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I'm a little confused by some of the threads about Mycoplasma. Is Mycoplasma Pneumoniae a form of pneumonia or is it a tick-borne infection? My son has had 6 bouts with pneumonia and has tested positive for Bartonella. So either way, it could be relevant to us, but I am just confused about what it IS exactly. What are the symptoms? Anyone know?


I have been wondering about it, too. My PANDAS daughter never had pneumonia as far as I know. But I had walking pneumonia while I was nursing her (6-7 years ago). My son also had it about a year ago (a few months before my daughter started exhibiting her OCD symptoms.)


Is it like Strep where it possible to have it without exhibiting symptoms?

I have been wondering about it, too. My PANDAS daughter never had pneumonia as far as I know. But I had walking pneumonia while I was nursing her (6-7 years ago). My son also had it about a year ago (a few months before my daughter started exhibiting her OCD symptoms.)


Is it like Strep where it possible to have it without exhibiting symptoms?


I don't know a lot about it except that it is very contagious according to the video I posted in this thread. According to Dr. Garth Nicholson, vaccines given to Gulf War personnel were contaminated with Mycoplasma (the fermentans type) and they brought it home to their families. Even though Nicholson focuses on the fermentans type of mycoplasma he groups the Mycoplasma P. into his discussion and he seems to take it very seriously. Based on what he says in the video, it is not easy to get rid of, sort of like Lyme Disease.


Here is the link again: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5412136843859172148


Critical points in video: How the bacteria works, auto-immune reaction to exotoxins, immune system reaction, co-infections, contagiousness, connection to multiple vaccines...... not completely convinced of conspiracy theory but makes for an interesting video. He explains the science so its understandable.


I feel it is very similar to what happened in our family/cluster of children: Adrian (my girlfriend's son - PANDAS), PJ (girlfriend's boyfriend's son - PANDAS), Corsa (Oldest DS - PANDAS), Romy and Bena (DS and DD twins - PANDAS), DH Unexplained GI Issues and unresolved high TITERS, Me Unexplained Fibromyalgia 'like' symptoms (Madeleine Cunningham seemed to think my symptoms were consistent with on-set of Rheumatoid arthritis).




from my understanding mycoplasma p is a bacterium that is one of the microbes implicated in pneumonia, but not the only one that causes pneumonia (I think I am correct on that?)



here is some Wiki info on Mycoplasma



what I would like to know especially is if Mycoplasma and Mycobacteria are the same microbes

based on the Wiki I think not?



I had always thought that some researchers were suggesting Mycoplasma are involved with Crohn's disease, but some recent reading I did indicates it is Mycobacteria, altho I am also finding documentaion that it is Mycoplasma ;)


I have found info that suggests that ticks can carry mycoplasma, altho that is not the only vector for these bacteria

Posted (edited)

Watch the video when you get time. It explains a LOT.... there are many strains. It is my understanding that mycoplasma's are mycobacteria. Pneumonia can be strep too.



Edited by SF Mom
Here is the link again: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5412136843859172148


Critical points in video: How the bacteria works, auto-immune reaction to exotoxins, immune system reaction, co-infections, contagiousness, connection to multiple vaccines...... not completely convinced of conspiracy theory but makes for an interesting video. He explains the science so its understandable.


I feel it is very similar to what happened in our family/cluster of children: Adrian (my girlfriend's son - PANDAS), PJ (girlfriend's boyfriend's son - PANDAS), Corsa (Oldest DS - PANDAS), Romy and Bena (DS and DD twins - PANDAS), DH Unexplained GI Issues and unresolved high TITERS, Me Unexplained Fibromyalgia 'like' symptoms (Madeleine Cunningham seemed to think my symptoms were consistent with on-set of Rheumatoid arthritis).



Set aside the problems with mercury and other additives in the vaccines, what has been really shocking to learn is how often vaccines are contaminated with stuff that should not be in them, not necessarily on purpose, just plain sloppiness. Mercola has an article this week regarding a recent recall of one of the rotovirus vaccines b/c of contamination. When you are injecting children with this stuff you would think they would make sure it is not contaminated no matter what it costs the manufacturer.


Great video. In the video the doctor talks about patients taking lipids (not oxidated) and antioxidents in capsule form. Does anyone know, specifically, what this would be?



Here is the link again: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5412136843859172148


Critical points in video: How the bacteria works, auto-immune reaction to exotoxins, immune system reaction, co-infections, contagiousness, connection to multiple vaccines...... not completely convinced of conspiracy theory but makes for an interesting video. He explains the science so its understandable.


I feel it is very similar to what happened in our family/cluster of children: Adrian (my girlfriend's son - PANDAS), PJ (girlfriend's boyfriend's son - PANDAS), Corsa (Oldest DS - PANDAS), Romy and Bena (DS and DD twins - PANDAS), DH Unexplained GI Issues and unresolved high TITERS, Me Unexplained Fibromyalgia 'like' symptoms (Madeleine Cunningham seemed to think my symptoms were consistent with on-set of Rheumatoid arthritis).




I've watched half the video so far, and am still unclear on what the symptoms are. He's talking about MP in conjunction with Gulf War Syndrome, so it doesn't sound like it's actually a pneumonia-like illness, but more of a chronic illness involving pain, fatigue, memory loss etc? So I still don't understand whether it causes chronic, systemic illness similar to Lyme, or whether it causes pneumonia, which is a very distinct episode of serious illness occuring in one specific part of the body. I'll watch the rest of the video as soon as I can (can't now, my son's home) and maybe that will clear it up. Also, I plan to post this question on Dr. T's forum and see what he says.


Its the breakdown of immune system due to intercellular mycoplasma's (as a general term) that causes susceptibility to additional bacteria's..... SO, co-infections like mycoplasma and lyme. The mycoplasma relates mini, intercellular bacteria, pneumonia is the pathogen 'pathway' that affects illness. Hopefully, I'm making sense.


-Wendy :)


FYI everyone,


Mycoplasma is a bacterial species that is not the same as Mycobacteria. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the scientific name given to a particular species of bacteria that is the cause of "walking pneumonia." The more serious form of pneumonia is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Mycoplasma is very different from most bacteria, as it lacks a cell wall, making it more similar to fungi. Mycoplasma is the genus, in which there are several species.






Watch the video when you get time. It explains a LOT.... there are many strains. It is my understanding that mycoplasma's are mycobacteria. Pneumonia can be strep too.




Oops, I should clarify.


I was using the word 'mycoplasma' interchangeable as a 'mini' bacteria. All 'mycoplasma' are mini bacteria lacking cell wall and supposedly go intercellular. When the word pneumoniae is used it is considered the pathogen or 'pathway' in which the bacteria affects the body. That is why there are many different species both bacterial and non bacterial that cause pneumonia. There are other strains of mycoplasma bacteria that have different pathogens.




I think the confusion is that we are not talking of the different subtypes of Mycoplasma but about the actual microbe that is named MycoBACTERIUM as opposed to mycoPLASMA


all references I am finding indicates these are *not* the same organisms




Mycoplasma is the genus (second to smallest grouping of related organisms) while pneumoniae is the specific epithet, or species- the smallest grouping of related organisms. So, when using both names together, you have sort of a first and last name (Mycoplasma pneumoniae).


The term "pathogen" refers to any microorganism which can cause infectious disease.


Sorry- I'm a stickler for accuracy, being a microbiologist.






Oops, I should clarify.


I was using the word 'mycoplasma' interchangeable as a 'mini' bacteria. All 'mycoplasma' are mini bacteria lacking cell wall and supposedly go intercellular. When the word pneumoniae is used it is considered the pathogen or 'pathway' in which the bacteria affects the body. That is why there are many different species both bacterial and non bacterial that cause pneumonia. There are other strains of mycoplasma bacteria that have different pathogens.

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