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Everything posted by philamom

  1. mommakath posted about a wonderful pediatrician/DAN doctor in Ponte, Vedra Beach. You could send her a pm if interested.
  2. Do you give her one 500mg pill daily of garlic? I read it should be taken with food to avoid GI upset and flatulence?
  3. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Thank you Mayzoo for the links. I read an article today "Hidden GI Problems" in Bottom Line Health by Liz Lipski. She briefly discusses low levels of stomach acid, too much bacteria, and leaky gut syndrome. She says that low levels of HCl can weaken immunity and, in turn, lead to many ailments, including autoimmune disorders. When HCl levels are low, it makes us vulnerable to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). The best test to diagnose SIBO is a hydrogen breath test. A home test is available at www.MyBreathTestKit.com. Her recommendation for treatment is the probiotic VSL-3. She then says, however, that the antibiotic Rifaxamin (Xifaxin) is usually needed. Rifaxamin works locally in the small intestine. For leaky gut, she says the immune system reacts to the organisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites) and substances as "foreign" triggering inflammation that contributes to or causes a wide range of problems. The best test for leaky gut checks for urinary levels of lactulose and mannitol- large amounts indicate a leaky gut. She suggests starting glutamine 1g to 3g daily, and graudually increase the dosage by a gram or two per week to up to 14 g daily. Becoming constipated is a sign that you're using too much. She also mentions the probiotic L. plantarum (such as Transformation Enzyme's Plantadophilus), Quercetin (such as Perque Pain Guard and Perque Repair Guard, work better han other quercetin products), and Digestive Enzymes (good brands are Thorne, Now, Enzymedica). But I'm assuming this is all adult dosing.
  5. This has probably been posted before but I can't seem to get the search function to ever work for me (it gets stuck). Is anyone giving their child glutamine for leaky gut syndrome? I read it's one of the best ways to repair a leaky gut (being the main fuel for the small intestine). How much do you give and can you recommend a brand. Also, how about quercetin? Could you mention if you had any bad experiences as well. My dd is 10yrs old and weighs approx 70lbs. thx
  6. Dr. T once told me that some kids react to it, some don't - so it's kinda trial and error. The good thing is, there are plenty of probiotics without the S. Therm if you choose so.
  7. I have them all. My husband prefers the pump, daughter the lotion, and at times when I'm in a hurry I like to use the spray outside. The towlettes are great for the car or purse, but so you know - they don't contain sunscreen (perfect for nightime activities).
  8. Ironic to wake up to this - I spent the entire night unable to sleep worried about my daughter getting another tick bite on top of the symptoms she has now. B4 my 10 year old dd was born, I spent a ton of money making my property into a dreamy woodland paradise. I put in lots of trees, perennials, ornamental grasses, bird feeders - all bordering on the edges of gardens. Now I'm in the process of digging them up to get rid of some. All of our walkways are lined with stalk-like plants/shrubs that ticks like to climb on and hitch a ride. I recently read that if you have Japanese barberry on your property you highly increase your chances of lyme disease. I have my share. They are now listed as an invasive plant. I spray my property twice- spring/fall. I decided I need to have a serious discussion this year about where she should and should not wander. I can't take that chance. I'll work with the additional OCD, if necessary. Her OCD is not extreme right now, so it should be more manageable. She's also aware of her physical pain now, so I will lightly add that to the discussion. I need her to be aware to not just stay out of the mulch gardens and woodland areas, but also to stay away from the edges/borders of them. I'm going to suggest staying away the length of a baseball bat. Of course, when she's with her friends - who knows. I think I worry so much because she is not informed well enough, and I need her to start taking some action on her own prevention. I can't be with her at all times. It's sad to think they just can't go outside for a good game of hide and seek. It's one of her favorites. Now...off to a cup of coffee.
  9. A paraffin block obtained from a biopsy of my daughter's endoscope & colonoscopy is being sent to Clongon Lab for testing. Has anyone received reimbursement from insurance with this lab? thx
  10. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/viral-genetics-submits-pre-ind-document-for-lyme-disease-drug-candidate-to-fda-2012-03-07
  11. You can also purchase clothing already treated with Pemethrin. They usually go by "Insect Shield" or "Bug Shield". They can be quite pricey, but last 25-70 washings. www.colubia.com www.REI.com exofficio.com/insectshield www.zorrel.com
  12. Our LLMD recommended AVON SSS Bug Guard plus IR3535 Expedition or Bug Guard Picaridin insect repellent for my daughter. They sell towelettes as well. Someone here once mentioned Ultrathon (Deet) products - I'm thinking about buying it this season. For a more natural approach, you can mix 2 cups of white vinegar, 1 cup of water, and 20 drops of Eucalyptus or Peppermint oil - spray it on your clothing and skin. I'm not sure how well it works though.
  13. The reason I ask, whenever I give my daughter (10) a Motrin tablet (200mg) she fares well, but not so good when I give her a Junior Strength Advil "ages 6-11' tablet. Well, I just looked at the bottle and the junior strength advil is only 100mg - so now it make's sense. For some reason, Advil works better on myself. Thanks.
  14. Do you have a preference to Advil? or do you mean Ibuprofen in general? Thx
  15. dcmom- do you use the adult dose when giving advil, or do you purchase the junior strength pills? fixit- thinking of you!!!
  16. I think the key ingredient is Xylitol. It's a saline spray with added xylitol. They also sell a kids version with a cute elephant on the bottle. Not sure why you would need to purchase the kids version though, other than it possibly having a smaller nozzle.
  17. Yes, I think so. We didn't have any issues in the summer, especially when using sunscreen.
  18. I had it done on myself. It was not covered by my insurance.
  19. Minocycline is what my dd (age 9 when started) was prescribed.
  20. Do you give the Burber & Parsley drops on the same days as Milk Thistle? How many daily drops of each do you use (burber/parsley)? thx
  21. It looks like both doctors are located at the same location. Check out creationsown.com No experience with them though.
  22. Our LLMD always said that a persistent active Bb infection was driving dd's continous positive WB IGM (negative IgG) for over a year. That proved to be true in our case - she recently cultured positive with the new lyme test.
  23. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, MD I think he is located in Melbourne.
  24. We had an home IVIG infusion done in January thru Coram. Feel free to pm if you have any questions.
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