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Everything posted by footballguy

  1. since I had some dairy allergies I can no longer take whey so I would be ok to drink goat whey and milk?
  2. interesting. Why didn't u want to just go to a normal sauna or steam? Well I think in less then 2 weeks I should be retested and doc said most of his clients return back to normal levels on first cycle my motor tics have gotten really we'll but my vocal has increased dramatically. Any tips?
  3. I actually went off of it. Wasn't liking it and prescription meds In general even thoe my dad realLy wants me to go on them
  4. what about using kombucha for probiotics?
  5. Haven't have any yet. I'm supposed to take another test 8 weeks from the start of the program to see if I made any improvment. I'm a big guy at 200 and the only side effects would be a tiredness sometimes and I got sick for like 2 days but thats all stuff I can handle. WHat did u notice more effective the clay baths or DMSA? Did u also take any steam baths or saunas?
  6. Ok thanks ill run it by him cuz I dont want to do it too fast. Is there anything bad about doing it to fast besides low energy? Also i'm taking steam baths to help this is not bad is it since its just removing some mercury through sweat? Sorry for all my dumb questions I just want to be right.
  7. sorry I am kinda puzzled by this? Paxil is an SSRI used to elevate serotonin. Where it might have a calming effect on OCD and help lift depression, and that may indirectly relieve tics, yet paxil isnt an rx med for tics are you still taking clonidine as well? please do remember that should you stop taking either of these, ESPECIALLY the paxil, you *must* titrate down in dose as stopping "cold turkey" can result in serious withdrawal symptoms I dont know anything about clay baths for detox. we use Epsom salts I'm sorry im messing up everything up. I'm taking alinia not Paxil and this is for the parasites. Now im taking DMSA 250 MG 3 times a day for 3 days in a row then 11 off and then repeat. Like I mentioned earliar im still taking the mineral complex and the paraguard that the doctor gave me. I'm also taking all m own stuff for the mercury or just my health like a multi, low dosage of nordicks fish oil and low of primirose. I take zinc, b complex, mag, stuff like that. Oregano and milk thistle is all I can think of right now but started taking aloe vera drink from whole foods and am going to try to drink a Kombucha drink every day. Now for the clondine I am off but I did forget to mention i'm taking a cholestyram which is a cholestorl medication but my doc gave it to me cuz it clears toxins. Everyone should look at it I read a postive review the other day check it out hopes this helps someone http://www.revolutionhealth.com/drugs-trea...me-fms?rid=8062
  8. `Yes I would say its a form of throat clearing/throat scratching. Also yes exactky a huge build up of mucus. This happens when I eat a good amount of my minor allergies. I dont memebr all of them but some were like alfala, bannas, turkey, eggs, wheat, flour. I had a lot of minor one's but the doctor just told me to avoid my major one's cheese and cottage cheese but I think I should try all
  9. Ok well since you guys know what i'm taking right now for my mercury detox I was wondering if it would be to much if I bought this package? here's a link its a detox package that includes clay baths which are supposed to be really good for removing mercury. http://www.discountednutritionalsupplement...toxpackage.html I dont want to over do it but would it be to add this regime or atleast the clay baths while taking the DMSA and stuff? Thank u in advanced
  10. There are some foods that I eat and high amounts and give me really bad vocal tics like olive oil and bannas. WHy would they only give me a rise in vocal tics but not motor? Could this be telling me something?
  11. I don't think it does and I would prolly be drinking throughout the night a lot more then one beer. I have to be honest haha. Iv'e always been againsts pharm meds but my mom kinda pushed the doctor to prescribe me it.
  12. Everyone check it out its real long but some parts have really good info in my opinion. http://www.spiritofhealing.com/articles/ht...s_syndrome.html
  13. I just made a decision. After reading about it it seems like it will not allow me to be a kid. You have to avoid alchohol. heavy excercise, and sun. I have been working out in the sun and devolped a huge itchy ratch and now know why. I don't feel like its even helping me that much. I Just took 1 pill yesterday and 1 this morning. How should I finish simmering off? i'm thinking about taking a half a pill early tommorow morning and maybe the same on saturday? or would i need to wind off even more? THanks guys
  14. Well wouldn't it be ok doing it as I Said as long as I dont take a second dose? I mean I am a college student at atleast one weekend of the month I like to drink a lot just like that normal college kid.
  15. thanks for the info. The one I have a huge problem with is tea? Like I can't drink green tea. It just seems to healthy and good for my mercury detox. Haha there are so many factors to look at for tics its crazy. Now if I eleminate most foods that are high in sacilcylates will that be sufficent or is it one of those things where u have to go on a nazi diet and avoid them at all costs?
  16. This seems like a brilliant idea. So u just get regular all natural lotion and add epsom salt to it? Or how would you go about making it and how much? Also I have a bunch of magnesium pills with b-6 could I just empty those capsules into the lotion? Anything else healthy I could add? Get back at me thanks.
  17. tracey111 brought up a good point in post I was reading. I believe she said her child improved greatly from taking out foods high in salicylates. This is interesting because she said when her child ate foods high in salicylates her head would bob. This is one of my biggest tics actually the biggest and I noticed when I eat canned tomatoes I might tic a little more. So how can you be sure if salicylates effect you and why would they? Maybe i'll try an elemination diet for a week or two and see if I see an improvement or would I need to do it for longer? Thank u guys
  18. 0.1 mg 2 times a day. And I dunno I just have extremly high levels and need to get it out. Also had an unknown parasite and a couple food allergies. Im on DHRA a mineral supplement and another detox bottle that is like all natural amino acids and like selenium and vit e I believe. Also my mom does a lot of oil paints and has like 60 peices up in our house of all oil paintings she has painted like huge paintings. COuld this be the cause of my mercury? Also will cannabis consumption effect the results? Just wanted to update with all the stuff I told u before I am taking I am now taking paxil for the tics. Cholestyram pow from the doc and on my own i take chollerella every once awhile, same with grapefruit extract. Also trying to drink green tea everyday and taking a multi and a lot of other vitamins like zinc, mag, b, ect. Also fish from Nordicks and milk thistle. Im also trying to get on some primirose oil very soon and maybe some letchin. I just started DMEA also 50 mg a day will prolly kick it up soon thoe
  19. I have had tics increasing the last two years of my life from 18-20. Noticed little things like sniffling and stuff when i was young that would last a week and then disapeer for periods of a time. 18 is when they became chronic. Have gotten worse over time. Mostly neck dropping and moving left to right and eye blinking. Occasional vocal tics like clearing throat or coughing but nothing big. Question in all my doctor appointments they asked me if I had any OCD tendacies and I always say no. I have noticed one I have been doing my whole life and it is the sign of the cross. I do it at random times and always have to do it in this wierd order like 4 times then do a cross on my forehead and then sign one more time but hit each spot twice on the last one. Its really wierd not that I think about it. But besides that nothing else OCD could anyone explain this?
  20. Well I would say neck jerking and then eye ticking are my two major tics.
  21. Hey ive been on .1mg of clondine twice a day for about 2 weeks. Im going to be doing a good amount of drinking this weekend and was wondering what the best way to do it is? Should I just take the clondine once in the morning apon wakening and then just drink a little later in the day or night? It's halloween weekend so I know its going to be crazy
  22. How long did it take to notice a postive change in your or a loved one? I think im on day 4 and don't notice a great amount of change. Does it take awhile to work?
  23. Yes so cheese and milk were rated a 2 and all the others were rated 1. He said to avoid dairy but should I also avoid the small stuff? Getting rid of all these bad foods can they help tics?
  24. Huh ok. Well thanks for all the info guys. We went to the doctor at stanford we live like 15 minutes away but finally got an appointment. He was the first doctor of many to actually think its tourettes. Maybe he is right but I hope not. As far as the food allergies go im alergic to dairy but I also had a lot minor allergies level 1 like wheat, grain, oat, eggs, tons of fruits and veggies soy should I try to avoid these? The doc said that dairy were my only major food senstivities?
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