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Everything posted by Suzan

  1. I've had lyme since I was a child I believe. I was helped quite a lot with doxy. My girls did not use doxy as our LLMD said they were too young (8 and 9 at the time). I have now stopped doxy however and am going down a naturals path after 1.5 years on abx. Susan
  2. What about a sauna? Do you think she'd agree to sweat? http://www.amazon.com/Infrared-Portable-Foldable-Sauna-Detox/sim/B002POAYDW/2 We also like the detox foot spas but those are so gross looking and can be smelly I imagine that would not work for her. Susan
  3. I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis of breast cancer. Good luck with your treatment. You can beat it! I hope the lyme does not complicate things too much. I am glad to hear how things are going well on the lyme front though. Thanks for keeping us updated. Thinking of you guys. Susan
  4. Hi, I don't know the answer for you but I lean towards the Cats Claw. That stuff is powerful and it gives dd10 unwanted thoughts of death and increased anxiety when I increase her dose. For us, it's a very big part of our treatment but I had to increase her dose very slowly. I gave one pill every other day for two weeks until her symptoms improved and then added one day at a time and only increased when symptoms improved. She could always tell without me telling her when I would increase as the unwanted thoughts would come back. Good luck. I'm sorry you are going through all this! Susan
  5. Hi, my dd10 was zithromax dependent too. She was pandas diagnosed first and then lyme. She could not come off her 500mg daily dose without symptoms returning quickly. I don't know if there is a direct link but that was our experience. Susan
  6. I was on doxy for about 6 months but also on zithromax and flagyl. All in all I took antibiotics for 1 1/2 years. I am a lot better but still not cured. I am trying nautrals now. I am sorry to have to tell you that. I think unless you catch it early, that is typically the norm. I've probably had lyme since I was a child. Susan
  7. Is there anything you feel you can do in the mean time for yourself? It is scary to me to just stop after you know what is causing you trouble. My LLMD said to treat myself before treating my kids so I would be up for taking care of them. That was heartbreaking and scary. Your child may be too sick for you to do that but if there is anything you can do on your own maybe? Buhners Herbs, homeopathy? I don't know. But I don't know of anyting that will help the brain fog or other symptoms other than trying to kill the bacteria and detoxing. HUGS! Susan
  8. Duplicate!
  9. MUCH better! Good to realize it's up and down and if I am super low for a few days it won't last. Have not cut dosage at this point. I am doing a lot better as far as the depression symptoms. I'l hang in there and hope to give a very positive update soon about our treatment. Susan
  10. I have heard so many good things about rifing. I expect I will do it too as soon as I can decide on whether an affordable model will work. My wellness doc is basically using rife on us but with his laser. But that is just once a week. I want to use it at home for a bigger portion of our treatment. Not helpful I know since we have not done it yet.... sorry! Susan
  11. This is my daughter. Used to be every morning, now just some mornings (50%?). It gets worse with herxing and med changes, illnesses, stress. Balancing neurotransmitters helped us (gaba and seratoflo sprays), heavy detox efforts, OCD education, sensory therapy (she gets much better if I lay on top of her with heavy pressure and this can calm her down enough to get dressed and eat). HUGS. It's horrible. Susan
  12. Hi! Wanted to give you a cyber hug as it is an emotional time as you are trying to sort out lyme after pandas diagnosis!! I know you will get other responses but I have heard both side, those that do horribly on steroids and those that don't. I think the best thing will be to see a good LLMD and get some testing and evaluation done. You probably already said that in your other post. I don't remember (I have lyme too and can't remember much these days!). Susan
  13. Came home and used the sauna and foot spa and I'm feeling a lot better. I'm sure some if it is just being home and not at work, kids are in bed... What a horrible feeling it was this morning and really brewing for several days now. I did not manage to call the doc today. I think he's started his vacation but I believe I can reach him in an emergency. I will be careful. Will try the full dose tomorrow night and if it happens again, I will cut back. Thanks again, knowing you guys were out there helped me a lot today. Susan
  14. Thanks you guys, I knew I could count on you! I feel better this afternoon, well, I have pain in my legs now which is much better than that depression feeling. I don't know if you can cut this dose in half but I will ask him. When I get home I'll do my detox foot bath and a detox bath and maybe even my sauna, lol. Anyone worried about EMF's from heating pads? My doc said no way, don't use them. We use them every day at our house. Susan
  15. Hi. I thought I'd write to you guys because I am really struggling and maybe it will help me through the day. I am taking the Deseret Biologicals lyme series homeopathis treatment and I'm working on my 2nd month. The first month was tough with pain and tired, mostly physical symptoms. But this second month is getting me hard with symptoms of depersonalization or may be severe depression. I feel like I can't go on. I'm not sure how I will continue working. I know I'll just keep going one foot in front of the other and in 2 weeks I'll be through the tough vials (3-6 are the hardes for me out of the 10). I've been through hard times before and I'm assuming I can make it through this but this is probably the hardest one I've come up against so far personally. I don't know how the children will make it if the 2nd month is harder than the first. I believe in this treatment for us but maybe it's too strong. Susan
  16. MD Junction is another http://www.mdjunction.com/forums/lyme-disease-support-forums Tons of information there. Lots of people posting who are battling lyme. Strong opinions on abx v.s. naturals.
  17. Hi, I posted earlier but it didn't take and just now relized it. I'll have to spend some time to get it all back, but wanted to say HUGS! Follow your heart and you will get there. PANDAS treatment got us to one level and lyme is taking us the rest of the way, I hope. We are MUCH better and still working on it. Hang in there, you are not alone. I hope you do find an LLMD and get evaluated. Susan
  18. Yes, they can be used together. I don't know about ledum.....
  19. We are treating with Desered Biologicals Borrelia Series. I've been doing it a month and a 1/2 and dd's just started. It is very powerful stuff and causes a sizable herx. We are not far enough into treatment to really report on whether it's going to do the whole trick but it's doing something for sure. I also use Buhners Herbs, especially Cats Claw as a co-treatment. We have been on abx for 1 year for lyme (2 more years for pandas) and have just decided no more abx for now. I plan on keeping everyone posted on our progress but I don't imagine I'll have much news for another month, two or three?? Susan
  20. We were greatly improved in abx (kids treated for 2 years for pandas with zithromax and 1 year for lyme with zithromax, amoxcillin and flagyl). However we are still on our journey and going down the naturals path. I am hoping the naturals will take us to the next level. We have learned a lot along the way and working on deotx, KPU and supporting the whole body for all the damage done by the lyme. Susan
  21. Yay, I'm a research geek!! I tried to read it last night but I was too tired! I sure hope what I'm doing for EMF's helps this problem. I have not given up my cell phone or wireless internet!
  22. http://www.omicsonline.org/2155-9562/2155-9562-S5-003.pdf Could it be this? I can't see the date on this one.....
  23. It seems to be hard to put to words and I think it related to both the resveratrol and cats claw. But, I feel like all my symptoms are just much less while on it and I feel worse overall when I stop. I don't know what it's doing overall except hopefully also killing some lyme. Sorry I can't be more specific than that! I just pulled out Healing Lyme and it does say that it helps reduce herx reactions so maybe that has something to do with it. Susan
  24. We use it for Lyme daily for me and dd10 and think it's great. I notice a big difference when I don't use it. I don't know about EBV though... Susan
  25. With the addition of my homeopathic lyme treatment, I've gotten horrible upper thigh pain! The thing that works best for me is warm/hot baths and heating pads. Poor baby!! Susan
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