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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. galen, I dont like to go into detail about things personal to my son , but I can assure you that when his OCD was severe...it was VERY severe and he told me everything and more than a mother would ever want to hear, and some of his actions were very scary too, so that I feared for his safety. It tore me up inside to realise he was suffering this way and, although I wouldnt use the word "terrorize" as to how I felt....I spent many days distraught and in tears, and I was personally very depressed at what was happening, and at times very afraid for my son. But I recognised that it was the OCD speaking and fuelling the actions, not my son, and that he needed help. That is the point I am making Not that I dont understand that your mother went thru agony because of what you were saying and doing but that it was fueled by your illness, and as such, you needed then, and possibly still need now, to have professional care to help you overcome this. And now that my son's OCD has diminished to almost nothing, thanks to the supplements and cognitive behavioral therapy, I am so thankful to see him living a full and happy life, no longer being tormented by thoughts and fears and actions that were driven by a chemical imbalance. That is my hope for you too.
  2. dear galen I am so sorry that you are having to go through the pain of your mom's death as well as the added guilt you feel. Honestly, I do NOT think your behaviour caused your mom's cancer. yes, the stress of it all may have aggravated things, but not caused it. Above all, if you have such intense OCD, it is you who right now deserve care and attention as, nomatter what you may or may not have said and done, if you have OCD, it is not your "fault". It is an illness caused by a serious chemical imbalance and if it is that severe for you it needs treatment. There are precription meds for OCD but unfortunately many of them do have unpleasant side effects. Nevertheless, for some people they have been literally life savers, despite the side effects. Personally, I prefer the natural approach as I have seen how supplements like 5HTP and samE as well as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) turned my son's serious OCD into an almost non-existant factor in his life. ( He has Tourette Syndrome too, so his natural treatment was a multi faceted one) I dont know if you are a person of faith, but if you are, I would really hope that you will spend time before God so that you can receive His loving help to forgive yourself. The greatest honor you could give to your mother's memory is to become a whole person yourself and not to be tormented this way anymore. Perhaps there is a caring person in your faith that you could go to talk to? If you dont have a belief system, I would still urge you to genuinely forgive yourself for your mother's death, galen. You have an illness. Your behaviour was/is related to that illness and was a cry for help from you. PLEASE let this burden go....and I do hope you will find a treatment that can help with the OCD
  3. Hi Steph and welcome I have seen both my husband and son have TS "laughing" vocal tics but not quite the way you describe what is happening with your son, nor with any falling down. I know how disturbing it is when a tic has the potential to cause injury! Good that you are going to a neurologist for diagnosis but PLEASE do approach any prescription meds with caution and a lot of questions and research, especially in such a young child. If you read thru some of the other threads here you will find lots of info on treating tics and tourettes without prescription meds, and the side effects they frequently cause. Let us know how the doctor visit goes. .
  4. Way to go, Carolyn!!!! we are sooooo proud of you, and I sure hope that the senator whose 2 assistants cared will act on their report on the meeting with you! as for the other one...well, maybe try emailing his senator and express your dismay at the meeting and state in the email what you were trying to get across....hopefully something will get through. were you at the same conference that Sheila was at? so glad you didnt "catch" any tics again, congrats on what you did!
  5. HI From what you describe it could well be OCD before my son started the special supplements to help with OCD, he would also have number obsessions and "had to" do things "just right" and also felt fearful that if he didnt "something bad would happen" There were other manifestations of his OCD too. especially blended with his Tourette tics,but once he started the supplements things dramatically improved (he had tried SSRIs to boost the serotonin which is known to be deficient in most people with OCD, but it didnt help and brought a whole heap of side effects that were more disturbing than the OCD!!)
  6. Hi Tara that is so funny!!!! that you were referring to the Native remedies ADHD product!!! We havent used any of them, but I hear regular good reports about their stuff I have also had positive feedback re the Focus Factor product Hi Sharon yes, Bonnie has a lot of fans on the TS/tics Forum here It was her original research posted on the Internet( before she had produced her own BonTech products) that led us to start the supplement program that has SO helped our son!
  7. Hi Spring I havent heard of the product you mention, but I do know that cilantro, the herb, is supposed to be very beneficial for the body in detoxing mercury...makes me think this product likely has cilantro as the principle ingredient
  8. Hi Tara if you are referring to FOCUS FACTOR then yes, I have heard good things about it. I have also heard very good things about the ADD remedies found here http://www.nativeremedies.com/ My son has a combo TS/OCD/ADD and SID and supplements made a remarkable difference for him For his ADD (no H) we found an EFA combo of Flaxseed, Borage and Evening Primrose oils along with Gingko biloba and Gotu kola very helpful Studies in the UK have shown that BORAGE OIL is especially helpful for ADHD too I hope that the Focus factor works well for your child. If you want info on heavy metal detoxing, you may want to pop in to the Tourettes/tics forum here as there are lots of folks with varying experience with different treatments for heavy metals there. My son did have high mercury, and he had accupuncture/biofeedback resonance treatment to help with that, along with a supplement called CHLORELLA that mops up mercury in the body
  9. I forgot to mention the FDA warning issued on Strattera http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/ANSWERS/2004/ANS01335.html
  10. Hi the effect of Strattera on tics has been studied by a number of researchers, and, as with most medications, the results are very contradictory. Some people seem to do ok on it and not see tic increase, and some even have tic reduction. However, there are numerous reports of an increase in tics from Strattera use. Doctors, although weell meaning, often dont keep up to date with ALL the research. We learned this by bitter experience with our own son!! It is believed that it depends very much on the individual biochemistry and metabolism as to why some drugs help some people while having bad reactions in others. As I mentioned in the last post, THE BEST SOURCE of info on supplements for children is BONNIE GRIMALDI at http://www.bonniegr.com as she has done extensive research on this, specifically for TS. Usually, supplement bottles will have the manufacturers guidelines on doseage and children under 12 are generally given half the adult dose...but again I must stress that different people have different requirements, and that is why it is a very good idea to work with a knowledgable physician on this...ESPECIALLY when medications are also being given as some supplements can interact with medications here is a good site that gives details about supplements and also has a section on drug interactions http://www.iherb.com/health.html
  11. bumping up for our new members
  12. bumping up for our new members
  13. Hi and welcome firstly, I am not sure if your are aware that STRATTERA can increase tics! As far as doseage of supplements...it is really best to follow directions from manufacturers and preferably have a knowledgable doctor guiding you. It is important to know which specific supplements your child needs and there is a spectracell test for this If you look at the very top of this forum you will see two threads marked with hearts...one for finding medical help for natural treatments, and the other for the EXCELLENT book by our administrator, Sheila Rogers, which documents up to date info on natural ways for treating tics and tourettes Bonnie Grimaldi has done a lot of research on vitmain, mineral etc supplements helping with TS tics and she has formulated a specific supplement product that many people find very helpful. http://www.bonniegr.com TAURINE is known to help with tics and the dose recommended for over 12yo is usually 500mg per day Bonnie sells a blended form....compounded with MAGNESIUM as magnesium taurate. MAGNESIUM has been found to be probably the most important supplement in helping to reduce tics, but it is important for it to be given in the correct dose and proportion with calcium (and, in most cases, also with zinc) Magnesium taurate is also available as the cardiovascular research brand, sold at the Vitamin Shoppe ( http://www.vitaminshoppe.com To learn more about TS you may find this site helpful http://www.tourettesyndrome.net I hope this helps you. I am going to also bump up some threads that you may find helpful all the best Cheri
  14. Hi Gudmundur and welcome....how nice to have a member from Iceland! I am so glad that you are using good diet etc and avoiding the meds. As to the other issue, honestly, I havent heard mention of this before! And, in my years of learning about Tourettes, I have heard some strange stuff However, this may well be neurological and I hope you do find someone who can give you some information about it. I dont know if you have seen Leslie Packer's excellent website Tourette Syndrome Plus here is the link http://www.tourettesyndrome.net also there is someone you may be able to ask about this Dr Duncan McKinlay affectionately known as Dr Dunc, a psychologist who has TS himself and does a lot of work with young people here is his website Life's A Twitch http://www.lifesatwitch.com
  15. Hi Shelley I have a son with TS and OCD and we did try prescription meds for a year, but found the side effects intolerable My son's OCD has always bothered him more than his tics, and thankfully the supplements really helped bring it under control HOWEVER, because 5HTP, samE or methionine, St John's Wort and Inositol all elevate serotonin. it is NOT a good idea to mix them with an SSRI, as this can result in serotonin spiking...very dangerous The best doctor to help you with all this would be an Integrative one...ie one fully qualified in conventional medicine but also specialised in alternative/complementary medicine....usually they will have the letters MD,PA behind their name
  16. Hi Irena Glad you found a good candida book. Our doctor is also not fond of Nystatin, mainly because it isnt natural, but a pharmaceutical In answer to your question, NO glutamine and glutathione are NOT the same, although they both are derived from glutamate(glutamic acid) Glutamine is an amino acid (very good for the digestive tract) while glutathione is a tripeptide. It contains an "unusual peptide linkage between the amine group of cysteine and the carboxyl group of the glutamate side chain. Glutathione, an antioxidant, protects cells from toxins such as free radicals"
  17. Hi Butterbean's mom yes, my son did have a lot of fears when he was younger. He is very independent now, and has even gone on foreign youth mission trips without me, but when he was younger it was very different. Interesting similarities there about the animals coming at them during the hallucination. My son also heard strange things and felt that there were worms crawling over him plus some other really weird stuff. It happened four nights in a row and stopped immediately that we reintroduced his 5HTP before bed. Keep us posted on how things are going for your daughter
  18. Hi Butterbean and welcome:) so sorry to hear your daughter had a scary experience. Eye rolling/blinking etc is one of the most common tics in childhood, although most dont have hallucinations with it. I am glad you have a good doctor. Just an interesting observation from our end....my son is now 16yo and was diagnosed with TS at age 10, although his tics had probably been there since an earlier age, as we first noticed eye rolling age 5 (he got glasses and it stopped, so no thought of it being a tic at that time occurred) Anyway, his tics and OCD/depression etc became VERY severe after his 10th birthday, worse on one year of medications, until we stopped meds and started the natural treatments that I have documented here http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=687 Everything has been really mild for him for some time now, and most people dont even realise he tics. We still notice slight waxing when he has illness or high stress. (or if he sneaks in a blue slurpee while with a friend ) and his OCD, which used to be more troublesome than his tics, has been virtually non existant. His supplement regimin had been cut back to where he was just taking a good multi, along with his calcium/magnesium/zinc combo, and antioxidant combo and EFA combo A few months ago he had a flare up of Candida and developed an ulcer! It came as a big surprise as he is overall really healthy, but the doc felt it could have been related to his not drinking enough water and sneaking some wrong foods at school (sodas, Doritos etc....he is usually really good about his diet, but because things have been so stable, I guess he thought it was ok to slack off when mom wasnt watching ) The natural treatments for both the Candida and ulcer worked really well and he is back to health again, HOWEVER, we did see a slight upswing in both tics and OCD at the time of his illness. Most alarming tho was the fact that he started having brief but very scary HALLUCINATIONS just before falling asleep. To the point where he was convinced it was real...that is how scary it was....he was seeing rabid dogs coming up from the covers to attack him...etc etc He went back on to 50mg 5HTP each evening and the hallucinations stopped IMMEDIATELY! So somehow, the illness was causing a drop in his serotonin levels again, and this in turn was causing the OCD flareup, and, we think, the hallucinations (which by the way he had never experienced before) Of course, we firmly believe that the toxins from the Candida and the physiological impact of the ulcer contributed to all this. So, there is some extra info for consideration!
  19. I check all supplements here before using them http://www.iherb.com/health.html I know some folks have become weary of me saying this....but here goes again Because individuals have such unique metabolism and overall biochemistry, it is IMHO REALLY important to have guidance from a knowledgable health care professional on supplementation. Supplements work because of their definite reactions in the body. So that is why either testing to determine whether specific supplements are needed, or being guided by someone who understands the potential reactions and interactions, is honestly the best way to go Yes, there are supplements that are known to have helped many with tics etc....but just because something is right for one person doesnt always mean it is right for another....the UNDERLYING causes for the tics may be VERY DIFFERENT, and so may need a different supplementation program, or totally different treatment regimin. Also, sometimes things like candida, pyroluria, strep, heavy metals, allergies etc etc need to be addressed FIRST before any supplement program can be effective in tic reduction And then, as is likely the case here, the INTERACTIONS between prescription meds and supplements NEEDS to be checked by a physician. The website I linked to above has a specific section on potential interactions. ok....I am off my soapbox
  20. So glad your visit to the psychiatrist went well Sandy! Finding a good one is often hard, and so you really are very blessed to have done so. I would also like to encourage you to explore the many other treatment options documented here and in Sheila's excellent book, before resorting to meds. Because of the side effects, meds can sometimes be a real problem. Here is more info on the book http://latitudes.org/book.html Do keep in touch and let us know how things are going
  21. "record low temps in central Florida"????? when??????? I musta missed those five minutes cos it has been the warmest winter in my 16 years living here!! We usually have winters where the days are in the 70s and nights in the 50s but it has been mid to high 80s by day and high 60s by night for most of this season. I am so glad your visit went well Lisa and that your son's tics stayed under control.
  22. Hi Elise and welcome from what you describe it certainly sounds like tics and also possibly even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Here is a good website to learn more http://www.tourettesyndrome.net Tourette Syndrome is characterised by movements and noises that come and go and can change, (along with things like repeating other people's and one's own words and copying their movements etc) In general, Tourettes is inherited genetically, although there is much evidence to suggest that even when inherited, it may take environmental and other triggers to cause it to manifest. There is a wealth of information on this site about it. Do ask as many questions as you need to...there is usually always someone here who will try to help stay in touch....
  23. hi efgh Metagenics make a very good antioxidant combo, as do some other companies Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, grapeseed extract(pycnogenol), bilberry etc are all good. ...along with a good diet rich in the bright veggies Antioxidants are ESSENTIAL for a strong immine sysytem
  24. Hi Sandy and welcome hopefully you will have a psychiatrist that doesnt see the answer to everything as being a prescription, but honestly, that is rare! we found that most of them do nothing much more than write scripts! we had only one psychiatrist who listened and discussed and gave helpful advice, without medication. I cant address the problem you have and what kind of treatments help it. Perhaps a medication is necessary....I dont know. But I would really advise you to ask questions about any med, and what the side effects are etc...and also do your own research on Google as to adverse effects of the med. that way at least you can make an educated decision as to whether the med will be worth taking. stay in touch and let us know how things go!
  25. bumping up for "carolina"
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