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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. in a word YES...allergies, whether respiratory or dietary etc do seem to have a triggering effect on tics we are finding Bach's Rescue Remedy very helpful
  2. Hi Julia my husband and I always start the day with hot lemon juice....half lemon squeezed into a cup of boiled water We have ours plain but it can be sweetened to taste, esp with honey My son likes chamomille tea and it always has a very beneficial effect on his tics
  3. itsme as that post was from an unregistered guest here back in 2004, you may not get a reply from them, unless they are still reading here the feedback I have received re Bonnie's supplements is that they work very well for the majority of people, and we have members here who use them with much success some find that they may have an initial increase in tics when first starting the Bontech supps, but this seems to quickly give way to beneficial reduction for some people tho, it seems that the TSplus may have a negative effect.(ie increased tics)......and altho no one has yet definitively found why, a number of posters have suggested that it may be due to sensitivity to some of the ingredients, likely the B vits....but this is a totally subjective evaluation. by example, my son cannot take niacin, folic acid or B12 other than in his multi or via his liquid(sublingual) B Co......... also it should be noted that some people with TS seem to tic more with fish oil, whether Bonnie's or any other brand. For those individuals, flaxseed oil seems a better choice
  4. Hi Kim no, I had not heard of IP6 being used for immuno-modulation iHerb has info on Inositol, but I dont see the immune system mentioned there either click here for INOSITOL information
  5. aj i am just on my way out so wil post again later, but many of your specific questions will be answered in that thread link I posted before to my "story" of my son's progress, and the testing and treatments that have helped him here it is again http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=687
  6. LOL for a moment you lost me there Faith, but then I remembered that you had asked a question about posting links here on another thread ok...if you were to click on that link in my post above here, it would take you to a discussion on this immune issue on NeuroTalk's TS Forum If you then look in the address bar of your browser, you will see the link displayed there. Highlight it by left clicking on your mouse and then Right click on your mouse while on that then when you want to post it, simply open the reply box here and then right click again on your mouse over the reply box and then click "paste" you can do that to link to any website you are on...just go to one of your favorites and then floow those steps hope that helps
  7. http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/showthread.php?t=16103
  8. aj one of the worst side effects of Haldol IS Tardive Dyskinesia magnesium from all pure sources is good Our doc recommends 300magnesium:600calcium for younger kids under 100lbs, 400:800 for 8-12yo over 100lb and 500:1000 12yo and up (milligram doses) these are approximate guidelines and so once we factor in food, drink, etc the supplemnts we give can provide the balance
  9. Faith the easiest way is to copy and paste it ........at least that is how I do it
  10. another bump for newcomers
  11. Hi itsme my son used to have extremely severe TS...where tics were debilitating and once required hospitalization I found Bonnie's original program, long before she started BonTech and I formulated a supplement plan to suit my son, based on what she was using. (I had guidance from an Integrative doctor) It worked real quickly and my son's tics became mild. that was 7 years ago He is 17 now and still takes a basic group of supps (multi, cal/mag/zinc/taurine, flaxseed oil, liquid B co, and a few others) We still have occasional waxing of his TS, but it is nowhere near what it was when he was 10/11 yo the very worst his tics ever were was when we had him on prescription meds for a year! if you are interested you can read what I did to help him, here is the thread in which I document it http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=687 ~Cheri~
  12. Hi Giselle yes! It WILL pass!! love to you and Hoyt
  13. Deanna I would think it would be good to try the Kid's Calm first, but someone who has experience with it may have other recommendations My husband has tried the (naturally) flavored ones, but says he likes the original best. I tried them all as well and agree. It has a hint of lemon taste, but not as overpowering as the lemon flavored one, Also, the flavored ones fizz in a different way and leave a froth on top, which the Original does not do...it fizzes, but no froth. My husband finds both digestive and neuromuscular benefits from it, and also sleeps better with it(he also has TS) My son noticed a calming and good digestive effect, but he prefers the effect of his regular magnesium supp on his tics and sleep
  14. welcome AJ yes, even with a genetic history of TS, you daughter could have a transient tic disorder, or it could be the manifestation of genetic TS whatever the root, as you have asked for a concise way to start...I would highly recommend Sheila's book as an invaluable reference to help you work thru all this http://www.latitudes.org/book.html here is a thread that I started to document which tests and treatments helped my son, who has genetic TS http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=687 I have a link in that thread to the article here on Tic Triggers which you may also find very helpful here it is again http://latitudes.org/articles/finding_triggers.htm Others have lots of info too on things like photosensitivity induced tics, PANDAS, allergy related tics etc etc etc Just keep asking questions as you go and we will all try to help as much as we can
  15. hi itsme prednisone, being a steroid, would most likely be a tic trigger a lot of parents here are reporting good results with the Natural Calm magnesium powders as magnesium is known to be deficient in TS your son may benefit from this are u already using BonTech magnesium taurate? my son is also suffering with seasonal allergies this year (first time ever) and altho the doc prescribed Flonase and Claritin, my son doesnt want to use them for fear of a tic triggering reaction he is using a saline nasal spray and Bach's rescue rememdy, which seems to soothe his allergy symptoms and we are using the hepa filters plus running the airconditioning 24/7 (we are in Florida) all this is helping and 2 days ago he went for acupuncture which really made a BIG difference in the allergy symptoms in his sinuses
  16. just do remember that Carolyn undergoes chelation therapy and so this is most likely the reason for these dark specs My son has been doing Epsom tubs for around 7 years, has not ever had chelation therapy, and I have never noticed any black specs.
  17. CP Probiotics are always a good idea IMHO We use kefir, as well as Stoneyfield yoghurt, as our main probiotic and my son has also taken a liking to Activia as well as Dan-Active too Carolyn, our healthfood stores all carry a variety of probiotics, some in on the shelf capsule form, but most in the refrigerated section For those interested, there is also The Garden of Life series of probiotics which are supposed to be excellent tho I havent tried them as yet http://www.gardenoflife.com/probiotics.shtml
  18. hi petb sorry the kids are ill mrsD (who is a pharmacist) once warned not to use motrin in kids here is a link to what she said on NeuroTalk http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/showpost...amp;postcount=3
  19. CP I am also surprised about that comment on the bacteria as basically, that would be indicative of some form of antibitoic killing everything off? Was this just a broad generic statement the doc made or were there actual tests done to determine the bacterial levels?
  20. Loren just a quick reply from me as I have to log off The strep that we are talking about that is associated with PANDAS and can cause tics is NOT always detectable by a strep throat test.....it is ONLY detectable by a very specific blood test ...kids can have no symptoms of strep and even test negative from the throat swab...yet, as Alison explained....their strep antibodies can show alarmingly high in the blood test.... also, if the tics are being triggered by something and are not Tourette Syndrome, then there is a very good possibility that with the correct treatment they can be totally eliminated hope you get a good night's sleep..............remember.....ONE DAY AT A TIME!
  21. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Hi again Loren ad_ccl aka Alison knows truly from experience about tics induced by PANDAS ie strep I just wanted to mention that she, as well as Ronna, and also MANY other parents I have heard from, have all reported that azithromycin ( aka zithromax, z-pack) has been the most successful antibiotic If you search here for PANDAS, azithromycin, zithromax you will get lots of info Claire has written some excellent information re screens, video games, TV, computer, movies etc and photosensitive related ticcing. Again if you use the search feature and enter her username and any of those key words and you will find a lot of really valuable experience, which a number of other members have benefited so much from as they have realised the impact photosensitivity to screen flicker has on their children's tics you sure have come to the right place for a wealth of shared experience and anecdotal evidence that most conventional doctors truly just dont understand and often discount But as you go thru each of our experiences along with the many articles(thanks Kim ) you will begin to go "aha! that is what I am experiencing with my child" and so the parts of the puzzle begin to be recognised and put together. Same with the treatments we discuss here....again a wide range of tests and treatments which have, either as a whole or as single remedies or therapies.....some or all may be relevant to your son and so as you start learning and doing your own research, so you will be able to go to whichever doctors armed with a lot of information and questions, to better help you formulate the best way of helping your son just know that we will all be here to offer support or info whenever you need it
  23. well said Kim!!
  24. dear Loren I do feel for you as I know exactly what you are going through I was there myself 11 years ago firstly, at this point where you and Ty are so very stressed about all this,(and I imagine the rest of the family too) my personal opinion would be not to stop him from playing his games. Checking him for photosensitivity is something that can follow later. The last thing you want is to have him feel he is being punished for ticcing. Yes, he may be photosensitive and yes, you may need to make adjustments for that but that can start when you are both in a less stressed out frame. Stress is probably the biggest tic trigger of all...and so your #1 goal right now should be to get him as stress free as possible (and that is going to mean you are going to have to give yourself timeouts too where you can get yourself together so that you can appear more calm and not worried to him...hard I know ....but essential!) The only way to move forward now is ONE DAY AT A TIME You have done the right thing by getting Sheila's book so that you have a good reference to work from So now begins the process where you work through things one at a time toward finding answers for your son My first recommendation would be to try Epsom Salts baths for their soothing and detoxing effect. 2 cups of Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) in a warm tub and let Ty soak for 15-20 min in it (good for you to take them too, mom) The terminology that your neurologist used is such a cop out ...."nervous"...........yes, we know they are nervous because they are neurological tics!! So the next step is to find what is triggering them, whether internal or external As you describe such a dramatic start to the tics, my personal opinion is that you son has been exposed to a triggering agent. Has he had or been exposed to strep? any other viral or bacterial illness? The info that Alison and Kim have provided above is so valuable in your search for answers. Of the words best describing tic or OCD onset with PANDAS or PITANDS, "sudden" "overnight" "dramatic change" or "explosive out of nowhere" are ones I hear most often when a child has these tics or OCD becasue of a microbial infection, whether bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitical etc. How about food? anything new? especially re foods that have artificial ingredients like color, sweetener (nutrasweet/aspartame and splenda/sucralose) ? Does he tic more after eating certain foods (eg dairy, wheat? corn? peanuts? etc What about the environment? Any new carpet?furniture?paint? Chemicals like pesticides?(yard or home or sportsfields etc) New car? As you work thru trying to find what may have triggered the tics, keep a diary for your own reference...you would be amazed at the clues you will find when you start reading your observations Usually, if the tics are Tourette Syndrome related, there would be some family history of tics, OCD etc so also start looking into that aspect As you work through Sheila's book you will hopefully start coming up with some answers and can then use the search feature here (top right of the page) to get more info and also ask questions here our membership has a vast range of experience with both TS as well as what are known as transient tics and chronic tics, and of course strep induced PANDAS tics, and so there will likely always be someone who can share their experience and knowledge with you If I can encourage you Loren, it would be to tell you that as devastating as it is for you to see your little guy going through this...yet it is not life threatening! Your son needs for you to not make him feel that his tics are your primary focus when you look at him. He needs to know that this is not a "critical illness" and especially he needs to not be worrying that his tics are upsetting mom....that will only stress him out more and so make him tic more! Although there are numerous natural supplements that can be helpful for him, at this point I would recommend most of all that you get extra magnesium into him ....many people are finding that the Natural Calm magnesium products are very beneficial and there is one formulated especially for kids http://www.iherb.com/store/ProductDetails....p;pid=PTG-00005 Here also is the full range of these products http://www.iherb.com/store/ProductsList.as...rbs&cid=PTG These are also available at many health stores including the Vitamin Shoppe stores. I just order a lot at iHerb because their prices are so much lower, even including shipping It is good that you have a multivitamin (tho do be sure it has not artificial color or flavor added) Also be sure to look thru the articles available on the main ACN/Latitudes section for tics,especially the one on Tic Triggers http://www.latitudes.org/tics_tourettes.htm Again, do try to stop and breathe deep and take this one day at a time. Otherwise, everything becomes an overwhelming rollercoaster and that is no help to your son. Remember too that we are not just here to offer advice and information and experience...we are also here to support you in all things...so dont hesitate to come and cry or vent to us....better you let it out here and then be able to put on a calm front for your son. Dont worry Loren....the vast majority of members have come to this board frantic and worried and frustrated, yet have found that slowly implementing the things we discuss here as needed in their situation has really made a big difference Here is a big hug from one mom who understands what you are going thru and can encourage you that there IS light at the end of the tunnel
  25. PetB did u see my question re the serotonin and OCD related tics? I am asking this because the only time my son had lip tics was when his OCD was raging
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