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need some feedback on this one. Dr. Latimer wanted to switch Anthony from augmentin to zithromax I have not started yet because as of today they will only fill for 30 days I need to get preauthorization which I can tell is going to be a process so my question is do I switch to zithromax for 30 days then back to augmentin or sit tight and see if it will get preauthorized?? he is having some increase in tics just minor ones. thanks all!!





need some feedback on this one. Dr. Latimer wanted to switch Anthony from augmentin to zithromax I have not started yet because as of today they will only fill for 30 days I need to get preauthorization which I can tell is going to be a process so my question is do I switch to zithromax for 30 days then back to augmentin or sit tight and see if it will get preauthorized?? he is having some increase in tics just minor ones. thanks all!!





I'd say try it for 30 days at least to give him a break from the Augmentin. We such switched to zithromax too. We started yesterday, and tonight he was a bit "flary"... I hope it doesn't get any worse. There is strep going around in our homeschooling group (yes, even if you homeschool, you are still exposed to strep!). I might just do both for a few days.





I had it filled for 30 days just waiting to see if they will fill it again after that.




Can i ask why the docs are switching?

just to give the body a break?

to give it a right/left jab..confuse the infection?

to see if you get the final results you need by switching????


how long were you guys on aug prior to the switching>>>>



we have been on Augmentin since October still having some tics alond the way had Anthony's anti Dnase-b level was up from 960 to >1360 I thought if the antibiotic was working the numbers should come down now up???? Dr. Latimer is his doctor




Based on the increase in titers I would switch to Zith now and see how he does. Zithromax is just so much better at getting intracellular strep and maybe that is what is going on with him now.




Thanks Colleen,

that what I was thinking just so nervous because I hate to back slide. We are leaving for Florida in the am should I wait till we get back or start now??






Did Dr L give you 250mg/day? How much does he weigh? I am thinking that if this were me I would continue to give him the Augmentin for the first three or so days you give him the Zithromax. Yes, I would start right away.



Hi Colleen,

he weighs 70 pounds. the zithromax is 250 mg the augmentin is 500mg twice a day are you saying give a dose of zithromax and 1 dose of the augmentin?? why should I do that ?? I hate asking like I don't know whats going on but I guess I get nervous we have come so far and the thought of going back to that place freaks me out!! thanks Colleen I look forward to your response.




I was just saying that is what I would do with my kids, but I don't want to tell you what to do. I would want them to continue getting the Augmentin for a few days while the Zith is getting on board. My kids have gotten ear infections while on Zith and we add a 10 day course of Augmentin, but do not stop the Zith. It is OK for most to take both at same time. Definitely not ideal, but OK. I would give them spaced out by 1/2 a day. Are you also doing probiotics?



yes we are doing probiotics.



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