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rice milk? soy milk? no milk?


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Do we only shift to non dairy IF THERE IS A POSITIVE ALLERGY/SENSATIVITY TESTING or is it good practice to lessen ticks regardless? and if so


should we go to soy or rice milk with cereal ??


does that mean cheese is out? as in pizza??


all white flour items are bad? such as white break, pizza, cookies etc?



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my son has TS and doesnt seem to have a problem with dairy


he does react to refined flours, sugar etc so we use mainly whole foods. his system seems well enough balanced now to be able to tolerate the occasional pizza, cake etc made with white flour and sugar, but he does try to really limit that. He totally stays away from ant artificial food additives tho (coloring, nutrasweet/aspartame, sucralose/sugar, carrageenan, MSG, HFCS(high frustose corn syrup), preservatives like sodium benzoate, etc) as these have a dramatic effect on his health/tics/OCD


goats milk is another option if you decide to go dairy free as many people seem to tolerate it well, even when cow's milk intolerant

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