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Daniel, my kid was a complete mess with his tics. It started out as one and just got worse as he got older. We tested for delayed food allergies with a blood test, 4 vials I believe, and he tested positive for Rice, Dairy, gluten- which is basically all breads as well, soy, corn, cane sugar, and mushrooms. Can't forget the mushrooms. We placed him on a restricted diet and had amazing results. The kid slept at night, the kid's behavior became stable, the kid was able to go to the bathroom, the kid stopped complaining about his stomach hurting, etc... and the tics decreased and then came back with new ones and stronger. We then had his blood tested again for vitamin,mineral and amino acids and he was found to need a ton of supplements. We did that and for around six months the tics were not an issue. Then they came back again to a point where the kid could not walk without bumping into walls or falling. So we went for the detox. Basically, I feel that all of his issues are based upon the heavy metals that were found to be in his body. The first two steps were needed but more needed to he done. So the rational is if the heavy metals are taken out his body will be rid of the poison and real healing can take place. There are different types of detox. Some are extreme while others are more passive. Most seem to be real, some are scams. As Claire had stated, find a DAN doctor and let him guide you and use the list that could be obtained from this website for a real DAN doctor. If you need help, e-mail me.

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Guest daniel

Thanks Andy,

I am speechless.

I only can pray that everything is getting with your kids..

I hope the detox is working.

How old were they when it got worst?

I know all kids are unique. I just want to know for reference point.

I know what u mean by a real DAN doc. The one I went claims he was but really was not. THe one that prescribed the nystatin and don't explain die off and surprised us.

Please send us encouragement when your kids are doing much better. My gutt

feeling they will. The metal through vaccines, etc.. are what is killing us in this world slowly. The processed food. The chemical pollution. Mercury found in fish..we are killing ourself.


My best wishes to all.


His tic increases are the following, 2 years of age, 4 years of age and 6 years of age. We have had great success with our plan of action so far. However, there is no one thing that will succeed but a multi-approach of feeding the body, getting out the poison and healing the body needs to be made. The sooner one starts the better. We took small steps with our treatment plan for we were directionless and had to search out for ourselves but with all the proven research and availability out there now it would make sense to take great strides. The path has been made by the real DAN and Pfeiffer' doctors and the kids they treated for others to follow.




When I read your posts I well remember my initial struggle to find answers for my son 3 years ago. He is doing well now. A book that initially helped me TONS was called...


"Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder: A Mother's Story of Research and Recovery" by karyn Seroussi.


It was after reading this book that I really realized that there were many things I could do as a parent that could make a difference for my son. There are many, many other excellent books such as Doris Rapp's..."Is this your child" etc. but the one I listed above was the catalyst in me helping my son through supplements and diet. It would be a good book for both you and your wife to read. Although reading through posts online can be very helpful, it can also be very confusing. There are many good books which can help...don't limit yourself to reading about TS though...there is soooo much to be learned from autism as more research has been done in this area.


Take Care,


Guest daniel

Andy, Ronna,

thanks for input and the book.


It is hard to change one's mind if they don't believe in it that much.

My wife is struggling between normalcy for my child.

I will let them struggle for a while, meanwhile I know there is something out there that can help. We started flax seed yesterday. I took some, and my child took some.

THis can be the beginning.

Seems like the increase in tics comes at milestones of kids age, 2 , 4, 6..


What are Pheffer docs?


I live in NJ. Is there one there?


I wish the main stream docs will make this into make stream steps. The main stream

mom then will go, 'Oh..it is main stream ..it must be right..let's do it.'


As soon as we hear weird acroymn like DAN, Pheffer?..what is that..Homeopath..what is that...?


May flax seed work its miracle..


May I have the strength to enjoy life again..that way..my child and family can enjoy life..because if I don't then my child would not..we are their role model..




Dara posted that Pfeiffer is having an outreach clinic somewhere in New Jersey in early May--next week I think. They only do the outreaches every 6 months. I know from experience is is $1200. (Pfeiffer is based in Illiniois). Blue Shield and AETNA appear to mostly cover this--you can call and ask.


They aren't perfect, you might want to wait to see how Dara does with Pfeiffer and the DAN doctor she is also seeing this month. Pfeiffer just now is moving to nurse practitioners instead of doctors for the children (I just found out this week). I am not big on that part.


They test for methylation issues, pyroluria, zinc/copper balances. If you have a known yeast issue, you can ask for help there also, and/or further testing. They do a hair test only for metals, which is okay but can give false negatives.


I think it can be a productive part of the process, just not complete.

Here is there number for questions you have. They will likely tell you they don't have much luck with TS/tics though. Even so, a few of us here go and still find they uncover issues for us that need treating. As I said, just part of the process.


(630) 505-0300 , 6




The list that I am providing you below was taken from Dr. Amy Holmes website. I would recommend that you type her name in a search engine and read thru it. The list of doctors that this website refers to is an excellent one as well. I picked my doctor from seeing his name on both websites, on DAN conference papers, and a personal recommendation. I would suggest that you look into whoever you choose and also factor in the costs. Once you start it is only fair to go all the way with it and Claire made a good point about how Pfeiffer seems to have it worked out with certain insurance companies that the majority of costs are covered.


Richard B. Menashe, P.O.

15 South Main Street

Edison, NJ 08840

tel: 732-906-8866

fax: 732-906-0424



James Neubrander, M.D., F.A.A.E.M.

15 S. Main Street, Suite 6

Edison, NJ 08837

tel: 732-634-3666

fax: 732-634-8008



Stuart H. Freedenfeld, M.D.

56 So. Main Street

Stockton, NJ 08559

tel: 609-397-8585

fax: 609-397-9335



Roberta Foss-Morgan, M.D.

30 N. Haddon Avenue

Haddonfield, NJ 08033

tel: 856-216-9001

fax: 856-616-9837



Scott R. Greenberg

1907 Greentree Road

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

tel: 856-424-8222

fax: 856-424-2599



Allan Magaziner, D.O.

1907 Greentree Road

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

tel: 856-424-8222

fax: 856-424-2599



Emar Vogelaar, M.D.

European Lab of Nutrients, Vitamin Diagnostics Inc.

Route 35 and Industrial Drive

Cliffwood Beach, NJ 07735

tel: 1-732-583-7773

fax: 1-732-583-7774

Guest daniel

Thanks Andy and Claire for the information.

I have phone my child's old pediatrician. The nurse called and confirmed all except one vaccine has tiny amount of mercury in it.

I don't know if that can cause it.

Guys, why is it taken so long for the this society to come up with the undestanding of tics/ts. Right now it is all so confusing. It is hit or miss if we are lucky to get a doctor that knows how to deal with TS/tics.

Does flu shots have mercury?

What do u think starting flaxseed oils as a beginning?


The flu shots do have mercury and if you live in New Jersey you may have to consider environment pollution. The University of Texas had a whole study on that one. For example, coal burning power plants or factories produce mercury and neighborhoods around those factories had much higher special ed populations then other neighborhoods. As for the vac shots don't forget that they have another metal in them as well.


Did you know that teething powder used to have mercury in it? It was causing pink disease (forgot the details). The medical profession denied the correlation--the NEVER admitted one, ever. But the companies took the mercury out anyway, and the cases of pink disease disappeared.


This is probably the path the pharmaceutical companies are carving.


Daniel, I hope you get more info than 'a tiny bit'. The mercury in many vaccines is above the toxic levels for adults. Somehow there is a way to get hard data.



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