well. All other coinfections negative. Basically my son is mentally disabled, doesn't speak except fo...
  21. Hi, We just got our results back from Igenix, 1st igenix test we took. Came back negative for babesia, bartonella, Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasma. Doc forgot to check the box to check for lyme so ordering that now. My DS 23 was positive when this all started back in 2009 for lyme and RMSF throug...
  22. Hi, Called Dr. B but they said they do not take my insurance and even if I come in they are not doing IVIG right now and if they did my ins. wouldn't pay for it. They said they will put me on a waiting list if I want, supposed to call back. Can someone please give me another immunologists...
  23. Just an FYI Wednesday October. 9, Kati Couric will have a show about lyme disease. Dr. H will be on it
  24. Hi all, Just hoping for some suggestions here: Recap: DS (23) diagnosed Dec. 09 with lyme, all bands positive and RMSF (was regular kid w/job/car/friends)....starting treating with 1st LLMD....DS very angry/let hair and beard grow (looked like mountain man), started listening to RAP music (w...
  25. Hi, Just received blood test back... ASO AB 375...3 months ago it was 368 DNASE-B AB 189...normal Streptozyme Screen....Positive A We've been treating lyme for 2 years then found Babesia, treating this for 1 year when I thought possibly he could also have PANDAS..only came across the...
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