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My son is still on IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate) and ozonated magnesium. We are having a hard time again with anger and aggression. We thought it was due to changing his IP6 to Cell Forte, so we changed it back to physiologics. He gets mad over lots of things. We really want to get a handle on it. Need something to calm him. Give natural calm daily, but doesn't seem to do much. He likes the taste of it mixed with his other supplements and orange juice.


is he also getting the other necessary vitamins & minerals in via a multi or food sources? Especially the other B vitamins, specifically B6 (or P-5-P) and methylB12

as well as enough VitD3


my son becomes a lot more volatile when those are not getting in!



we also keep Bach's Rescue Remedy on hand (extract of some flowers)

it really is remarkable how a few drops under the tongue bring calm


also, my son has been using jasmine oil since reading a research study on how it helps bring calm and brighter mood when feeling edgy or low.

He puts a drop on his wrist and rubs two wrists together and then just takes a whiff periodically. amazing calming effect!

He sometimes uses a blend of lavender and jasmine oils, dabbing a drop of one on one wrist and one on the other. We use the affordable NOW brand oils


chamomille tea is also very calming


As far as more vitamins, no. He was taking d3 but hasn't been for a while now. That may be it as he ran out this summer. Forgot all about it. DAN had him on high dose and only wanted him on it for 3 months. We were suppose to retest vit. D, but haven't been back. Really need to make that appt. Will order some of it again.

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