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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi bobh, Thanks for the reply. After reading Shiela's book on Natural treatment for TS, I started to dig into the blood test that the hospital did for my son. I found out that the strep Titer level was only at 200, which means negative for strep infection for my son. So thinking back, it was possible that the abx (penicillin) might have aggregated the tics. Anyway, since my last post, my DS' tics has improved great deal, from every second to not noticeable. In fact, my DS is telling us that he rarely has tics on a daily basis. What we have done is to give Fish Oil, multi-vitamin supplement to my son in addition to Chinese Herbal medicine drinks. We also give some probiotics to my son. Very fortunate to have found this site. People are very kind and always want to help and share information.
    1 point
  2. Lwei66

    7 year old tics

    Hi Hope36 How is your daughter now? I am new here because my 8 yr-old son developed Tics about 1 1/2 months ago. On the worst days, he was ticcing every second. As a dad, I worry so much with tons of anxiety myself. I gave my son Fish Oil and some Cod Liver Oil. We also give my son herbal medicine. So far, the situation has improved some what. Tics frequency improved from every second to 2 or 3 tics a minute. Sometimes we see 10 minute tic free intervals. Following Dr. DeMare's book on Natural treatment for TS and tics, I am now doing detective work to figure out the triggers for my son's tics. I do believe that my son's tics was epigenetic and brought onset by environmental/dietary triggers. It will take time to slowly identify the triggers and then hope that there is ways to address each of the triggers. Hope that your daughter's situation has improved.
    1 point
  3. Hi Everyone, it's been some time since I've posted. Things continue to go really well. We have even been able to get ds to do acupuncture (my child with huge needle anxiety!!!!) So far it seems to be really positive for him, he feels more focused and even looks more relaxed. He even enjoys going now and will ask when his next appt. is. We had a rise over the last full moon, seems to be par for the course for him, but nothing to send us into the old panic. We are continuing with the Progressive Multi and Natural Calm and of course his diet, we are using freshly ground flax in the mornings...when I remember for Omega's. His food sensitivities seem to be less reactive and shorter lived, although we are not prepared to change his diet. He is not totally tic free, but he is no longer so anxious, and many days we almost have to look for his tics. He still has definate periods of waxing but they seem to be mostly around the full moon and if not we already knew they were coming due to a food exposure etc. All I can say: there is hope, this is not the same child as when I first began this journey and he's 10, according to research shouldn't he be on the rise as prepubescence creeps in? I am so grateful to everyone who ever gave advice or just an "I know what your feeling". Thank you all. Megan
    1 point
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