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Everything posted by Suzan

  1. My daughter had the worst OCD episode I've ever seen in her the day after her filling. It was either the novacaine or the laughing gas. Scary times but it got better after a couple of days. Sorry you went through all that! susan
  2. Hi, I have a question about the melatonin, you said there is a link there to lyme? I am interested in hearing about that since my family (me included) can't go to sleep w/o melatonin. The more I learn about lyme, the more I am wondering if maybe that is my issue rather than my autoimmune issues (or in addition to). I just can't get over thinking if I had lyme, I should be way sicker. I just had many years of doing very well but I have been heading down hill the past few months. Susan
  3. Super great news! Congrats and thanks for posting!
  4. I'd love to and would really want to but probably would not go. I'm single and don't have anyone to watch the kids (at least no one that would not cause us too much anxiety and separation anxiety) and I'm broke too. Susan
  5. I know you posted this yesterday so hopefully you have found your way to the new Lyme board. Maybe there will be more people who know about lyme looking there to help you. We have had our labcorp lyme test that came back normal but are waiting on our Igenex test. After that, depending on the results, I may know more. Susan
  6. My dd7 had seizures starting around age 3 (probably longer but that is when we noticed after she became more verbal). She would stop and stare for 5-10 seconds. She was having 100's a day but we could only see them after they became long enough. Her seizures went away after she went on a gluten free diet. Her last EEG was normal. Her seizures were catagorized as generalized seizures. Susan
  7. Wow, now I've even noticed it with the soy milk I've been giving her to try to get her off milk. It has added omega 3's in it. Susan
  8. Thanks All.... Feeling better about it now. It has not happened again at this point so I feel better about waiting to see what happens. Susan
  9. Today dd9 said “Oh my God, what just happened?!” She said her eyes moved quickly back and forth and then she couldn’t see for a split second, like her eyes rolled up in her head or something. She said she only felt it in her eyes but I remember her holding her head. The first thing I thought was a seizure but then I thought tic, it was like a muscle spasm, can you have those in your eyeball? It only happened once. Anyone ever heard of or experienced this? I am feeling worried about it. She's had lots of emotional liability and pain. She did have a chair fall on her at school and she has a sore spot on the top of her head. I am so used to ignoring the weird things that go on with her. I don't know when to be more concerned. Susan
  10. No, that's all we use right now, seems to be enough for us... Oh, I totally forgot, we do use Caprylic Acid as an antifungal. http://www.fungusfocus.com/html/caprylic_acid.htm Susan
  11. Oh yes, this jogged my memory. It was the IgG because it was past infection. Our neurologist said in the presence of symptoms it could mean the viurs didn't clear properly and is causing neurologic symptoms. Her titer was pretty high. Susan
  12. I don't know actually, it was the titer, do you know what that would be? Our neurologist didn't suggest an antiviral but our Dan! did. Susan
  13. Here's another website that you might find helpful. They don't sell the symbion but they do promote it. It's how I decided to give it a try. I used it myself for several months. I don't know if it's an antifungal specifically but this explains what it is doing to the candida growth. http://www.candidafree.net/threelac.htm
  14. My dd had elevated HHV6 virus. She was treated for 6 months with antivirals and I think it really helped her to get that virus cleared. Susan
  15. I also found out in our IgG food testing that both my girls are highly sensitive to flax. I wonder if it's somehow related to this. I have stopped giving my dd the coromega and she does seem to be doing better but I think I'm going to have to give it to her again as a test to see what happens to confirm. Susan
  16. Symbion Right now they are taking 1 a day but they took 2 a day for several months. They are ages 8 and 9 (50 and 80 lbs) and are taking 250 mg zithromax daily. It's a pill. I open the capsule and mix with a smoothie for dd8 who can't swallow pills I order it off the internet. http://www.symbionprobiotics.com/ I think it's really helped my girls yeast issues. Symbion Ingredients: Bacillus coagulans (200 million CFU*), Bacillus subtilus (100 million CFU), Enterococcus faecium (100 million CFU), Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS).
  17. We use Coromega. Here's what it says... this is only Omega 3 right?? 2000 mg fish oil Long Chain Omega 3 650 mg EPA 350 mg DHA 230 mg
  18. LOL, an extended vacation, Ha! I like this toy purgatory too! I try to get her to be a part of deciding what to get rid of but normally she ends up keeping everything. Our stuffed animals are overflowing too! Every one has a memory, someplace where she got it or the person who gave it to her. She still cries over our old couch that was so nasty and old and falling apart. She wishes we never gave it away. Also, she asks where it went, what happened to it, what did they do with it, do I think anyone got to use it still, was it damanged from the rain, etc. Susan
  19. LOL, we do this too! We eat early, usually as soon as we get in the door from the bus stop we are making something for dinner. Sometimes on the weekends we are eating dinner around 4:00. DD8 will ask, is this lunch or dinner?! I say "which ever you want because you will be eating again before you go to bed!". She'll say, "let's have this be our 2nd lunch so we can still have dinner later". But they eat at 11:30 at school so they are starving by the time they get home. I think you have a good idea to eat before all that activity. I bet it will help! Susan
  20. Thank you peglem... it's nice to know I'm not the only one dealing with the waiting game. Trying to figure out what is strep, what is change, what is puberty, it's got to be so difficult. My dd9 had the same bed wetting issues. Last time she got strep she was wetting the bed too. I'll be waiting with you! Thanks for listening tonight. Susan
  21. OMG, very similar! She has 2 bags of silly bands she won't even open and so many more. She keeps the broken ones too. She hates to throw away her drink bottles or any boxes because she wants to use them for projects. She keeps her candy, bags of candy from halloween. She does not drink the last of her drinks or eat the last of her meal. If she were to lose part of her necklace like your dd, we would have to talk about it for a long time and she would cry and cry too. She can't seem to spend her money either. It has to be the most perfect thing to spend her money on so I think she is hoarding her money as well. She has a dust mite allergy too. I just have her sleep in my room with none of her stuff since her sister can't sleep alone. It's easier that way. Susan
  22. One question, regarding Omega 3's.... I thought I had heard some others talk of them making things worse. But I can't find any past posts. I am wondering if my dd8's recent ramp in issues might be from starting up her omega 3's again. It's the only thing I've changed. Thanks, Susan
  23. This is dumb I know, I just want to talk about my girls and their PANDAS tonight, but I don't have any specific questions. I just don't have anyone who will get it who are around. My Mom is out of town and I can't call her. Most other people don't know what we are going through. We are in a waiting period. Waiting for the Igenex test to come back, waiting to see the ILAD doctor, waiting for the neurology IVIG follow up appt, waiting for allergy shots to do their thing, waiting to see if dd9 will need more IVIG's or if dd8 will get them. Will dd8's hoarding get worse or better.... Meanwhile, I found out my dd's are intolerant to dairy so we are slowly clearing out all the dairy from our house in addition to the gluten. Continuing on with abx. My daily logs sound like broken records. In many ways SO MUCH improved. Mornings are much better but could still use some help. Evenings are still hard. Lots of pain and emotions. I remember over a year ago coming to this board and saying - it's probably not pandas, what do you all think? I didn't know how much it would help us to know or how long the journey would be either. Susan
  24. I am 3 days shy of 4 weeks post IVIG and we did the blood draw for dd9's Igenex test today. I TOTALLY forgot all about this and read on the pandas forum about the need to wait that long. Could 3 days make any difference? Should I call to intercept? I really don't want to waste our $$ but I really don't want to have to make dd do the draw again. Also, how long does it take to get the results back from Igenex? I assume they mail them to the ordering doc? Thanks Susan
  25. I'm not an accountant but I have some experience within a 401(k) company. It is recommended that you never take out your money until you retire to get the best return on your investment. That said, if your company offers loans, you can take out a loan and pay yourself back the interest so in that way you are not out any money (except maybe some earnings on it). This would be the preferred way. Otherwise, you may have an inservice withdrawl you could take that would require you pay taxes and may have an early penalty. I looked into this recently and for $9000, I would pay $3000 in taxes/fees. I decided it was not worth it to lose that money. I do have 401(k) loans though and it has helped bail me out, even if it was not the best decision for my retirement, I figure I have enough time to make it back up. There is also a hardship withdrawal but I don't know the sepecifics on what constitutes a hardship. This would be if you needed more than your inservice withdrawl allowed. This all depends on your plan and that they offer you. Susan
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