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Posted (edited)


Again, thanks for sharing...it means a lot! Can you tell me what probiotics (and how much) you are taking? Should you put sample in frige or freezer? How long since your last infection? Have you been on abx's for other reasons since c-diff? I hope I'm not too personal!

Edited by philamom


Sure,, glad to help. I had a C-section in April of 2008. Shortly afterward, I developed a kidney infection and was given a broad spectrum AB. Im not sure which one it was though. Id say it was a few weeks later I started the 50 bathroom trips a day. I went to the hospital thinking I just had a stomach bug. I was told it would pass. Grayson developed similar symptoms but his passed, which made me believe it was in fact a bug. After a while, C.Diff took its course, couldnt digest food, fever of 103. etc. I went back to the doctor and was sent to a GI specialist. Unfortunately for me, he was taught that only ppl in nursing homes get C.diff (right...)He did treat me with flagyl for a week though, to no avail. So it went on for a long time, Im sure thats why it became recurrent. One morning at 4 am I got out of bed, lost control of my bowels and passed out. My husband called 911. I had a fever of 103.9 and the BP of a corpse. After being seen in the ER by their gracious doctor I was told I had a stomach bug. ..... My nurse happened to be from the infectious disease floor. After I came out of the bathroom, the nurse had brought the Dr back in and informed him that she didnt need a stool sample to know 100% that I had C.diff. (For those that do not know- c diff stools have a very distinct smell. Ive youve ever been in a barn or horse stock, thats what I compare it to. Also, once youve had it a while, your stools pretty much become puss and blood, graphic Im sorry) He informed her that Id had a stool sample done recently, but she fought for me and had me give her another that she ran down to the lab herself. Ta-Dah- positive. Since Id been on Flagyl a few times with no relief I was given a script for Vanco. At the time I had crummy insurance that would not pay *(vanco pills are very expensive) so the pharmacist recommended drinking IV Vanco which was alot more affordable. It took a month before I really felt better. I have had several flare-ups(6+) and every time Ive done the IV Vanco. Im not 100% that Grayson had C.Diff but once youve smelled it, its unmistakable. Im just glad he fought it off well. I was in pretty bad shape after a c-section, colicy baby, and then a kidney infection. I think all of those played a part in the severity and recurrence of the infection. I was warned however, that should I really need strong ABs one day that they may not work because of the repeated Vanco use. But- Im pretty sure I would have eventually died without it though. I know theres alot of antibiotic related C.Diff out there. However you have to fight one monster at a time. Gray and I both take Probotics and vitamins, extra vitamin C! I had stool testing done at a few different facilities and the actual GI specialist was the one I would have thought would know how to test properly. But no, it was a nurse in the ER. The most important thing I can tell you is in order to start treatment as soon as possible and avoid the ###### I went through is-- Make sure the stool is tested immediately! No bring in back in the containers in the morning, has to be fresh :)


Thanks for this thorough response. I just wanted to tell you that I get my boys vanco from a compounding pharmacy and the cost is about 10% of what it is at a standard walgreens. Maybe something you could look into...

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