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Everything posted by thereishope
Do you know if that is happening more (being born with no tonsils) as a sign of evolution? Example, I have no wisdom teeth...none. That is slowly happening to people because of evolution and the body realizing there is no need for the. I like it because I can tell my husband I am more evolved than him:)
April/May Scientific American MIND
thereishope replied to fuelforall's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
For those who cannot get the article, overall it explains how when a fetus is exposed prenatally to certain infections , it greatly increase the chance of a mental disoder surfacing. It states that even when a mother receives a vaccination while pregnant (like the flu vaccine), it may increase the chances of such things as schizophenia occurring. There is a brief blurb about PANDAS, but not much. It does break down different disorders and infections that are linked to them. It does also explain what microbes can cause disorders to surface postnatal as well. Schizophrenia Prenatally: Influenze, rubella Toxoplasma gondii, herpes, Lyme, polio, measles Post: T gondii, Lyme, chlamydia, herpes OCD/tic disorder Pernatally: No links found Post:strep Bipolar Prenatal: Herpes, T gondii Post: Herpes, T gondii Autism Prenatal: Rubella, herpes, Lyme Post: Lyme, Mycroplasma, clostridium (bacteria that causes botulism) Alzheimer's Prenatal: Herpes Post: no links found Tourettes prenatal: no links found Post: Mycroplasma -
April/May Scientific American MIND
thereishope replied to fuelforall's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I finally got a chance to read the article. Thanks for sharing it. It was good! Do you have a link directly to the article to make it easier to share? -
Strep while on abx? or something else?
thereishope replied to simplygina's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
If your doctor will not give antibiotics while waiting on the culture results, do a rapid too. My son has had some strep infection where the rapid was neg, culture positive and he has strep infections where the rapid did come back positive. You always have the chance the rapid will come back + and your child can start abs or increase abs sooner. Time is very improtant when trying to fight strep and PANDAS. -
I had tonsilitis all the time as a child. Even had it a few times as an adult. I was just given a script for penicillin as a child very time my tonsils had spots. My ped, when I was a child, had the mind set not to take out tonsils so I have them to this day. When I was a child when the tides changed and it was no longer the norm to remove tonsils. I wish I had them taken out as a child.
Welcome. Is your doctor second guessing PANDAS because penicillin didn't help her problems? If so, ask him to try a different antibiotic. A good majority have found that penicillin didn't help and had to graduate to Augmentin or Zithromax. If he fights you about it, then tell him that you are in the position of putting her on a life of SSRI's and psych hospitalizations. Doesn't he think if there's a chance that could be avoided, it should be taken? Tell him he owes it to your daughter to try another antibiotic. Here's an article about how penicillin and amoxicillin sometimes fails in erradicating a strep infection. http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/.../169459644.html How did she react to the Zoloft? Did it seems to make things worse or better?
Age Regression/Unable to teach
thereishope replied to kcdc3's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
During one of my son's exacerbations, I described his eating as kind of animalistic. Just grabbing food, not caring if chunks landed on the floor, eating with mouth open, if it landed on his clothes...then he went the day with food on his clothes. He also didn't care what he looked like. He avoided baths like the plague. For him, as I look back at it, I see it as just confusion in his mind. It's like he was in zombie mode. Just going through the motions of living. For him, that did go away as PANDAS got better. -
3 year old has strep again
thereishope replied to colleenrn's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I'm sorry about the strep, but if you have to look at anything positive...like you said the rapid came back +. It's horrible to wait for cultures when the rapid is neg and worse when the culture is neg and you are left wondering what the heck is going on. When my son was 5 he had t and a. It went smooth and recovered from surgery quickly. sadly, he did get strep again a month later. Luckily, so far he has not had strep since the last infection after surgery. I worry about age and I don't know enough about anesthesia and 3 year olds to comment. All I would suggest is waiting until PANDAS symptoms are gone. This will help with the surgery itself (anxiety) and will be safer in the event PANDAs symptoms resurface after surgery. Just follow from others' experiences and get good abx during surgery and post surgery. One even had a steroid burst readily available in the event PANDAS came flooding back. -
Welcome. How is your son's OCD and other behavior changes now? Have you ever taken him for a follow up strep test since the last known infection? Is he on any meds besides the Zoloft right now? Here is a link to a PANADS FAQ page http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6266 On it, there is a whole section devoted to Anti-DNAseB and ASO titers. If you are thinking about having the blood test done, I would first do a rapid and culture. If either is +, you don't have to do the blood test. Just so you know, the Anti-DNAseB and ASO titers is not a diagnostic test for PANDAS, There are some PANDAS kids that do not show a rise in either. There is a research study being done by Dr Cunningham that is the closest thing there is to a diagnostic test. The ideal is to have this done during an exacerbation of symptoms.
I'm sorry.....I don't know about the Omincef. Google Omnicef and Mycroplasma Pneumonia and see what pops up.
Strep while on abx? or something else?
thereishope replied to simplygina's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Take him in for a strep test. Remind them he is on antibiotics so there is a chance he could have a false negative. You can say the child you spent the weekend with was dx with strep and with his physical symptoms, you belive he caught it even though he is on meds. They may do a few things.... Tell you he cannot have strep because his tonsils were removed...FALSE Tell you he cannot get strep because he is on abx...FALSE They may make a clinical dx w/o a strep test They will do a strep test. If so, if the rapid comes back negative, make sure they run a culture too. If they await the cultrue, ask them to up his meds or switch and/or add Zithromax until you get the results. There is a chance it may be environmental or an allergic reaction. But because of physical throat symptoms, I would get him tested. Does he take probiotics since he started meds? -
I'm a stay at home mommy....mucus, phlegm, etc doesn't phase me:) is the green phlegm coming from the chest, nose?
Mycroplasma Pneumonia has gotten A LOT of attention on here. It has been a PANDAS trigger for some kids and even the original trigger instead of strep. Antibiotics like Augmentin will not erradicate Mycro P. You need Zithromax, or some people are taking a "bigger gun" like Biaxin. Some docs will listen to the child's chest and give a clincial dx w/o any tests. If they are unsure due to no symptoms or they want proof of Mycro P, they do a blood test to check antibody levels. You should seriously look into this.
Mycoplasma Pneumonia Symptoms
thereishope replied to momaine's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
You could have a chest xray done to make sure everything is okay. I get chest pain when my back hurts. I think it's just the muscles, for me. -
Another "poll" for curiosity
thereishope replied to MichaelTampa's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
My PANDAS son favorite color is RED. Another question is what number are you drawn to? My PANDAS son number is 4. When he was in an exacerbation he would write the number 4 over and over filling up a whole piece of paper. It was also the number he's count to for OCD. The psych said 4 is the most common number for rituals and obsessions with OCD. -
Another curious observation
thereishope replied to Dr_Rosario_Trifiletti's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
In the beginning of the school year (before new evals and screenings were done) 15 out of approximately 85 kindergarten student had an IEP! That means they were identified PRIOR to kindergarten. I don't know the number now that any screenings on other kids have probably been done that were not part of the Early Childhood Program. They said it was the highest number they ever had at the start of kindergarten. -
Another curious observation
thereishope replied to Dr_Rosario_Trifiletti's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
This thread included a poll of forum member's occupations... http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=6736&hl= -
Another curious observation
thereishope replied to Dr_Rosario_Trifiletti's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Here is a thread by EAMom that includes an article about kids on Medicaid and psych drug prescriptions.. Thread... http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...ic=6253&hl= Article cited... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/12/health/1...nted=1&_r=1 -
Can you explain that more? Do you mean it feels like their hands are burning?
When you refer to spacial problems, I am thinking sensory issues. Speech and sensory often go hand in hand. Hopefully now that you see speech communication improving those sensory issues will now begin to improve.
This is what I wrote in another thread today about speech and PANDAS.... Also, it is very overwhelming to have so many thoughts go through their young minds and keep track of all the rules OCD is telling them to follow. It's easy to see how a child would become frustrated and not be able to communicate that to the parent. Once the meds help, the OCDand PANDAS ease up, those interfering thoughts and actions are no longer there and the child can communiate easier.
Another curious observation
thereishope replied to Dr_Rosario_Trifiletti's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
Well, we have "average" educations. We are not well off economically. As for intelligence...I like to think we are an intelligent family but not much to back that up I think my driving force was the many hardships I've experienced in life, seeing patterns in them, and overcoing them. Some may think I'm silly for saying this, but hardships and triumphs often come in groups of 3's. Also, I know over time, life does tend to level out. Maybe you won't be exactly where you want to be but you eventually learn to get up, brush yourself off, go on, and find some type of closure. I've also had to learn too many times "suck it up" and just fight. -
Mycoplasma Pneumonia Symptoms
thereishope replied to momaine's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
What antibiotic is she one? Perhaps if you still have occassional chest problems, it wouldn't hurt to get yourself checked out. If it is an active infection, Mycro P is contagious. With my non-PANDAS son, all he had was a cough. I never would have taken him to the dr for it. I thought it was sinus drainage from allergies. I took him in for one thing and left with a dx for something I never was concerned about. -
Sometimes I think I overthink my answers to polls! My PANDAS son has a speech disorder that has always been present. I do not belive it was brought on by any event. My older son also has speech probelms. Started as a delay, caught up his own and now just has very minor problems. My older one is not PANDAS. I think with my daughter, I may have finally caught a break. I don't think she has a speech disorder! Yeah! Oddly even with my PANDAS son, he was dx with a severe speech disoder when he had just turned 4. When he finally started speech therapy they were amazed how quickly he caught on. When PANDAS surfaced in Sept 2008, he then slowed down tremedendously in making progress with his speech. Then when he recovered, he went right back to making his goals rather quick. He's always been on target for all other milestones.
jyl, I know you read this forum and you are aware of PANDAS kids having issues with food. Anorexia and BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder-an OCD spectrum disorder) are very serious and shouldn't be a surprise with PANDAS. I know he's not showing anorexic tendencies because he doesn't want to lose weight, but I'm trying to cite a food issue to compare it to. I would think 10 days shouldn't really cause weight gain, but you don't want him limiting food intake to offset what he thinks will be weight gain with the steroid. I really think this need to be discussed with Dr B. Please keep us updated on him!