I just finished reading Dr. Kenneth Bock, MD's book called, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies. Along with the 4 A's he mentions PANDAS patients and what his treatment plans were for them. Has anyone tried an integrative doctor and have you had success with the treatments? I am curious because my DS7 is really struggling with his co-conditions of tics and ADHD. We have tried medications for the ADHD Clonidine and Intuniv. Neither worked well - he was a zombie on Clonidine and Intuniv has brought on more tics, continued aggressiveness with peers and lots of impulsivity. Now the neurologist wants him to start with Risperdal. I tried to discuss finding the root cause of his ADHD and TS, but she is convinced he has TS and not PANDAS. We have never had a conclusive PANDAS dx because of lack of concrete strep dx, but he has had many of the symptoms; urinary frequency, sudden onset of tic, OCD behaviors, and escalating ADHD. I am frustrated because I feel like the doctors are so quick to rx the antipsychotics, but won't try the antibiotics.
Back to the book: It has great sections on supplements, their uses, descriptions, and a range of dosing amounts. It also went over all of the medications that are being used for the 4A Epidemics and the success rates for the patients. It is a great reference book and brings up a whole new way of think about finding help for our children.