I've got a few questions:
ECP test:do LLMDs think the ECP (eosinophil cationic protein) test is useful to monitor the intensity of babesia infection? Would IVIG invalidate the ECP test, like it would an IgM/IgG assay?
treatment:I've picked up prescriptions for Alinia and Malarone for the babesia. What side effects should I expect from one or both?
Should I first start one and then the other to separate side effects?
Also, kiddo's had Diflucan for 4 days last week. His headache's a bit worse, and he's been feeling blah and very stressed. Could that be a herx reaction? Kiddo thinks it is from his fears of the impact of a climate-instability-denying, narcissistic, xenophobic, racist, misogynistic and Putin-friendly bully (that's pretty much a quote). He is scared for the world, not just the US. Thus it's hard for me to tell a herx reaction, and whether to add more drugs to the mix.