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Everything posted by footballguy

  1. I researched and couldnt really find anything but i'm sure it couldnt be healthy and I had to get it some how. So do you think if I eleminate mercury from body my tics will go away?
  2. Wow thanks for all the info Ill defintley have to order a test pretty soon.
  3. 0.1 mg 2 times a day. And I dunno I just have extremly high levels and need to get it out. Also had an unknown parasite and a couple food allergies. Im on DHRA a mineral supplement and another detox bottle that is like all natural amino acids and like selenium and vit e I believe. Also my mom does a lot of oil paints and has like 60 peices up in our house of all oil paintings she has painted like huge paintings. COuld this be the cause of my mercury? Also will cannabis consumption effect the results?
  4. No no fillings. I think it may be because my mom is an artist and we have like 60 paintings up in our house and she uses oil paint so im thinking that could be why. I heard chlorella just mixes it up but doesnt remove it and could make it worst. I think i remember reading that somewhere not sure thoe. How long did the detox take. How were his tics after the fact?
  5. So you do this test and it basically tests for everything like heavy metals and parasites and all that?
  6. So you do this test and it basically tests for everything like heavy metals and parasites and all that?
  7. Ok went to doctor. We r still in process of testing for lime disease. I have an unknown parasite and high amount of mercury in my body. The doc put me on a detox program with pill and gave me clondine to help the tics. Will this counteract the detox? Any tips about getting rid of mercury?
  8. try dr. Bosche in petaluma
  9. has anyone ever done a fast or detox bath to remove toxins and potentially help tics?
  10. I've been doing a lot of research you guys should all look up on google contrast showers or hot/cold showers + tics. Trust me
  11. Question why do you feel the need to limit pills? Just wondering because I seem to take a lot of pills throughout the day
  12. Are these all good to take together with a meal? Like they won't compete with eachother
  13. I have to defintley say the 49ers and yourself? So as far as dietary changes go what did you do that helped your pyroluria
  14. Ok for people with tics or pyroluria do you need to supplement with copper of should you try to avoid it completely? Just curious because iv'e heard it go both ways. Thank you.
  15. Just turned 20 and am in my second year of college at Chico state. I was going to do some type of therapy and was going to look at like accupuncture and bio feedback maybe for tics but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with a different therapies that are useful. Thank you
  16. any supps that help out just with vocal tics?
  17. Two questions. First is what is the best absorbed best quailty form of vitamin zinc on the market. Second is how are the quality of vitamins made from name brand companies like whole foods and trader joes. Many of there vitamins are very affordable and was just wondering about the quality. Thank you
  18. Yep I think it was the iron. The vocal tics have eased off since I got off the iron thank u guys all for your replies.
  19. How do you guys think silica would be in helping reduce tics? I think it could help greatly from what I've read about the effects on the nervous system. Has anyone tried it and if so how was it. Here's a link of what i'm thinking about trying and also gives info on site. http://newlifevitamins.com/other_silica_information.shtml
  20. Thank you guys for the replies. I will lay off the iron for a couple days and see if that clears up the vocal tics.
  21. only thing I hhave added are iron pills and oyster zinc pills. Could this be the problem
  22. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank u
  23. Lately I have noticed an increase in vocal tics and a great reduce in motor tics. It's liked the extremes switched. Anyone know why this could be? Thank you
  24. Ok I understand that. Just making sure the magnetic matress wasn't hurting me. It supposed to help withs tics and I hope it is not to sure thoe.
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