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Everything posted by footballguy
Um I have a magnetic matress. Is that bad?
Ok I heard the electronics can cause tics? Never heard of this until I was doing some research on this forum. Anyone know anything about this? Does this mean no more electronics or to just greatly reduce them? I honestly usually fall asleep with the television on like everyday. Its just a habbit I have where I absolutely need something on preferbally the television to fall asleep? Well any info on this would be great. Thank and have a great night. Back to English Essay.
Also Chemar how does this site looking for getting a good quality royal jelly? http://www.durhamsbeefarm.com/royal-jelly....CFR8cagodwnXvrg
I would say it defintley has helped not like wow there gone I still tic but believes it reduces them a decent amount. I do also believe pyroluria is an option and have orderd a kit just need to send it back. I'm also going to supplement with iron. For some reason I think maybe im deficent in iron? Anyone know anything about iron and tics?
I used to take skullcap pills and chamomile tea before summer school. I think it defintely relaxed me and helped me tic less but small difference. To me there are a lot of things that seem to make a small difference that can help you. But you have to put the whole puzzle together. I'm not going to say its going to make a huge difference but will probally defintley make him more relaxed and tic a little bit less. Maybe you could find a tea of like chamomile, skullcap, and give it to him in the morning to calm him central nervous system down a little. I would also take the skullcap on my lunch break along with some other vitamins.
Thank you I think I might add it along with my multi which has a high b-complex. Maybe take the multi everyday and then the royal jelly every other day for extra vitamins? How does that sound? Also how do you find out which brand is the best? And if your son is low in zinc I recently got zinc pills made out of real oysters that are high in natural zinc. They have been helping my tics I believe and have only been on it for 4 days.
How long do you have to take these pills along with a diet to get rid of yeast? Like what would be a resonable time frame? A month? 3 months? A year?
I only had one side pulled out for some reason. And no I really don't think it is. It happend midway through my senior year after football ended. I didnt know what it was at first but then I researched it and find out about tic syndrome. I think maybe me excercising so much and playing all those sports maybe hid the tics? But not sure still trying to find answers. They get really bad in class and excercise now its really annoying
Ok I see. Well maybe sports will help him a lot I hope. Also I have always been interested in yoga and it was because I was serious in sports and some of my favorite athletes did yoga and ballet and stuff to help condition them so it got me interested in that. Maybe showing him an example will help. Have you found any supps that seem to help a good amount?
Thank you Bonnie. I do think Yoga migh thelp me with my injuries and getting back into shape. Also I heard its good for body alignment. Im going to try to take a class at the college. And yes like I said my tics didnt really start till later in life so i'm trying to find out what caused such a suddent outburst. Thank you for the reply and keep them coming people thank you. Have you thought of getting your son into some sports?
Has anyone ever used Royal Jelly to get some extra b-vitamins. I'm thinking about it as I am big into natural stuff and like that the b-complex I'm giving would be from a natural source rather then synthetic. I heard there were side effects anyone know of these? And if you have taken it has it helped reduce tics at all?
Took it made me real tired. I do take it before sleep when I cant sleep but I couldnt take it throughout the day like my accpuncurist reccomended taking it 3 times a day but made me way to tired and groggy
Well man its just rapid blinking when the blinking twitch has happend. And yes it feels like I have to do it but the blinking one is not even the bad one now I just have different one's all the time. Right now like a small grunt and neck movement and sometimes nose sniffling and eye blinkin are effecting me most as of today.
Hello my name is Roger. I'm 20 years old and a college student at Arizona State. It's going to be my first year at Arizona and im pretty excited. Well here is my story as I ask for help and hope to help others. Iv'e read a lot on Tics/Tourettes Syndrome. Like most people I havent had it bad my whole life. I also don't have any of the accompaning effects like Add or anything of that nature. My dad tics also but very miminal where it doesnt effect him and people don't notice. He had all the symptoms but deveolpoed them late in life. He was diagnosed with Bi-polar, Depression Maniac, Aniexty all those kinda stuff that effected him when he hit like 24-25. Now he takes more medication than Carter takes pill but is relatively healthy and happy. Hard worker and loves wine a little too much. Now as myself I never really knew what these tics were. I remeber having little tics back in like 3rd grade but nothing big maybe like coughing or sniffling but they would go away and I thought nothing of them. No problem what so ever is what i'm trying to get at. So living completely normal like before (Tic Free) pretty much I played 3 sports a year and was very active. No one noticed anything nor did I until I was about 18. I was done with all sports pretty much my activity levels went down. A big part of this is I have suffered a lot of injuires from football and wrestling. Too this day my body is in a lot of pain like my back always feels like it has so much tension and pain like nuero tension and has not healed in over a year. Also same with hamstring like if I do ham curls or exsplosive starts I will automatically after awhile just feel a shooting pain in my hamstring and my shoulders are jacked up and hurt when lifting. I have had injuires from ham pull to torn ligaments. This saddens me because I used to be really strong and great in the weightroom and can't do what I used to do. My speed also went down in highschool every year. My dad said same thing happend to him in highschool he was very fast and it reduced every year. So the tics got worse and started with eye blinking all the time. Now I also do stuff like neck jerking a huge one. Sometimes I twitch my buttocks or need to press my legs together. Something I noticed is I have wierd little habbits which dates back to when I was a kid I would always want to press a button i didnt need to in video games and in a pool I always want to scrape the bottom of the pool with my toes. But yes have vocal and motor tics and they got pretty bad at what point. I was on gabapentin which did nothing. I'm now working wiht a accupuncturist and am taking vitamins which has helped a lot Before I list what supplements I am on my 2 main theories are Pyroluria where I orderd a test kit. And also maybe excess yeast. My mom battled yeast infections. Over the last year and a half I have been getting a lot of jock itch and smell in that area a long with feet. And I'm a very clean kid so thinking yeast could be a contributing facotr. Have expiermented with marijuana and generally it makes my tics worse. I tic more and am more aware of them. Not sure if this is becauase of my chemistry or maybe it can be something to do with indica vs sativa but just wanted to point it out where when I'm drunk I really don't think I tic to often at all. So everyday vitamins I take are Pure Encapsulations Nutrient 950 without Copper and Iron. Big Plus is huge amount of B Vitamins and also two different types of B6. Manganesse has good level but zinc and magnseium levels are nothing great. I Also from Pure Encapsulations I take NAC 600MG'S twice a day. From Intergrative Therapetics I take UBQH 50mg's 4 pills a day Also take stablized R-Lipoic Supreme 100mg twice a day. Also includes 500mg if taurine oper pill and 4mg of biotin Evening Primrose oil from Whole Foods. Also how is Whole Foods vitamins quality? Each pill has 500mg and i usually take beetween 4-10 a day. Caprylic Acid 365 mg's I take one or two a day. Nordic Naturals I take Pro DHA Has 450mg DHA 90EPA AND 40mg others for every two pills and take two pills twice a day. Oyster Max is something I just added for zince. It's made from oysters a little pricey but wanna see how it does. I'm going to take 4 pills a day which is reccomended. Also when ever I feel its needed i'll take mangesium pills but was wondering if anyone knew a good source of magnesium and calcium? Something that is highly absorbed. Also take Garlic sometimes too. Was wondering what a good source of OMEGA 6'S Is? Thank you for whoever took time to read my post and help. I appreciate it so much. Also so far this has greatly reduced my tics but not to the point where I want them to be. Would suggest people looking into some of the supps I posted especially the top 5 One more thing I notcied before the onset of the tics sports would be like the best thing. Now when I excercise I notice I tic a little more than usualy when i go to the gym and hit the cross trainer or play basketball with the friends.