I just wanted to agree 100% with what Kim and Faith have said. Without this forum, I would have felt completely lost and hopeless. Traditional doctors, no matter what their specialty, just don't know enough about these disorders. We saw an expert in TS when our son's tics first started (4.5 years ago). He never questioned why his tics had started, never talked to us about possible prior illnesses, never wondered about the lack of family history of neurological issues, just said that it was one of those things and he wasn't bad enough for medication (not that we wanted it anyway). The contributors to this forum, and especially Cheri, became our only guides through this whole thing. Every time I talk to anyone about TS, I always find myself quoting someone from this forum because it's been our only source of information.
Having said that, all of the latest articles and new information about PANDAS and immune issues with TS/OCD etc. kids have me very excited for all of us. We have always felt that our son's issues stemmed from problems with his immune system. We have focused for the last 2-3 years on making his life as clean as possible - we have worked on what he eats based on IgA and IgG tests, and of course removal of everything artificial; and used herbs, and then this year, allergy meds for his pollen allergies. We also started him on allergy shots this year. We found thru various tests that he has basically no SIgA in his gut, also, thru a research study that we joined when he was born, that he has some positive antibodies related to Type 1 diabetes, which means he's at higher risk of developing this. We also have no family history of TS or similar disorders.
It now seems possible that Sam could be a PANDAS case. By chance, I asked our enviro doctor at our last visit if he knew much about PANDAS as I had been hearing more about it. I never felt Sam was a PANDAS case as he didn't have the typical extreme onset of OCD, which was all I ever read about. He gave us the name of a pediatrician just 5 miles from our home who he had recently heard was taking a keen interest in PANDAS. By chance, a couple of weeks before our scheduled appt. with her, Sam mentioned that his throat was a little sore. He never complains about a sore throat, never has them, so I grabbed the chance to run him down to the doctor and got him checked for strep. Immediate swab was negative and the ped's office called me a couple of days later to say the ASO and DNase B were normal. Having read more on these forums by then, though, I asked for the numbers. It turns out that the ASO level is high, according to our new 'PANDAS doctor' (don't know what else to call her!)
So, by chance, we seem to have now found a new avenue to check out. I don't know if it will lead to anything, but I'm anxious to find out either way. As I prepared his history for the doctor, I discovered that he had had a really bad stomach flu type illness a couple of weeks before his first tic appeared. He had then had a chickenpox shot a couple of weeks later. I took him to the doctor a couple of weeks after that with both vocal and motor tics. Looking back now, I remember the separation anxiety, nightmares and anger. I never knew about PANDAS at the beginning.
Whether this is a way forward for us or not, we would never have been able to find this path without all of you who are so ready to share information and stories so that the rest of us can learn. I am so grateful to all of you.