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Everything posted by ajcire

  1. thanks for posting that link!
  2. Bummer.. I totally forgot to record it.
  3. Does she have samples it is compared to of non pandas adults? I know what you mean about that relief but unsettling feeling. I felt that way with my son's results... at first I was glad to see I was not crazy in thinking it was pandas but then I felt sick to my stomach that it was pandas. Sort of a double edge sword but at least you have something to work with now. Best of luck!!
  4. I so hope this it for you!!! quote name='tantrums' date='Dec 11 2009, 08:34 PM' post='48297'] The ped gave us three weeks of amoxicillin. She didn't feel qualified to go beyond that at this point and wants us to get into the neuro. The neuros office is being a PITA though. Its the hospital system here that they want the records of the referring doctor before they'll give you an appt. I guess to prioritize. It's good when you need to get in but frustrating when I wanted that appointment made today! I called the peds office today and they said they would call them and insist. I didn't get a call back yet We also have his allergist on monday and she is wonderful! I really feel that she will help us as well. She's been baffled by him for a long time - his "allergic croup" that didn't respond to anything and she cannot find a THING he's allergic too. She always felt something else was going on. This was before all of these symptoms. So I think she'll be very interested in this. He has had a couple of "close calls" tonight to melt down, but honestly, I think that's just more age appropriate frustration and I'm hyper sensitive to it. He is still SO MUCH better I'm in awe here! He did ask me a few minutes ago though "will I survive tonight Mommy?"
  5. My son will do things like this just not to that extreme. He too was reading by 3, spelling at 4... would walk around spelling things... If someone shows him how to draw something at school... every day for a long time after he comes right up and does it at home. It doesn't impact him though... it is hard to tell if it's just that is where his interests are or if it is more that he needs to. I used to worry about him because at the age of 3 he wanted to do worksheets after worksheets... at play time he didn't want to play with the toys and run around with the other kids in his preschool. A psychologist told me that I should not try to change his form of play because who is to say what play is. If he enjoys worksheets that I should let him be. He would still interact with people... preferred board games with a grownup to doing worksheets when it was an option. In hindsight I do think some of that personality is related to pandas but it's part of who he is and a part that I verey much enjoy in him. I think that the previous responses are good... as to whether he has an issue if he can't complete this or if it's just something he chooses to do if he has the time to do it.
  6. Jessica, welcome I think most people will agree that all newcomers are welcome we just wish that there wasn't a need for anyone to be here. You should start a new thread introducing yourself and I am sure you will find everyone here is very willing to offer help and support. Hi all, I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!! __________________ Movies Online Free
  7. Yes! My ds has an incredible attention span and always has yet the child can't sit still. He's constantly fidgeting. He takes Karate and that is when I really noticed it.... There are so many times he is supposed to be standing still and he just can't. He's not sliding out of chairs.. just in constant motion even when in total concentration mode. I am really curious to have an expert opinion. I have his history and his cunningham number that should be enough for me but I keep feeling the need for more confirmation.
  8. I am very curious now to see what Dr. T notices when I bring my ds. I don't know if he has this or not. Is it something that would happen regardless of situation or does a person have any control over it?
  9. I am trying to figure out what this is... since some people are saying they don't know their child has it until the dr. points it out... curious if maybe I am missing it. I thought it was movement of the hands?
  10. I just wanted to update that I took dd to the ped today and he sent us for a ton of labwork. He said we should rule out lyme and mono and other such things, ran a celiac panel and some other stuff. He doesn't treat my ds for pandas but is the one who is willing to culture, do blooddraws and does believe it is real.. just doesn't know enough about it to comfortably treat it... so he knows my concern is that this might be what is going on with my dd. He did the strep titers tests as well because he felt it couldn't hurt to have it.. he said it should be elevated since she had strep within a few months. So at least I have started... can't take her to a pandas dr. yet because financially I need to take care of our ds who I know is pandas first. My ped was talking to me today about how many children he is seeing with non medical behavior/school issues who need to see behavior therapists or some kind of therapist but that so many of these doctors have gone off insurance that it's a real problem for parents... we were talking about how it really puts families in tough situations because you have to treat your children. I told him that is why I think he should learn all he can about pandas and treat my children with insurance!
  11. Susan, thinking of you as you go on your journey! I am crossing my fingers for you that it all goes smoothly. I look forward to an update when you get back.
  12. That's a good point. My son's results put him in the mid pandas range but I didn't think of it as abnormal because I obviously suspected pandas... but really I guess that would mean they were abnormal. Hopefully that is all she is referring to. Hugs! it's so hard to wait for results when you are told something like that.
  13. It makes no sense... It's a non-invasive test that that takes a minute to do. My peds who don't know how to treat pandas are still always willing to do the culture. I am mad for you!
  14. What does subtle chorea look like? I don't know what chorea really is but wonder if I just miss it in my ds or if he doesn't have it.
  15. I don't have any big words of wisdom on this as I feel like I know nothing compared to everyone here but I wanted to offer you big hugs. I am starting to panic about my non pandas dd as well.
  16. Thanks Vickie. I am so torn on all this. I am afraid I am starting to look like that crazy mom. If or when Dr. Cunningham starts accepting more samples I might ask her about including my daughter in the study. The last few days she has been saying she doesn't want to go on the bus. No good reason and she loves the bus. She doesn't really fight but says she doesn't want to before it comes. Today she said she doesn't want to go to school. She loves school. She's no in hysterics over it or anything and I know she will go but just the fact that she just said to me and when I asked why she said, "I don't know" has me a bit on edge. I know I shoudn't wish it on us but I almost wish a real physical sign would just jump out. If I saw ocd now or tic like behavior I would know what direction to go in without feeling crazy.
  17. What about not seeing tics or ocd? I mentioned in another post being concerned about my dd now (currently not diagnosed with pandas). My concerns are behaviorial... more defiant than normal, very emotional, reacting strongly to things she didn't used to, saying she doesn't feel well constantly (need to figure out what the heck is wrong with her if she is really not feeling well all the time).... she gets strep frequently with classic symptoms. I would never have thought of pandas if I wasn't dealing with it with my son and feeling like I am just seeing it in her. Without an obvious presentation of ocd or tics should I just stop my worrying on this?
  18. Tantrusm.... you will find out today where your dr. is at with pandas but the scenerio you described is very likely. I can tell you that in my office of 5 peds 1 told me I am crazy, 2 said they don't buy it but as a mom to do what I need to do, 1 told me he totally believed in it and wanted to help me but it was out of my realm and he referred me to the dr. I did see at one point with ds and the last dr. I hadn't asked about it until this year and was shocked when he said, "yes, I have several patients with pandas" BUT when it came down to treatment he only knew the one way that worked with the couple of kids he treated... and that was that those kids had high aso's, took amoxicillian and got better. Well great. He then told me that if my son didn't get all better on amox. that it maybe wasn't pandas. When he wanted me to get the aso titers done to show if there was strep or not a month after ds had documented strep I also knew that he might not fully get it. He was willing to prescribe and stuff but I actually have since found the dr. who referred me out to be the better one for me to talk to... he knows he doesn't know instead of thinking he knows and has asked me for the list of doctors that he could refer his patients to. He did the cunningham draw for me. He will swab the kids anytime I need no questions asked but I still really need to see another dr. regarding pandas.
  19. Oh, I understand. Notice I said my mother went with me, not my dh for the same reasons. Hang in there.
  20. Tantrums.. it's Erica.. just with a name change. I'm so glad it sounds like your dr. is on board with the idea of pandas. Other people will be able to give you better advice on the medical stuff you are asking and maybe on the throat poke (my kids have been good at that.. me I had a hard time with having it done on myself last week) Are you going alone to the appt or will your dh be able to go with you? I brought my mother with me because I wanted to talk to the dr. alone first so I had my mom wait with my son. If that is not possible than I would definitely put it in writing. In your son's case since he knows something is wrong you can certainly tell him that the dr is going to try to figure out how to help make things better for him. My son didn't/doesn't recognize anything is really wrong with his attitude/behavior so all I told him was that the dr. was going to try to figure out why he had the throat clearing/eye blink that was going on.
  21. I don't know the answers to your questions but your post totally made me lol.
  22. It really irks me when superficial news bumps out the important stuff.
  23. I am watching this right now... interesting. Wondering what others think on this?
  24. You might want to post over on the PANDAS board. It is full of very knowledgeable people Why did the school nurse check his tonsils if he felt fine?
  25. I kept rewinding thinking I was missing it somewhere.
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