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Ok...I am updating my pandas bookmarks...just so I get this right...

Information is available at the following sites -

this forum

Pandas Network

Dr. T's forum on Yuku

Pandas Foundation

Pandas Resource Network

on FB there is

Pandas Pepsi

Beth Alison Maloney/Saving Sammy pages


Any others I'm missing?

There's a few PANDAS groups on fb too. But not very active. I think a good portion of us are "friends" now so that's how we communicate. Wanna be my friend? :)



Sure!! I'll be your friend!!


Ah yes.. Dr. K :) and NIMH :P .


Thanks!! You think if I get these organized my husband will look at them?


What have I missed with NIMH?


There's a few PANDAS groups on fb too. But not very active. I think a good portion of us are "friends" now so that's how we communicate. Wanna be my friend? :)



Sure!! I'll be your friend!!


Ah yes.. Dr. K :) and NIMH :P .


Thanks!! You think if I get these organized my husband will look at them?


Nimh's website is a big thorn in the side of PANDAS parents (esp. since peds/docs likely look at it and trust it)! It is out of date, recommends PANDAS be treated like any other case of OCD (psych. drugs) and not abs or IVIG...also, it misleads parents/docs to into thinking that PANDAS kids will have elevated strep titers.


"What the NIMH website should be" thread http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...hl=nimh+website

Ok...I am updating my pandas bookmarks...just so I get this right...

Information is available at the following sites -

this forum

Pandas Network

Dr. T's forum on Yuku

Pandas Foundation

Pandas Resource Network

on FB there is

Pandas Pepsi

Beth Alison Maloney/Saving Sammy pages


Any others I'm missing?


Do you have a web address for Dr. T's forum? I can't find it!



I second the hahahahahahahaha regarding NIMH web site. I think it is doing harm to a lot of children b/c their physicians read it and treat based on the old recommendations.


I posted this before, but in Feb. 2009, I was corresponding with Dr. Swedo as she had diagnosed my oldest child in 2001. She said "we are in the process of updating it". Still waiting for that very crucial update.......................



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